Strings of Fate

Chapter 243
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Chapter 243

Aaron 7- Hints and hesitation

| manage to arrive a few minutes early for Penelope’s performance. | approach my usual seat only to find that Penelope isalready sitting there. | hesitate. She’s always the one to approach me, I’ve never approached her before. Maybe she doesn’twant to talk. | resist the desire to turn and run. I’m being an idiot. She talks to me all the time, and she’s sitting in the sent |always take at approximately the time | always arrive. She wouldn't be doing that if she didn’t want to talk right? Not to mention |did come here with the intention of seeing her, maybe finding some way to ask if she would be willing to be my date for theAlpha’s wedding. I’m not good at asking for things. It would be nice if she would conveniently just bring up weddings and howmuch she loves to attend them. That would make my life a lot easier. | approach her and pause standing in front of her, notwanting to crowd her. She pats the couch beside her and | sit, relieved to have an invitation. | do my best to sit, leaving a similaramount of distance between us as she usually leaves when she sits beside me. Something | have kept careful track of. Sheoriginally left enough space for a whole person between us but now she leaves a noticeable gap but not enough that anyonecould sit there.

“| was waiting for you to get here.” Penelope says with a nervous smile, pushing her white hair back behind her ears.

“I'm here.” | respond. See, | was right. She was waiting for me. The question is why. She laughs and elbows me in the sidegently. | resist the desire to grab her arm and pull her


“Yes | see that.” She says jokingly. She falls silent and looks like she is struggling to find the right thing to say which is very unlikeher. Maybe | should help?

Khu were you

waiting?” | ask gently. Her eyes fly open and a smile crosses her face. Apparently she appreciated my poor attempt to continuethe conversation. Maybe this isn’t hard as | thought. Instead of worrying about saying the right thing, maybe | should focus onjust trying to talk at all, or encourage her to talk if | can’t do it myself. She takes a deep breath then lets it out slowly.

“| was waiting because | wanted to talk to you and since you haven't called me or event messaged me, this is the only way | cando it. It’s not like | can stop by your work or anything.” She says in a rush. | stare as | think over what she said. She wanted me tocall. She’s been waiting for it and | didn’t. | feel like a jerk. I've been making her do all the work

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approaching me, but at the same time I’ve made it nearly impossible for her to actually do anything. She can only see me when |choose to show up at her work, I’ve given no chance for her to actually approach me on her own. Yet somehow she has STILLbeen trying to talk to me. I’m starting to think that | have severely misinterpreted her actions. | should probably apologise. Nowthat | think about it | have been kind of an asshole.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to say I’m sorry when Penelope sighs and gets to her feet to leave. Shit, | took too longagain, she’s leaving and she looks upset. | panic and grab her hand to stop her from leaving.

“Sorry.” | blurt out. She considers me with a sad look on her face before pulling her hand away from me.

“It’s alright, | get it. You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to. | have been the one forcing my company on you. I'll let yoube.” She promises firmly. Shit, shit SHIT. | have screwed up. She completely misunderstood what | was apologising for. | wastrying to say sorry for not making more of an effort and she thought | was saying I’m not interested? | need to fix this and | needto be clear. She’s alread

turning to leave...“Wait.” | say, louder than I’ve said almost anything in a long time. Penelope freezes and halfturns back to face me.

“|... |do want to talk to you. Very much. | just don’t know what it is you want me to say.” | admit. To my utter shock Penelopestarts to laugh. I’m completely embarrassed and want to hide but she just beams at me and her smile is so beautiful that | findmyself smiling back instead of running away. If this is my reward for talking I’ll have to do it more often.

“You know, I’m starting to think that maybe you aren't as good at listening as | thought. | thought | was being obvious but | canwait for you to figure it out.” She winks at me before turning and heading to the stage.

“So | know | don’t usually do this, I'll be dedicating this performance to a guy who needs to learn to take a hint. Aaron, just tomake myself clear, this is for you.” Penelope announces into the microphone with a cheeky grin and a bout of laughter runsthrough the room. I’m stunned and | can’t look away as she begins to sing. I’ve always loved her performances, but for the firsttime, | take the chance to listen to exactly what she’s singing. I’m embarrassed to that since I’ve slept through so many of them |haven't really paid much attention to the

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specific songs. I've just been enjoying her voice. With each new song it becomes increasingly clear to me that there is a definitetheme to the songs that Penelope is singing tonight. They're all ‘girl meets boy’, ‘notice me already’, love songs... and she’sdedicated them to me. The realisation is enough for me to realise that I’ve been lying to myself. I’m not just interested inPenelope, I’m damn near obsessed with her. | could ask Alpha Ryann to be sure but | think she’s my mate... and if she isn’t?Well | don’t care. I'll make her mine anyway,

assuming she'll have me. Now | just have to figure out HOW.

Penelope finishes her set and | launch myself out of my seat and meet her at the edge of the stage. Instead of going round to thestairs she just slips down to sit on the edge and without hesitation | take her gently by the waist and lift her down. Penelopestands in front of me, flushed and a little sweaty from her performance but looking absolutely beautiful.

“Did. you like it?” She asks me excitedly. | nod quickly not wanting her to think otherwise.She beams at me.

“Do you have anything else you want to tell me now?” She asks with a pointed look. | open. my mouth to answer then realise thatevery set of eyes in this club are watching. I’m not shy, but | am not sure that | want to do this in front of so many people.Penelope might be used

to the stage, but I’m not.

‘Can | walk you out?” | ask awkwardly. Her face falls a little but she doesn’t turn me down. It offer her my arm and she links hersthrough it and lets me lead her to the exit, collecting her bag from behind the bar on the way. | feel everyone’s eyes on us as weleave and the protective part of me wants to shield her from view and run out of here, or maybe fight them off. When we make itoutside | let out a sigh of relief. We reach her car and she lets go of my


but before she can start digging through her bag for her keys | take her hand in mine and she turns to face me with a waryexpression.

“I'm not very good at asking for what | want and I’m not great at communicating. But | want to try. If | work on talking to you,would you allow me to court you?” | practically choke out the last few words as | wait for her response. After her performance |believe she will say yes, but there’s always that little bit of fear.

“| thought you would never ask.” Penelope beams at me, joy shining in her eyes. Before | have time to so much as smile shereaches out, grabs the collar of my shirt, yanks me down and presses her lips against mine in a brief k*ss. Just as fast she letsme go and steps back.

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“Now that’s a reason for you to be stunned into silence.” She jokes. | can’t help but laugh. My heart is racing, my hands itching totouch her and my mind is pretty much blank.

“That was a yes, in case it wasn’t obvious enough.” Penelope jokes. Then unlocks her car and climbs in. | remember mymanners and close the door behind her. She winds down her

window.“Call me, or text if it's easier. I'll be waiting.” She grins at me and drives away.Ryann

Monday morning | wait eagerly forAaron to arrive for work. As usual heturns up perfectly on time. Hisexpression is as neutral as ever, butthere’s a bounce to his step that isnew and manne ut of hen)corner af my eye i hint of asnile e’s also checked his phone.more today than he has in the entiretime I’ve known him. | knew he wasacting strangely lately, | was gettingworried right up until | saw his redthread the other night and realisedwhat was going on. It seems like mypep talk worked because | haven'tever seen him so happy. I’m justsorting through my schedule andconfirming what we have on for theday. when Aaron clears his throatbehind me. Interesting. | turn andsmile at him encouragingly. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Yes?” | ask. He holds out a hand with a familiar card. | take the R.S.V.P. card for my, wedding

and take a look.

“Attending and bringing a plus one.” | confirm out loud. Aaron’s blank expression slips again and a small smile escapes him. Henods firmly.

“I'm so happy for you. | can’t wait to meet her.” | gush and he just nods again.


“And I'm going to remind you againthat you can totally take time offwhen you need it, and if you haveplans or a date or anything just tellme and | can.aqd itYoy-Sctiedule tonyake abe that | don’t ask you towork. Okay?” He nods again and itseems like that smile is here to stay.Just a small hint of pleasure,something that | doubt anyone wouldeven notice if they didn’t spend allday with him like | often do. He goesto leave the office, probably to get acoffee or something. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Oh, one last thing. I'll need her name,you know, for the placecards.” | tellhim. Aaron auses ariDwithouttiitnihg back to me answers. I'venever heard anyone speak a singleword with as The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

4/5Aaron 7- Hints and hesitationmuch emotion as he does when he responds.


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