Strings of Fate

Chapter 244
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Chapter 244

Strings of FateCam 1- Mocktails and magic

It's a fairly busy night at my bar, Witches Booze. Well, it’s half mine. The other half belongs to some guy who prefers to remainanonymous and have absolutely nothing to do with the place. | have no clue why he even wants part of this place but since |couldn't afford it alone 1

r owner appreciate it. | bought my half off of a Warlock who wanted to retire. | think the other was a friend of his. Maybe one dayI'll be able to afford the other half but in the meantime, having a hands off partner works for me. It’s a few hours until closing butI'm already satisfied with my evening. We've been doing well and | managed to help someone with one my potions again. I’m notlicensed to SELL potions, but technically there’s no laws against giving them away as long as they aren’t too dangerous. | wantto say that | do it to help people, and sure that’s a benefit. But mostly | like to give them away to spite my family and ex coven.Witches are known for being secretive, exclusive and money hungry and my family. are no different. Honestly, | was a lot likethem too until a few years ago when | realised how power hungry they really are and turned my back on them entirely. My deargrandmother decided it was time for me to get married. Obviously to a family that would help us gain more wealth, power andhelp me breed little Witch babies. | went along with it to an extent. Like sure, | was willing to meet the guy and see how things go.Like if he’s a good guy, then money and power is a bonus. But the guy was an asshole who just saw me as a breeding machine.When | told my family that | wouldn’t go through with the marriage they weren’t happy but that wasn’t what caused me to cutthem off. No, my grandmother decided that | could still be useful to them and attempted to spell me with a love potion to makeme more amenable to the idea of marriage. Thankfully, | had been experimenting with some new potions earlier that day andsomething about the combination of spells in my system negated each other. But after they tried to use me that way | knew |needed to leave. | took every bit of my savings which were fairly substantial given my family’s business and left. | bought half ofthis bar and put down a payment for a little single bedroom apartment and now just to spite my grandmother, | regularly giveaway spells and potions that they could charge a fortune for.

Tonight | spelled a woman’s necklace to make it indestructible. | also tested a new potion on the Incubus who has been hangingaround almost every night lately. | don’t often test potions on customers, but he is particularly annoying. Always flirting with meand any other woman. He was with two women tonight but they both seemed to be with their partners so | suppose he had nochance with them. I-know it isn’t fair but | don’t really like Incubi very much. Their magic reminds me too much of the potion myfamily tried to trick me with. | don’t like to be manipulated. | watch as the Incubus Harrion approaches. Maybe the heat potionwas a mistake because he’s taking the opportunity to unbutton his shirt and more

1/3Cam 1- Mocktails and magic

than a few women are eying him as he passes. Not everyone has the same objection to his magic as | do. | have to repress agroan as he heads straight towards me. He is undeniably attractive, all Incubi are. As his attention turns to me | feel a wave ofwarmth come over me

andmy heart begins to race. Damn Incubus. Using magic to make me want him is unfair.

“You know, you don’t have to use a potion to get me hot.” Harrison says smoothly in a seductive voice as he approaches. |repress a shiver and roll my eyes at him.

“Keep your clothes on or get out.” | tell him blandly. I’ve been doing my best to treat him. professionally by forcing a customerservice voice but recently it's been getting more difficult as he pushes my buttons more and more. Ordering stupid drinks withsexual names. Since | took over the bar has a rule that customers can order any drink. It took me weeks to set up but | have asummoning portal out back and if | don’t have an ingredient | can use magic to summon it and send money in exchange for it. |don’t use it often though since most people order fairly common drinks and | keep the place very well stocked.

“No need to be so cold to me when you've already got me hot.” Harrison jokes, taking a seatat the bar.“Your friends are leaving.” | inform him pointedly but he just shrugs.

“Yeah, | know. I’m going to stay a while longer. | have something to tell you.” He says with a grin. | repress a sigh. | knew tonightwas going too easy. | take another customer’s order and make their drink before turning my attention back to Harrison. | wouldignore him but he’s already proven it doesn’t work. He is patient enough that he will stay until closing if that’s what it takes to getmy attention. He’s irritating, but despite his flirting, he is generally respectful of the fact that I’m working and he never harassesany of my other staff. I’ve found it’s easier to just give him a little bit of attention and hope that he leaves me alone. Althoughmore and more often he hangs around until closing. It pisses me off but he’s actually good for business. Women are constantlybuying him drinks and hanging around hoping for his attention. Harrison is waiting patiently for me to return to him.

“What?” | demand. My arms crossed over my chest. His eyes drop to my chest briefly before.I

darting back up to mine and | feel another rush of heat pouring over me. Damn him. Not only does he stare at my boobs but thenhe tries to manipulate me afterwards? | glare and he gives. me his most charming smile.

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“As | said, | have something to tell you. But first | need to explain a little bit about my friend Ryann. You met her tonight. She hasa rather unusual magic, you know. Completely unique actually. She can see relationships, friendships and things like that. Butonly ones that are fated to happen. So basically she can identify people’s soul mates.” He explains. Uh, okay. | have no ideawhere this is heading.

“Okay.” | tell him blankly when | realise he’s waiting for some kind of response. He continues.

“Right, so Ryann is my childhood friend, and she promised to tell me if she ever saw my soul mate. She just went through awhole heap of problems with her own fated mate because she was too secretive about it and didn’t tell him what she knew and |refuse to make that


to colyself. You know, knowing thetruth and not sa igeqshiog 80draggedNher Neré The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

to confirm it and she did.” He finishes. | stare.

“| have literally no idea what you'retrying to tell me.” | respond innovelbin

confusion. Harrison laughs apgreaches oyguhebaktbars myhint! Something he’s never donebefore. | stiffen in his grip and try toignore how warm his hand is. That'sjust because of the potion | gave himanyways. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Oh, | apologise beautiful. | thought itwas obvious. I’m trying to tell youthat you're my soul e, fatedil}

tg whateretyd Want to call it.You and | are destined to fall in love,and since I'm a fan of honesty |thought | should make that clear. |intend to fall in love with The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


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