Strings of Fate

Chapter 246
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Chapter 246

Strings of FateCam 3- Felines and favours

I'm in the back room of Witches Booze sorting inventory and working out if | need to do an order this week or if it can waitanother few days. It’s a monotonous task but one I’ve never really minded doing. It’s sort of relaxing, organising, ordering,sorting. It’s simple. There’s a wrong answer and a right answer. If | have enough of something | put it away and if | don’t then |add it to the order list. | could delegate this task to one of my employees but | prefer to do it myself so that | can be confident it’sdone exactly how | want it. | have a battery powered speaker which | hacked with magic to have a stupidly long battery life and |am humming along to my playlist while having slices of the pizza | ordered for dinner. It’s late, the bar has already closed for thenight, but sometimes after work I’m a little amped up and not ready to go home so | like to stay and get things done. Cleaning,ordering, finances. Basically anything that means | can take a morning off and sleep in. Plus it’s always so peaceful at nightwhen the customers are gone and | can just relax here alone. Even better, this late at night there’s no chance of my family tryingto call and harass me about my life. choices. My confidence that it won’t be my mother calling me is the only reason | answer myphone without checking the caller |.D.

“Hello?” | answer, the room feeling oddly silent since the music stopped when | picked up the call. | switch it to speakerphoneand drop it on my work table so that | can keep sorting my

inventory.“Hello Camille.” A grumpy sounding voice greets me and | can’t help but grin.

“Hey Ella. Why are you calling so late?” | ask. Ella is a Shifter and a doctor. She helps me with some of my more experimentalpotions and in exchange | keep her stocked with healing potions, numbing spells, stuff like that. Sadly it isn’t as simple as just aone size fits all heals everything potion. Different races need different mixes just like they do with alcohol and different spells willheal different things. There are potions for replenishing blood, ones that are like antibiotics, ones to reduce pain, close wounds,help bruising heal faster. Some can be mixed together and others can’t. So making them and administering them is a difficult anddetailed task. | could never decide what the best potion is to give someone who is in need of medical assistance and Ella wouldhave no idea how to mix the potions. So we work together

and we both learn.

“I'm calling to ask you a favour, or rather I’m asking a favor on behalf of my Alpha’s mate who will eventually also be Alpha. If youwant to refuse | wouldn’t hold it against you and |

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did warn them that I will not pressure you to help. I’m only calling so late because... Well the Alpha’s mate... She’s not what |expected. | want to help her and | think that she’s in something of a hurry.” She explains. Oh? That’s interesting. Ella is wellknown for disliking everyone and everything. She’s grumpy and pessimistic. For her to say she likes someone is a big deal.

“What's the favour?” | prompt..

“They need to ask questions about Witches and details about a few specific spells. You know it’s hard to find Witches willing toshare. She grumbles. It’s a common complaint of hers How advanced medical care could be if people would just work togetherand not be so


“That’s true, but | could get in a lot of trouble if it gets around that I’m sharing secrets.” | remind her, a little concerned but notreally. If Ella likes someone, that’s really enough for me. She doesn’t trust easily. It’s surprising enough that she told these peopleabout me, but | guess she can’t really keep secrets from her Alpha. Although we’ve been running our experiments for over a yearnow and he’s never wanted to talk to me before now. | didn’t even

realise he knew | existed.

“Don’t go worrying now girl. | didn’t tell anyone. That new girl of his is sharp. She figured | had to have a contact if | had accessto as many potions as | do. She asked after you.” Ella sounds both impressed and pissed off that this woman is competent. |can’t help but laugh.

She reminds me of my own grandmother. Or at least how my grandmother seemed to me when | was a kid and completelyunaware of politics, bloodlines and power. Just a cranky old woman with a bit of a sweet spot that shows in how she acts ratherthan how she speaks. It makes me miss my grandmother. Actually no, | don’t miss her, | miss the person | thought she was and |miss believing that she cared about my happiness more than what | can do for “her. I'd never admit it to her, but I’m lonelywithout my family and Ella... well she fills that

void in a way. Which is why there really isn’t any favour | wouldn’t grant her.

“I'm not worried. | trust you. If you think | can help your Alpha and his mate then I’m happy to talk to them. How’s tomorrow night?They could stop by the bar. I'll ask Cora to pick up an extra shift so | can be free to talk out the back, she’s trying to save foranew car so I’m pretty sure she will say yes.” | answer, already planning out my evening for tomorrow.

“Perfect. Eight O, Clock?” She confirms.23Cam 3- Felines and favours

“Sounds great.” | agree.


“Good. The Feline Shifter Alphas willboth be coming | assume. AlphaKane isn't letting hegagy othiesightright now ihe can help it.” She talksabout her Alpha the same way shealways does. With reluctantadmiration. | can't help but giggle.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“Oh don’t you start with me girl.” She grumbles.* bet you know how it goes.” | promise.”“You don’t need to report back to me...” She pauses before continuing.

*Til expect an update, not tomorrownight though. That's far too late. I’monly up now as a fay; Us Youcalri texti She\declares! en as is her wayshe hangs up on me without warning.It’s silent for half a second before mymusic resumes. | turn it down, it’salmost The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Innoyingly loud after the quiet phonecall. Now that was interesting. I’mactually kind of excited to find outwhat the Feline Alphas might want toask me about, and if it means sharingWitchy secrets or ruining my parent'ssales, then even Tp Cues fée!

about wuered y nothing | do isgoing to even make a dent in theirbottom line and even if it did. theycan more than afford it. Plus theydeserve it after trying to spell me theway they did. Still, I'm excited. | finishup the inventory stuff and set areminder in my phone to call Corafirst thing to ask her to pick up theshift. | head home to get some sleep,but sleep comes slow because I’mbusy trying to decide what drink |should make the Alphas. I’ve beenmaking a lot of interesting drinkslately. It's actually been pretty fun,even if | have been making them allfor one overly friendly Incubus. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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