Strings of Fate

Chapter 264
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Chapter 264

Cam 21- Fun and family

“Well, I'm not sure how that group chat would be fun for you. It mostly sounds embarrassing if you ask me.” | awkwardly pointout. Harry laughs.

“It would take more than that to embarrass me. What do | have to be embarrassed about? Do you think | should be humiliatedbecause you've turned me down?” He asks. | shake my head.novelbin

“No, that’s not what | meant at all.” | really didn’t.

“So all I’m really doing is asking my friends for advice. I’ve not exactly tried to pursue someone seriously before. When | realisedthat it wasn’t going to be as easy as | imagined, | recruited a few friends so that they could tell me when I’m being an absolutenumbskull.” He

explains.“Right... That still doesn’t exactly sound like fun.” | point out.

“It isn’t always, which is why I’m excited to tell them | got your number. It’s a win for me. This is already turning out to be a greatday!” He says excitedly.

“Well, for one of us at least.” | mutter. | didn’t really intend for him to hear that comment but from the way he narrows his eyes |doubt | was as quiet as | thought | was.

“We should celebrate!” He announces.“Let's do something fun.” He suggests.“What?” I'm confused.

“Something fun, what were you doing when | got here? Something interesting? Or we could find something else to do?” Heseems eager and heads straight through to my work room. leaving me waiting behind him. Huh?

“Cam? Did you know your phone is ringing? And | promise it isn’t me this time!” He calls out. | dash into the room and snatch upmy phone.

4/4| know, Its nong, QUIL WOLLy Quvul concern.


“You know, you were like this last time | pointed out your phone too. Is something wrong? Last time | threw a bit of a jealoustantrum, sorry again about that. So | definitely wasn’t thinking straight, but now that | am I’m a little worried. Are you in trouble? Issomeone bothering you? You're very protective of your phone and you seem really anxious about it. | don’t know what good I'llbe, but | can try to help.” He offers earnestly, his blue eyes staring into mine. | want to brush him off, but isn’t he already helping?He helped send Simon away and there is every chance that my family will approach him at some point about it. Would it really beso bad if | just tell him everything? He heard half of it from Simon ranting anyway.

“Look, it’s no big deal, not really. It’s just my family. Well, my mother and grandmother really, but when it comes to my familythey're the only ones whose opinions matter. They’re... not happy with me right now. They don’t approve of my life choices.Especially when it comes to relationships.” | explain. He nods understandingly.

“Ahh, the dingbat was their idea?” He asks and | agree.

“Yes. They don’t love the idea of me working here either. Good Witch daughters stay with the coven and help build more powerand wealth. | was happy to go along with their plans for me until all the drama started with Simon and they betrayed me.” Mywords come out bitter and

Harry catches it immediately.“Betrayed? With bad matchmaking? It sounds like there’s more to the story than that.” He prompts and I sigh.

“They didn’t take no for an answer. When | didn’t seem interested in Simon and told them as much, they... well they put a ‘lovepotion’ in my drink. Not that love potions are real. You can’t make someone fall in love. But you can temporarily triggerendorphins and make another person into the trigger so that they might be tricked into thinking they have feelings that they don’treally have. | got lucky, | had been testing a potion on myself earlier that day and it interacted weirdly with what they gave me. |ended up vomiting for like three days, but. the spell didn’t take. They admitted what they did after the second day of vomiting sothat | could try to make up something to counteract it. Although | ended up having to wait it out. anyway.” | shudder. Those threedays were awful. | felt terrible, and on the third day when | realised what they had done | had never felt so betrayed.


Cam 21- Fun and family

“They DO love me, the problem is they care more about power and money than anything else and they don’t seem to understandthat it won’t mak

me happy.” | lean onto my bench and drop my forehead onto the table, hiding my face. Harry has been oddly quiet throughoutmy explanation. After a few minutes of silence with my head down on the table, | sit up and realise that he’s been waitingpatiently for me to face him.

“| can't say that Punderstand what it’slike to have a family like that. Ryannis the closest thing to family that |ever had. But | do know what it lookslike when someone is experiencing

feelings fueled by (medio. payguy'who wants) ou ike that isn’t worthyour time and if your family reallybelieve that you can be happy thatway then they're insane.” He saysbluntly. | just sigh in response. | knowhe isn’t wrong, but | have more goodmemories with my family than | dobad ones and it’s hard to just ignoreall the good times. As if to makeHarry's point, my phone starts ringingagain. | left it face up on the benchand we can both. see that it's mymother calling. Again. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

“| could take care of it, if you want. | assume the dingbat has already told her about me. | could answer the phone and tell her tostop calling, keep up the story we told the dingbat. It’s not like | care what she thinks about me.” Harry offers. | shake my head.

“No thanks, it wouldn’t really help. They probably think I’m just trying to spite them. They won’t care what you say.” | sigh. I’mgoing to have to speak to them eventually. In person. I'll have to sort this out and make myself clear. But | don’t think I’m ready todo it right now.

“Alright then. If you're not feeling upto dealing with drama right now, I’mgoing to suggest we go back to myoriginal plan. Let's dos mething fun.You tol thatyotl makingpbtiohs and spells for fun. So, what'sthe most pointless, silly magic youknow?” He asks. | feel like he’s givingme whiplash with how fast he’schanging the subject. But | can getbehind the concept of avoiding myproblems for a while longer. But hewants me to pick a silly spell? Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Seriously?” | ask dubiously.

“Sure why not? | can be yourassistant again. You have a fewhours right?” He seems excited again

and | remember ee Oecaste Alpha place 3 how much fun

everyone had with his childish activityidea. Childish fun wasn't allowed atmy house, not even when | was achild and I'm suddenly lookingforward to the idea of doingsomething fun and pointless with mymagic. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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