Summon Of The Sword

Chapter 1822
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Chapter 1822

It was almost noon when Sean and Quentin finally concluded their meeting.

The proposal they put together was a thick stack and at least five centimeters high on the table.

"I will personally go to the slums to supervise the implementation of the policies and ensure that thenovelbin

slum's problems can be effectively addressed," Sean said to Quentin.

"That's great. That way, I can let you handle a lot of things," Quentin replied with a laugh.

Shania walked in smiling and said to Quentin and Sean, "Dad and Commander Lennon, it's noon. Time

for lunch. I cooked today. You can try my food!"

"Okay, okay, okay, Commander Lennon. Let's have lunch and try my daughter's cooking," Quentin said

to Sean with a chuckle.

Sean nodded slightly and followed him.

The city defense army's main camp.

It was dark in the underground jail. Though there were lights in the cells, it was still very dark inside.

Three young men were shouting in a cell in the innermost part of the prison.

The three young men were none other than Lionel of the Walker family, Solomon of the Stewart family,

and Nathan of the Lambert family. These three were locked up in the innermost cell, while the

bodyguards were locked up in another.

Compared to the bodyguards, the three of them were comfortable. After all, a dozen of them were

crammed into one cell, so it was so crowded that they could only sit against the wall. They could not

even lie down.

The three could lie down, rest, and have room to move around in the cell. Even so, they kept kicking up

a fuss.

"D*mn it! Let us out! We're heirs of noble families. You've offended three noble families. The city

defense army will suffer!" Lionel clutched the iron railing and shouted.

Solomon even yelled at the city defense soldiers patrolling outside.

"F*ck you. Let me out of here! My father will kill all of you when he comes!"

Nathan also yelled, "Let us out! If we die here, you're all dead meat! You're all going down!"

One of the city defense soldiers could not stand it anymore as he walked over and snapped, "What's all

this noise? Shut up! I'm telling you. I didn't use force on you because I'm nice. You're dead meat if you

provoke the others and make the chiliarch come down!"

Lionel snorted coldly and said bluntly, "What would the chiliarch do to us if he came? I don't believe you

can keep us locked up in here the whole time!"

Solomon chimed in, "Yeah! Do you know the difference between your identity and ours? Aren't city

defense soldiers ordinary folks? The three of us are heirs of noble families. You'll suffer if you offend


"You're already finished! Our fathers must be trying to get us out now. Just wait and see!" Nathan spat

and said.

The city defense soldier looked calmly at the three rich heirs and laughed before saying, "Let me tell

you the truth. Your fathers showed up a few minutes after you were locked up last night. They came to

plead mercy from the city defense army's commander-in-chief and asked him to let you out! But you're

still locked up in here. Hehe. Do you know what I mean now?"

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