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Chapter 179

It went almost the same as Bailey had guessed.

She thought something was fishy upon knowing a few days ago that Les Cinq Series was a plagiarisedwork based on the children's clothing line that Emmy Boutique had launched two years ago.

Since there are so many boutiques worldwide, why did Jessica choose Emmy Boutique?

Deep down, she believed someone must have helped Jessica secretly. Also, that person was likely theweird disciple she accepted.

“Master, I only wanted to throw Jessica a curveball because she's evil-hearted. She would schemeagainst you anyway, even if I didn't act. I understand that you're competent, but it's difficult to survive allof her tricks.”

Bailey massaged her forehead for a while and heaved a sigh. “Julie, you're the eldest daughter of theroyal family in Adrune. Given your noble status, you shouldn't scheme against someone for me. Afterall, your reputation will be affected if someone finds out.”

“I'm not afraid.” Juliana suddenly hugged Bailey and rested her head against Bailey's shoulder. “Master,many mistreat you and wish to see you fall. I've chosen to act because I can't stand it anymore.”

Bailey's gaze softened. She patted Juliana's head and said smilingly, “All right. Anyway, it's good to letyou find out how complicated and evil humans can sometimes be. Since you'll have to reign over thekingdom and become one of the most powerful women, it's time to learn and grow up.”

Juliana grinned upon hearing it. “I don't want to go home to take over the throne. Since it's relaxing and

fun to be with you, why should I go back to suffer? You will protect me until I reach thirty, won't you? Idon't want my family members to take me back and force me to be a doll everyone worships.”

Bailey raised her eyebrows and flashed Juliana a smirk. “Well, you can avoid becoming a doll bymarrying a man who comes from a prominent family. With the protection of your husband's family, yourfather probably won't count on you to take over his throne anymore.”

“Forget it. My father was infuriated when my sister was pregnant out of wedlock. I don't want to followin her footsteps.”

The next moment, Bailey pulled Juliana closer, patted her beautiful face, and sighed. “Ah, how pity! Youhave to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Nonetheless, I'll feel proud if you inherit thethrone.”


“All right. I'll stop teasing you. Now, tell me what the dirt is you have on Jessica.”

Once Bailey finished, Juliana got energetic and boasted about her capabilities for several minutes. Inthe end, she proudly explained that she had caught the designer of the Les Cinq Series and the low-level staff who switched the draft to something else for Jessica.

Bailey generously praised Juliana for what she did. When Juliana gleefully continued, a shiver randown Bailey's spine. “Jessica was so weak and was easy to deal with. Yet, you had to do so much tofinish her off. I was even forced to reveal that I'm the boss of Emmy Boutique. It's not worthwhilebecause we took a musket to kill a butterfly.”

Bailey was at a loss for words.

After saying goodbye to Jessica, Rhonda didn't return to the Luther residence but headed to theJefferson residence instead.

In the living room, Rhonda explained to Beatrice the information she got from Jessica earlier.

“Mom, what should I do? Jessica can't escape this time. However, if we don't save her, she mightexpose our seven-year-old secret to Artemis.”

With a grim expression, Beatrice gritted her teeth and replied, “You shouldn't have chosen the idiot asyour ally in the first place. I mean, she jumped right into the trap that others set up. No wonder Baileycould fool her so easily. She brought this upon herself!”

Rhonda looked at her in a daze and frowned. “Mom, what do you mean by that? Did Bailey fool her?What does it have to do with Bailey?”

Suddenly, Rhonda stopped talking and gave it some thought. After a while, realization finally dawnedon her.

“Mom, do you mean Bailey is the mastermind behind the trap Emmy Boutique set for Jessica?”

“She's related even if she wasn't responsible for everything.” novelbin

Rhonda shivered upon hearing it.

As far as she knew, Emmy Boutique was established six years ago, and the owner was a woman fromAploth in her twenties.

After Bailey was revealed to have the identities of many big shots, Rhonda couldn't help but think themysterious owner of Emmy Boutique could be Bailey.

Beatrice had seemingly read Rhonda's mind and sighed. “Nothing is impossible, and the same thingapplies to Bailey. You guess she might be the boss of Emmy Boutique, right? Who knows if news abouther identity will come out tomorrow? Bailey has transformed herself after living out of the country forseven years.”

Clenching her fists and gritting her teeth, Rhonda said, “In that case, will she escape unscathed again?Will our hard work turn into a joke?”

“That's right. Let's assume Bailey is Emmy Boutique's boss. Given that the boutique has obtainedevidence of Jessica switching the design drafts, there will be only one outcome— Jessica goes to jail.Then, Luther Group's shareholders will invite Bailey to return to the company again. Do you know whyArtemis fired Bailey? It's his tactic to show his affection and indulgence toward her. He wants LutherGroup's shareholders to kneel before Bailey now so that her position in the company will be firmer thanever.”

Feeling dizzy, Rhonda murmured, “Why does he love her so much? Why is he willing to trample on theshareholders' pride for her? What about me? What should I do?”

Instantly, a ferocious glint flashed across Beatrice's eyes. “Since you can neither win his heart nor hisbody, you must secure your title. Make everyone respectfully call you Mrs. Luther forever.”

Rhonda let out a self-deprecating laugh. “Ha! Secure the title? Mrs. Luther? How difficult! I haven'tachieved what I want even after seven years of trying. Now that Artemis has fallen for Bailey, it's evenmore challenging for me. Mom, the harsh reality has made it clear that you're asking for theimpossible.”

After a while, Rhonda shook her head and added helplessly, “Now that Jessica still troubles me, I don'thave time to think about other things. If that woman exposes the truth that happened seven years ago,I might not be able to stay alive, let alone become Mrs. Luther.”

“In that case, kill her,” Beatrice said with an evil expression.

Rhonda got emotional. “No. Bailey is keeping an eye on her now. If she dies, Bailey will discover ussooner or later.”

Once Rhonda finished, Beatrice's murderous aura faded away. She then said smilingly, “I was merelytesting you. The truth is you're a lot more mature now. Ronni, the battle hasn't ended, and no oneknows the ending. Hence, you shall not give up. Since the woman can't die now, we can resort toanother way to shut her up. For instance... who knows if she might suddenly lose her memory?”

Suddenly, a glimmer of hope flashed across Rhonda's eyes. “You're right. We don't have to kill Jessicabut just make her lose her memory. Thank you, Mom. I know what I should do.”

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