Strings of Fate

Chapter 247
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Chapter 247

Strings of FateCam 4—Dosed and docile-A couple have just arrived and while Alpha Kane is exactly what | expected from Ella’s

descriptions, his mate is not. Mostly because she isn’t even a Shifter. But there’s no doubt in my mind that they’re together. Theway his eyes follow her and how comfortably mindful of him she is make it obvious. | am surprised to find that The Alphas areactually Harrison’s friends that he came in with the other night. | didn’t realise that he kept such respectable company. | watch asthey sit at the bar and take the chance to make them a couple of drinks. | have to change my plan since | had picked in advancewith Shifters in mind, but that’s alright. | pick a fairly weak drink for Ryann since | don’t know much about what she is. | DO stillmake the golden magically infused catnip drink for Alpha Kane though. I’ve been wanting to test this one and it should beharmless enough. It’s designed to just help a Shifter relax a little. Really it just does what alcohol is meant to do but faster than itusually would for a Shifter. | place the drinks in front of the pair of them careful not to spill.

“Ryann right?” She holds her drink up to the light and watches the mica powder swirl. That’s my favourite part, it's why | chosethe drink for her.

“Yeah, and this is Bellamy. Are you who I’m here to see?” She confirms and | nod. Would it be rude to ask how she can be anAlpha for Feline Shifters? Probably... but screw-it. They’re here asking me a favour and I’m sure | won't be the first or lastperson to ask this question..

“Yep. | am a little confused though. Ella told me that she was sending the two feline Alphas to meet me. Him | get. But you're noteven a Shifter, are you?” | ask with a raised eyebrow. Ryann looks a little uncomfortable and shrugs then rolls her eyes as sheanswers with an

attitude that | respect,

“It doesn’t seem to matter. APPARENTLY being a Shifter isn’t actually a requirement for the position.” Well that’s just plain weird,but | respect the accepting attitude. | remind her that drinks are made for... well... drinking. Mostly because | want her mate to tryhis so | can see how well it works, but I’m not brave enough to tell him to try it. But | suspect he will follow

her lead.

“Are you gonna try that?” She might be suspicious of me if she’s heard of the weird concoctions I’ve been feeding her Incubusfriend, but | wouldn't do that to her. | actually LIKE her. Bellamy maintains his serious demeanour but does take a sip of his drink.| watch in satisfaction as a look of pleased shock crosses his face and he immediately takes another

4/4Emergency calls only u

Cam 4- Dosed and docile

sip. | can’t resist the desire to mess with them a little though,BE3%


“Well, that answers that, you're either very brave or very naive to drink something with no idea what it is.” | tell them, maintaininga perfectly straight face. It doesn’t last though as Ryann begins to giggle and it’s just contagious.

“Or I’ve just decided to trust you. This is nice, what is it?” Ryann asks about her drink.

“It doesn’t have a name, | just made it up. I’d tell you what's in it, but then you wouldn’t have a reason to come back here andthat’s no way to get more business.” I’m watching

Bellamy from the side of my eye. | know he LIKED the drink, but did it work? How am I

supposed to know if he is feeling more relaxed? Would it be strange if | asked how he’s feeling? He’s clinging tight to his mate,nuzzling her hair and being generally affectionate.

But from what | understand, that is fairly standard behaviour for Shifters with their mates.Ryann seems to find it strange however.

“Uh, Bellamy? What’s going on?” She tries to pull back from him but he doesn’t even notice. too caught up in her. It’s verysweet... but if this isn’t normal behaviour for him then | suppose the drink worked... maybe a bit too well. Ryann seemsconcerned.

“Is he drunk? What was in his drink?” | grimace, trying not to seem too guilty. | don’t want to piss them off.

“Sorry, I’ve been working on drinks to chill out specific magics. This was one for feline Shifters. | must have overdone it with themagic infused catnip.” | shrugs trying to make it clear with my behaviour that it’s not a big deal. | am kind of regretting it right nowthough. He came here for information and | don’t think he even cares that much right now. | need to

fix this.“Give me a minute and I'll make him something to sober him up. He’s not drunk exactly. Hisreflexes and mental state are unaffected, it just makes him feel more... mellow. But | think |

overdid it. | just thought he was a little strung out.” | throw out the excuse like it justifies it but it really doesn’t. | feel bad. | didn’tmean to full on drug him. The drink was designed to just take the edge off. Where did | go wrong? Too much magic? Did Ioverestimate the effect a Shifter metabolism will have? Or maybe my understanding of how they react to the catnip infusion iswrong. Shit. | throw together a random drink and add a few drops of a magic cancelling potion in. Hopefully that will work and it’sthe magic not the ingredientsnovelbin

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themselves that are causing this reaction. | watch as Bellamy starts to draw Ryann closer and add a second dose of the magiccancelling potion. Just for good measure.

“Well here you go, hot stuff. Down your shot.” | tell him, handing the drink to Bellamy. | stay casual and force myself to breathenormally. | don’t want them to know that I’m not totally positive this will even work. He downs it all in one go with a scrunched upface. Ah, it probably tasted awful. | didn’t think about that. Too late now. Still, he returns to his more. reserved self and sits backin his own seat.

“That was... interesting. | would prefer you didn’t do that again. Although | suppose it might have recreational uses. Or medicinalfor Shiters with anxiety issues.” Bellamy contemplates out loud. He gives me a stern look and | do my best to look contrite.Lesson learned, don’t spell Alpha Shifters without their consent. He breaks into a small smile afterwards though so | know heisn’t REALLY angry, thank goodness.

“Yeah, as | said, sorry about that. I’ll adjust the recipe. Maybe half strength next time. Or do it as a small shot glass rather than afull drink. Thanks for being a good sport. It’s hard to find people to test drinks on, particularly spelled ones.” | ramble mindlesslythen realise what

| have just confessed to. Okay, maybe they don’t know how sketchy that is, even if it isn’t technically ILLEGAL. I'll just play itcool. Bellamy frowns.

“Do you often spell people’s drinks?” he asks. | shrug.

“Only the ones | give away for free.I'm not licensed to sell spells orpotions. But there aren't any rulagainst ving themahay: Fonly dothatifor'p Shle | think need them.Promise it’s not as creepy anddate-rape-y as it sounds.” | cringe,he is going to be pissed. To my shockhe seems more interested thanupset. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“If you need Shifters to try potionslike that, just let us know and we canarrange something. While | don'tappreciate being drugged without myknowledge, | can seg i(Sppoteftialugesy’ Bellamy offers. OMG.Seriously? Does he mean that or is hejust trying to get on my good side soI'll share my Witchy secrets? | alreadyplan to tell them anything they wantto know, they certinally deserve itafter that and | wanted to helpanyway. Okay, don't look a gift the mouth. Just say thanks andmove on. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Awesome, | will totally take you upon that. Ella gives me enough minformation tg worRoK thetheory,bit She!r {Uses to test them.” Ellahas only tested a few of my spellsand only ones for The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


Cam 4- Dosed and docileemergency use.

“Ella?” Ryann seems confused.

“Dr Dae.” Bellamy confirms. | guess she doesn’t know her very well, Strange that Ella trusted her so much. She must have madea good first impression.

“Ah, right. So is that how you know her? Researching potions together?” Ryann asks and |

flush red.

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