Strings of Fate

Chapter 263
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Chapter 263

Cam 20- Numbers and noticing

The next morning | wake up to about fifty missed calls from my mother and grandmother as well as calls from an unknownnumber. I��d bet anything the unknown calls are from Simon. I��m sure my family gave my number to him since they happily gavehim my workplace. | guess it��s a good thing | haven't told them where | live although it's probably only a matter of time. | groanand bury my head in my pillows as my phone starts to ring again. | know | didn��t want to cut them off entirely, but maybe it is timeto start thinking about changing my phone number after all. | still know where they live. It��s not like | couldn��t track them down if |wanted to. But no, unless | choose to completely cut them off and move away, far away, they will be able to track me downeventually and they're just stubborn enough to do it. | drag myself out of bed and hop into the shower. | end up taking some extratime with my hair and

makeup today, styling my waves carefully and applying more makeup than | usually bother with because | look just as exhaustedas | feel and even if | don��t agree with her about everything | always did like my grandmother��s advice when it comes to baddays. Control what | can. Which basically just means myself. | might be exhausted but that doesn��t mean | need to LOOK like amess. It��s amazing the difference that the confidence gained from taking a little extra time to get ready can actually make andhow much easier it can make a day feel. | have to get to work early today because I��m expecting a delivery. | drag myself out ofmy house, shove headphones on and head to work listening to my playlist. Maybe if | play the music loud enough, | can drownout my own thoughts, specifically the voices of my mother and grandmother that seem to be permanently stuck in my brain.

| sort out the delivery then go to hang out in my work room. | should probably do something productive or useful, but | just don��tfeel like it. | end up sitting on the bench in my work room, scrolling through my phone and reading the messages my family


Mum- Did you get a chance to talk to Simon? He said he was going to track you down! See, | told you he hasn��t given up on youyet.

Mum- Honey? How did it go? | know it��s been a few years but he hasn��t changed. He��s still very handsome, isn��t he? Not tomention he has THREE Witch sisters. Imagine that. Three new Witches to add to the coven! Plus it shows they have plenty ofmagic in their blood. You��re practically guaranteed magical children. He��s perfect!

Grandma- Your mother and | have spent a lot of time setting this up for you. Don��t waste the chance. You won��t find a bettermatch.

1/3Cam 20- Numbers and noticing

Mum- WHAT. DID. YOU. DO? | set everything up for you perfectly and you drive him away! And what's this Simon is telling meabout some Incubus boyfriend? | have assured him that he misunderstood the situation somehow. I��ve given him your phonenumber and he��s going to call you to sort things out.novelbin

Unknown- What the hell is going on here? | was promised an explanation and now you won't even answer the phone? Bitch.Mum- | don��t care what you're doing. You need to call Simon back.Mum- Are you ignoring me? Answer your damn phone Camille.

It's like it hasn��t even occurred to them that | would have been ASLEEP, or working. I��m still getting calls and texts right now andthey're getting increasingly unhappy. I��m starting to regret my makeup after all because | am about two seconds away fromcrying and raccoon eyes are not a good look. | hear a tapping sound at the front of the building which jerks met out of mythoughts. Who is it? | already received the delivery and the bar doesn��t open for a few hours yet. I��m halfway to the door when |freeze in place. What if it��s Simon again? Or worse, my grandmother? The door rattles again and I��m about to dart back into mywork. room to pretend I��m not here when a familiar voice calls out.

��Cam? | know you're in there. The lights are on and you were expecting a delivery today. Can | come in or are you really going tomake me wait out here until you open?�� Harry speaks loud enough that | suspect the entire street can hear him. | roll my eyes.He��s so dramatic. |

unlock the door and let him in.��Seriously Harry, was it necessary to announce your presence to the entire street?�� | joke. Heshrugs.

��Well how else was | meant to get your attention? It��s not like | can call you since you keep refusing to give me your number.�� Hesays pointedly. Oh he has a point. | roll my eyes and

can��t repress a smile.

��Oh all right. | guess it��s only fair.�� | give him my number. What��s he going to do? Text me a hundred times a day? Call me and tryto flirt? Send me a dirty picture? All of those things. would be a nice change from the constant harassment I��m getting now. Harryimmediately enters it into his phone and calls me, except | left my phone in the other room.

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��You have to save my number, okay? That way you can call me when you want to test potions, or if you need someone to walkyou home, or if you just want company. Really you should just call me. | don��t care why.�� Harry insists.

��Yeah, yeah. I'll save your number.�� | agree.

��Awesome! | need to text the groupchat and tell them | finally got yournumber. Ryann Fee) teagingiineal out ioc WEEKS? � Crows,absolutely delighted. It��s sort ofadorable that he is so excited aboutsomething as small as my phonenumber. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

��What's this group chat you're talking about?�� | ask curiously. Harry grins.

��It was originally just myself, Ryannand Megan, but they added theirpartners and Aaron plus Araks andit��s just owiyexpeneed We use it asalsort of running feed on our livesand a place to ask each other advice.Mostly it��s just everyone waiting tohear about my romantic failuresthough.�� Harry sighs. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

��Romantic failures?��l demand. Harry shrugs.

��Well sure. | mean how many timeshave | asked you out and failed tomake progress? It took weeks for meto even get you to notice me at all.You seem weirdly resistant to mycharms.�� He points out. He thinks,|��m��resistant to bis ,charirleike he thinkshis, tagit doesn��t work on me? | canbarely keep from throwing myself athim most of the time! And WEEKS tonotice him? | notice everyone! It��swhat | do. | watch them, make drinksand make sure they're safe andhaving fun. Does he really think it waseven remotely possible that | didn��timmediately notice him? He��s notexactly subtle, is he? On the brightside, at least this means he hasn'trealised how badly | want him.Because wanting something doesnot mean it��s good for me and |refuse to let him break my heart. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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