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Chapter 178

Instead of suing Bailey, Emmy Boutique made Luther Group the defendant in their lawsuit and evenbrought the case to the international court.

The moment the news broke, it sent a shockwave through the world.

After all, Luther Group was a long-established business empire with a solid foundation.

Ever since Artemis took over the company, it expanded exponentially to the extent of gaining amonopoly over many popular industries. Within Aploth itself, it occupied a dominant position and wasuntouchable.

As for Emmy Boutique, it was an apparel company founded six years ago. In spite of growing tobecome one of the most popular brands on the international stage, the company's influence andfoundation paled in comparison to Luther Group.

Therefore, their decision to initiate a lawsuit against Luther Group was nothing but an exercise in futility.

Even though the lawsuit might impact Luther Group's stock price negatively, there was still no way thecompany's foundations would be shaken.

Furthermore, such a move was extremely risky, as Emmy Boutique could end up in a position whereLuther Group could take over it.

Meanwhile, inside a café in the city, Rhonda slammed the newspaper she was holding down on thetable. Scowling at Jessica, she questioned through gritted teeth, “Didn't you claim to have anunderstanding with Emmy Boutique and that their legal department would sue Bailey? How did Luther

Group end up as the target of the lawsuit?”

As a grave look descended upon Jessica's face, she gave the newspaper a deathly stare and ranted,“How did this happen? It shouldn't have turned out like that. They clearly agreed to take legal actionagainst Bailey and even claimed that she was standing in their way. Only by disposing of her can thedesigner they nominated win The Grand Fashion Show.”

Staring coldly at Jessica, Rhonda asked in a seething tone, “What was your deal with Emmy Boutiquefor you to have so much faith in their words?”

The moment the word “deal” was mentioned, Jessica sprang up from her chair, as if she was jolted byan electric current. “Oh no, I'm finished. I'm really finished this time.”

No sooner had Jessica spoken than she grabbed Rhonda's arms. As if she was possessed, shemuttered, “Ms. Rhonda, please save me. I beg of you. Otherwise, both of us are done for. All of ushave been had.”

The words caused Rhonda's heart to sink as a sense of dread began to fill her mind.

Could this fool have given Emmy Boutique dirt on us?

“Speak clearly. What in the world have you done?”

The listless-looking Jessica did not reply. Instead, she kept repeating that they were done for.

Having lost her patience, Rhonda raised her hand suddenly and slapped Jessica harshly.

Amidst the crisp sound of a slap, the stinging pain that resulted snapped Jessica out of her hysteria.

“Rhonda...” Jessica burst into tears as she explained, “It wasn't my idea to tamper with Les CinqSeries. Instead, it was someone from Emmy Boutique who proposed it. Back then, the person incharge of their public relations department told me that they, too, have nominated a designer for TheGrand Fashion Show, and their biggest competitor was Bailey. The reason she came to me was to forman alliance to take Bailey down together, to which I... I agreed.”

With her eyelids twitching rapidly, Rhonda's eyes began to burn with rage. She was filled with the urgeto tear Jessica apart for not only failing to do her job but also making things worse.

All this while, she had assumed that it was Jessica's idea to tamper with Les Cinq Series. novelbin

However, it had never crossed her mind that Emmy Boutique was the one who initiated the idea.Jessica is such a fool to have been manipulated by them.

“Did you give them dirt on you?”

Jessica replied in a grave tone, “The designer responsible for Les Cinq Series reports to the person incharge of public relations, and so does the staff who helped me switch it.”

As her head began to swoon, Rhonda felt her knees buckle, causing her to slump into her chair.

It's over. We're done for.

Grabbing Rhonda's hand tightly, Jessica sobbed, “Rhonda, I have walked into a trap. Emmy Boutique

never wanted to attack Bailey from the very beginning. Instead, it just wanted to take me down. Nowthat they have something on me, you have to save me. Otherwise, I'll end up going to prison.”

Rhonda's face was as pale as a sheet.

That's right. It was a ruse laid out to ensnare Jessica. She was clearly being targeted by them with theintention of destroying her. And yet, this foolish woman simply walked into the trap. Logically speaking,I shouldn't get involved in this. However, I can't anger her at such a time, as she knows my biggestsecret. Desperation might force her to reveal to the Luther family that I stole Bailey's son seven yearsago. Comfort her! That's what I should do. I should reassure her that everything will be fine while Ifigure out how to do her in.

“Calm down, Jessica. Let's monitor the situation and find out what Emmy Boutique is trying to achieveby suing Luther Group first. Don't worry. We're in the same boat now. I won't stand idly by and watchyou suffer.”

Upon hearing Rhonda's words, Jessica grasped at straws. “Thank you, Ronni. Thank you for beingwilling to help me. As long as I can overcome this crisis, I will pledge my undivided loyalty to you.”

Rhonda stayed silent.

Inside the study at Shelbert Condominium, Bailey leaned languidly against a swivel chair while staringcoldly at Juliana. “Go on,” she said slowly. “Tell me what you have done recently to bring me morecontroversy.”

Tucking in her neck, Juliana gave her a fearful look and mumbled, “I-I have been resting and reflectingon myself in your condominium. W-Where would I find the time to do anything like that?”

“Is that so?” Bailey fiddled with her fingers as her flaming red lips curled into a mischievous smile. “I'llget Zayron to book your flight ticket. Go back to Archulea and never return to Hallsbay. Just stay thereobediently to rest and reflect on your actions.”

“Come on...” Juliana frowned as she got to her feet and wiggled up to Bailey's side.

Giving Bailey's sleeve a tug, she pleaded coyly, “Master, can't I just confess? Please don't send meback to Archulea. I want to stay here by your side.”

Bailey gave her the side-eye before replying flatly, “Spit it out, then. Let me hear what glorious resultsyou have achieved and understand how you brought the controversy upon me.”

Twiddling her index fingers with each other, Juliana related, “Since Jessica hates you to the core, Ithought it would be better for us to seize the initiative by striking before she does. Therefore, I calledLisa and told her to set a trap for Jessica in her capacity as the person in charge of Emmy Boutique'spublic relations department. Initially, I thought it would be difficult and was actually surprised thatJessica was stupid enough to take the bait.”

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