Strings of Fate

Chapter 236
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Chapter 236

Strings of FateMegan 8- Presents and patience

What on Earth is going on in Darrien’s head? It has been months, MONTHS since he paid for my lunch IN FRONT OF MYBROTHER and started officially courting me. Ryann and Bellamy are officially and publicly together now, hell they've adopted aCHILD. And what progress have Darrien and | made? None. Zero. Nothing. It’s like there has been no change from when he wasjust my guard. We spend basically all our time together, that’s nothing new. | mean het lives with us now... he took the spareroom next to mine. But aside from the occasional flirtatious comment and the fact that he pays for my meals whenever he findsthe chance, everything is exactly the same as it was. He hasn't tried to attempt any of the other courting traditions, hasn't askedme out, definitely hasn’t tried for any kind of physical intimacy. | have no idea what he is waiting for! Since Ryann gave herapproval | started considering Darrien in a more romantic light and I’ve realised how absolutely dull witted | was being to notnotice him earlier. He really is the sweetest guy | know, | feel safer with him than | do with anyone else. He gets along with myfamily, even Bellamy respects him enough to give. him extra responsibilities when he and Ryann want to take a break or needsome time to themselves. Now that I’m paying more attention I’ve started noticing other things about him too. He calls his motherevery night, he is really good at dealing with Kiara and Logan and he NEVER takes a day off. Escorting me around all the time istechnically his job, so | never thought much of him being there. But most guards take days off, Aaron isn’t with Ryann all thetime, sometimes Shaun fills in for him when he needs personal’days. | don’t think Darrien has taken a day off being my guardever. He starts earlier and leaves later than any other guard and | checked with Ryann who has taken over managing a lot of thepayroll stuff, and he doesn’t charge for the additional hours. He never complains, never demands anything, especially not fromme. He treats my family like his own and everyone treats him like he’s my mate. But he’s NOT, he hasn’t even k*ssed me! | can’tfigure him out, what does he WANT? He stares at me... a lot. That’s something else that | noticed once | started payingattention. | find myself staring at him more and more often lately. A week ago | realised | was doing it. and I’ve come to anobvious conclusion. | want him. | already knew | trusted him, but | suspect | might actually love him too. Now that I’ve realised itI'm on edge around him ALL THE TIME. | just need our relationship to be defined properly, then | can stop worrying about. it somuch. I’m not usually an anxious person. | pride myself on my confidence and outgoing personality. It’s why | believe my eventplanning business will be a success. | graduated recently and thanks to Bellamy and Ryann, | have the money I'll need to getstarted. Their wedding is going to be my first big event. It’s going to be perfect. I’m the maid of honour obviously, and Darrien willbe taking me to the wedding and sitting with me. He always sits with me, he’s my guard. But he hasn’t actually asked me ormentioned it. | don’t know if he’s going as my guard or my... well... as the guy who is courting me. My date | suppose.


Emergency calls only Mu 05Megan 8-Presents and patienceD93%


Tonight | am determined to get answers. I’ve chosen a courting gift for him. | took a page out of Ryann’s book and got him aspelled item (Thanks Cam!) that he can safely shift with. The simple gold chain n*cklace has a secondary spell on it too. It’s kindof like a mood ring or something but far more accurate and it’s linked to me. It changes temperature depending on how | feel. Soif I'm upset or angry it will be cold, if I’m happy or affectionate it will be warm. It’s very general, but | thought that MAYBE it willgive him a hint towards my feelings since he doesn’t seem to be catching on. Cam delivered it to me just now and Darrien will beback from picking up dinner any minute now. Bellamy, Ryann and Kiara are out getting dinner with Logan and Maggie. I’mcompletely alone in the house for the first time in ages. | perch myself on the couch trying to stop the pacing. Finally | hearDarrien get home.

“Megan?” He calls out.

“In here!” | respond. He enters, bringing with him the smell of pizza and garlic bread. It smells good but | don’t know how hungry |am. I’m too nervous. He instantly notices that something is up. He knows me far too well.

“Is something wrong?” He asks immediately.

“No. |... | have something for you. A gift.” | admit. He takes a seat beside me, placing our food on the coffee table. He waits,anticipation clear on his face. | slowly hand him the navy blue box that Cam dropped off not too long ago. He opens it, and readsthe card that she included which explains the spells on the chain. He looks increasingly incredulous as he reads and by the timehe finishes, he is absolutely beaming. He clasps the chain around his n*ck and runs a hand over it lightly.

“Thank you, it’s perfect.” He tells me happily. Then without another word, he turns to open the box of pizza. What the HELL? Isthat all | get? | saw Bellamy and Ryann after she gave her courting gift. He could barely keep his hands off of her. | don’t evenget a hug? | thought this would at least be a clear enough hint that he should k*ss me. What is going on? | find I’m gettingincreasingly angry as he serves me a plate and hands it to me. | drop the plate on the table, annoyed. Darrien places a hand onthe chain around his n*ck and raises an eyebrow.

“Something is bothering you. Did you have something you wanted to say?” He asks calmly. Ugh, why is he so relaxed?“Are you going to Ryann and Bellamy’s wedding with me?” | demand. Darrien takes a bite of


Megan 8- Presents and patience

pizza and nods.

“Of course.” He answers easily. Okay, | don’t think he realised what | was asking.

“| mean are you going WITH me, like not as my guard. Are you going as my date?” | clarify. | can feel heat climbing up my n*ckand into my face and | try not to think about it.

“| really would like to be.” He answers. Again, he is completely calm and unruffled. Seriously, what does it take to get a reactionfrom him?! His lack of reaction pisses me off. Is he just going through the motions? He ACTS like he cares, but he never saysanything.

“Then what have you been waiting for? Why didn’t you just ASK?” | demand, my voice getting louder and louder as | getincreasingly frustrated. Finally, FINALLY he reacts. He drops his plate on the table, turns to me and grins a mischievous smile.

“| was waiting for you to ask me that.” Then before | can yell at him again, he wraps a hand around the back of my n*ck, into myhair, pulls me forward and k*sses me. There is no hesitation in his k*ss, no doubt. | can feel how much he’s been wanting this,how much he’s been holding back. When he eventually pulls away, he stays close and | can’t help but lean.

into him.“Why did you wait so long?” | ask breathlessly. Darrien sighs.

“When | first met you, | thought | would have time and | was too nervous to speak up. Then all of a sudden you were in arelationship and | realised | had missed my chance. When you were... available again | knew | needed to say something, but |didn’t want to rush you after you’ve been through so much. You were in so much pain and | didn’t feel right pursuing you. whenyou were emotional and vulnerable. But | also knew | needed to make my intentions. clear and declare myself sooner rather thanlater so that we didn’t end up back in the same situation again with you unavailable and me pining after you. So | made ourcourting official and since then I’ve been waiting for you to be ready and to come to me. Which | suppose you just did.” He smilesa deeply satisfied smile and | can’t decide if | want to k*ss him or punch. him. All this stress and anxiety because he was waitingfor ME to make a move? It didn’t even. occur to me. Also, he’s been waiting for me since we first met?

“You might be the most patient man I’ve ever met.” | tell him dryly and he laughs.


Megan 8-Presents and patience.

“Which is a good thing, because you made me wait a long time.” He points out and | groan.“Don’t remind me. I’m not patient at all. | don’t know how you did it.”

“You're worth it.” He answers softly, leaning in to k*ss me again. We're interrupted by Bellamy, Ryann and Kiara getting home.Ryann walks in and laughs in excitement.

“FINALLY!” She declares grinning at Bellamy.

“lam currently realising how weird it is to walk in on my sister with a guy. This might take some time to get used to.” He says inateasing tone. | smirk.

“Well get used to it. Darrien was taking far too long so I’ve decided. He and | are together

now.” | narrow my eyes at Ryann.“Ifyou

have an opinion on this you had better speak now or forever hold your peace because | am NOT going through all this again.” |say pointedly. She just shrugs.

“Congratulations?” She says awkwardly and | grin. Good..

“Auntie Megan 1-” Kiara stops as sheenters the living room and SSEEEESthe sit iQHy roilecties y sittingof-Darrien’s lap and she’s a smartgirl. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Does this mean Darrien is my uncle now too?” She whispers to Ryann very loudly. Darrienanswers on her behalf.


“| would love to be your uncle.” Kiaragrins and runs in to hug us both.Suddenly my dreams of having afamily of my own ‘(eemnO mmuprealistic@nymore, although I’mgoing to have to adjust them to fit mynew goal of running my ownbusiness. Still I’m sure Darrien willhelp out. Well, | have a lot of newgoals. | had better get started onthem. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Darrien? You should move into myroom. Also, | think you should nycyour m@t at to wainat'sbeyond timeforte to meet her.” | tell him. Nomore waiting for me. I've never been.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

very patient anyway.

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