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Chapter 65

“Why?” A deep and magnetic voice rang out from the door, prompting everyone to turn their attention tothe speaker.

Artemis had his arms crossed before his chest as he leaned against the doorframe. With a cigaretteresting between his lips, he looked like a laid-back hooligan.

Ironically, it was that handsome, bad-boy style of his that caused women to swoon over him.

After all, how could any woman resist a good-looking, rich guy who was strangely graceful yetunrestrained?

“I'll tell you why. How about because this is my turf, and I can bankrupt each and every one of you? Yougot a problem with that? Or do you think I don't have what it takes to fire you?” challenged Artemis. “Orperhaps I should let you be the CEO for a couple of days, huh? That way, you can actually experiencewhat it's like to be at the top.”

“N-No!” said Janice as she hastily backed away. With a stumble, she fell into Jeremy's arms.

“J-Jeremy, please help me ask Mr. Luther for mercy. Please. I don't want to get fired! I don't!”

Jeremy's expression was grim. When he turned his attention to Janice, his eyes shone with a hint ofdisdain.

Rather than a girlfriend, he thought she was more like a friend with benefits because their connectionhad always been more physical than emotional. novelbin

Now, she had offended Artemis and was hoping he would help. She can dream on!

“You're the one responsible for the rumors in the office? There is no evidence to prove them one way oranother, so why did you say all that and tarnish Ms. Bailey's reputation? I finally understand why sheslapped you. You are the one who started all this drama, and she only slapped you to retaliate andteach you a lesson.”

Janice's eyes bulged. She trembled endlessly as she stared strangely at the man beside her.

Is this the man who keeps whispering into my ears about how much he loves me? So his love onlyexists when we're in bed, huh?

“Jeremy, y-you...”

Jeremy ignored her. He turned his attention to Dwayne and simpered, “Since Mr. Luther has alreadyissued the order personally, Mr. Derning, I will support his decision wholeheartedly.”

Dwayne didn't reply. He simply smiled at Bailey, and the implicit message could not be clearer.

The revelation hit Jeremy. He quickly bowed to Bailey and fearfully said, “Ms. Jefferson, I didn't knowthat Janice was the malicious one who spread the rumors in the office, so I protected her earlier. I amso sorry about that. Please don't take that personally or be mad anymore. She already got what shedeserves since she's been fired now.”

Bailey sneered as disdain flashed past her eyes. I knew it. Bullies are all the same and will only bow tothe one who punches the hardest.

She ignored Jeremy completely and shifted her gaze to Janice. Bailey had a skin-deep smile on herlips when she advised, “Here's a hint for all the ladies. Never trust a man. They are all pigs.”

No one spoke for a moment there.

Artemis frowned a little.

Did she just insult every single man on Earth?

Janice sat quietly on the floor, feeling numb.

Her lips parted. She thought about throwing Rhonda under the bus, but she got scared when shethought about what that woman was capable of.

If Janice were to expose Rhonda, the former would be able to save her job, but she would inevitably bebullied in the future.

On the other hand, if Janice were to keep Rhonda's secret safe, she would have a shot at being rehiredsomeday.

Bailey Jefferson, you b*tch! Just you wait. If I ever get the chance, I will make you suffer.

Despite everyone watching, Artemis made his way to Bailey and quirked a brow, asking, “May I havethe honor of treating you to lunch, Ms. Jefferson?”

Bailey glanced at him before moving toward the exit. “I'm not hungry. You should ask someone else,

Mr. Luther.”

Silence reigned in the office.

Oh, that is so cool!

Dwayne pretended to rub his nose to hide his smile. He was truly curious about what his tyrant bosswas feeling at that moment.

Mr. Luther has always been proud, but his pride has been stomped on countless times after he met Ms.Jefferson.

Artemis' lips twitched a little. His sharp gaze swept across the room full of his employees. Just like that,he scared all of them into silence and prompted them to hide their anger away.

That afternoon at two o'clock, the top managers of Luther Group gathered for the conference on the topfloor. The head of every department was there, with none absent.

Bailey and Jessica sat on either side of Artemis, and they both had their drafts with them.

Dwayne cleared his throat before he said, “Everyone is invited here today to be the judges of thecompetition between these two incredible designers. The winner of this competition will representLuther Group and become a participant in The Grand Fashion Show, which will only be held every fouryears. That, in turn, would mean that the winner will have a shot at earning the title of The UltimateDesigner. It also means that Luther Group's reputation will be on the line, so we pray that everyonehere will judge the designers' work fairly and choose wisely.”

Artemis had his eyes on Bailey. He noticed how calm she seemed, and anticipation began filling hisheart.

This woman has always had a knack for surprising me. I hope the same will happen again.

“Ms. Tanner, Ms. Jefferson, which of you would like to show your work first?”

Jessica harrumphed but stayed quiet otherwise.

As far as she was concerned, competing against an incompetent woman like Bailey was just an insultto her.

She would never have lowered her stance and stood beside Bailey as an equal if the competition didn'tdetermine who would get to compete in The Grand Fashion Show.

Bailey arched her brows. Her lips curved into an evil smile before she said, “Ms. Tanner is the host,whereas I am but a guest. Therefore, I should not go first because that would just be rude. You shouldgo ahead, Ms. Tanner.”

Jessica glared at Bailey with disdain.

I bet she couldn't come up with anything good, so she's stalling now. What's the point? Her defeat isinevitable, and her lies will be exposed soon enough, anyway. She is such a joke.

“Fine, I'll go first. I'd like to see how long you can run from this.”

After saying all that, Jessica stood up and slowly revealed her draft to everyone.

“The dress' design is regal, yet inspires a sense of purity and kindness.”

“Wow, this is incredible! As expected of a student of Eve Lussohn. It seems she has learned everythingher mentor taught her.”

“Others might mistake this draft as the product of an actual master. I don't think there is anything betterout there.”

“You're right. This is definitely one of a kind.”

Jessica's heart was brimming with joy when she heard the unending praises.

Hah! Given the current situation, I don't even need to socially pressure them into choosing me. Myskills have already ensured that I will win that b*tch, Bailey, by a landslide.

“I will now explain the concept behind this design.”

Jessica's explanation, or rather, her show-off session, lasted thirty long minutes.

It got so bad that Artemis frowned in annoyance and raised his hand to shut her up. “Leave the rest forafter you win the competition. Things are not set in stone, and there's no saying if you'll actually be thecandidate for The Grand Fashion Show. Your victory still depends on Ms. Jefferson's design.”

“Mr. Luther, I—”

Artemis waved his arm and gestured for her to take a seat.

Jessica gritted her teeth. Her arms remained on either side of her, but if someone were to payattention, they would notice that she had clenched her fists in frustration.

D*mn it, Mr. Luther is obviously biased toward her! It doesn't matter how good my designs are. I will stilllose. I knew it. That woman is a succubus who managed to seduce even someone as calm andcollected as Mr. Luther.

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