Strings of Fate

Chapter 235
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Chapter 235

Megan 7- Crying and cleaningOnce we're off the phone Darrien pushes me towards his bathroom.

“You'll feel better when you're clean.” He promises. | don’t think a shower is going to be enough to make me feel clean again. But| do as he says because it’s not like | have a better plan. | stand under the hot water and cry my eyes out for a good half hour asthe blood washes down the drain. | borrow some of Darrien’s stupid guy 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner stuff that is probably terriblefor my hair but at least it gets the blood out. | also use some of his b*dy wash and | find it comforting and familiar. Once my eyesare burning from the tears, | force myself to stop crying and turn off the water. | look at myself in the little mirror he has in hereand realise that my eye makeup didn’t come off in the shower and has just run down. my face giving me panda eyes. Thismorning | felt beautiful. Now | just feel disgusting and broken. | search for something to clean my face, but all | can find is asingle towel that Darrien left behind for me. | wrap myself in it and Darrien gently taps on the door.

“Megan? | have something for you to wear.” He calls out.

“Okay. Come in.” | answer. My voice is hoarse from crying and he must be able to hear it. | hate crying in front of people. Heopens the door cautiously and steps inside. He hands me a pile of clothes.

“They're mine so they won't fit you, but it’s better than nothing. We can grab something of yours later.” He says softly. | nod andtake the clothes, clutching them to my chest. He takes in my appearance and the makeup running down my face.

“Let me help you with that.” He gestures for me to sit on the closed toilet and | do, still clutching the clothes to myself. Herummages through a cupboard | wasn’t brave enough to open and pulls out a face washer. He dampens it and then kneels onthe wet floor in front of me. He carefully and methodically wipes the makeup from my face before dropping the face washer intothe sink. | just sit there, unmoving, not sure what to do with myself.

“I'll let you get dressed.” He steps out, closing the door behind himself. | get to my feet and look at the clothes he left me. Anoversized shirt and a pair of track pants with a tie at the waist. | pull the tie tight and roll up the pants a little so | won't trip overthem and slip the

| look so small in his clothes and | feel very exposed without underwear. My hair is dripping down my back but | can’t be botheredto even towel it off. | just leave it. | step intonovelbin



Megan 7- Crying and cleaning

the living room and Darrien hands me a hot chocolate that he had ready and waiting.

“Here, relax for a minute while | clean up. I'll be right back. Call if you need something.” He insists. | nod and he steps into thebathroom with an armful of clothing. He showers in under two minutes and when he emerges he’s dressed similarly to me, buthis clothes actually fit

him.I'm sitting on the couch and sipping at my drink slowly. Darrien sinks into the couch beside me, holding a towel and a brush.

“May 1?” He asks. | nod slowly and he adjusts so that he can reach me better. He carefully squeezes the water out of my hairand pats it dry so that it’s no longer dripping. Then he carefully sorts through my hair with the brush. | pulled out all the pins in theshower, but there was teasing in my hair and his crappy hair products didn’t do much to help that situation. Once my hair istidied, he just keeps brushing it, | relax into the feeling and before | know it, there are tears running down my cheeks again. | feelawful. | killed someone, and yet Darrien is being so careful with me. I’m not sure | deserve his care. He eventually breaks

the silence.“I'm sorry.” He says, his voice breaking. | frown.

“What for?” | ask, confused.


“| should have stopped him. You only stepped in because | turned my back.” He ashamed. | flash back to that moment. Tristanleapt at Darrien and | was moving before | could think. | didn’t hesitate. Didn’t even blink. | just knew | had to protect Darrien, likehe

protects me.

“It's not your fault. 1... | don’t regret it.” | admit. That might be the worst part of this. | can’t imagine making any other decision atthat moment. Darrien sighs, drops the brush and wordlessly wraps an arm over my shoulder, tipping me into his side.

“Thank youfor protecting me then.” He says instead. | can accept that. The one bright side of this situation. He didn’t get hurt.

We spend a few hours at his place. Darrien gives me time to work through my thoughts and he stays there, sitting with me while |cry it out. Darrien occasionally checks his phone,


Megan 7- Crying and cleaning

communicating with someone via text. | have no idea who, honestly | don’t have the energyto care. He does take a phone call from Shaun and | listen in.

“Hey Shaun. I’m here with Megan.” Darrien answers the phone.

“Oh sh- | mean. Yeah, okay. Well as you asked we're taking care of everything. | was just wondering if you knew where our Alphahas gone? No one has heard from him.” Shaun explains. | can’t help but snort a laugh. It sounds a little crazy and almost morelike a sob, but it is a laugh. | answer for Darrien, snatching the phone from him.

“My brother is with Ryann. They've sorted things out and he took her home.” | tell him.

“Right. Well in that case I'll tell everyone to stop looking. We won't try to call him again unless it’s an emergency. I’m not gettinginvolved in that situation.” Shaun sounds deadly

serious.“That would be wise.” | answer dryly. Darrien gestures that he wants the phone back and |

hand it to him.

“Did you guys take care of everything | asked for?” Darrien says vaguely.

“Yes. All taken care of. If she needs anything else, please let us know.” Shaun offers before hanging up. She? | suppose hemeans me. They must be taking care of Tristan’s b*dy and dealing with the police. | won’t be in any trouble. Bellamy is the Alphaso he’s the one responsible for my actions anyway.

“We should get you home and in some proper clothes.” Darrien tells me gently. Huh, | don’t know that | want to go back, but |guess | can’t avoid the place forever. Although | have to say | don’t mind wearing Darrien’s stuff. It’s comfortable, although | coulduse underwear.

| reluctantly let Darrien walk mehome and watch as he unlocks thefront door with his key. I’m not sure |want to go in, there wedding Stuffe ruwhere) inwall hurt. But when wehead inside I’m surprised to see thehouse is tidy, not a single sign of tulleor invitations anywhere. Whathappened? Who cleaned this up?Where did it all go? | look at Darrien,seeking answers. He shrugsuncomfortably. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“| loaned Rio my key while you were in the shower and had her come and clear up anything3/4

Emergency calls only MS

Megan 7- Crying and cleaning.

D93% 0111:59

obvious. | thought it might make it

more comfortable for you. She

cleared your room too cy yousemsleep Ryo wart na rry if thatwas'dverstepping, | know Alpha Kanedoesn't allow people upstairs... But |thought that given the circumstancesit might be a good idea.” He explainsawkwardly. | stare at my feet. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Did... did she throw it all away?” | ask, not sure what answer I’m looking for. | want the stuff gone... but also | spent a lot of timechoosing it and | value it a lot. | can’t imagine never getting to wear the dress | chose.

“No, it's all been moved into one ofthe guest rooms upstairs. Whenyou're ready to go. through it, it willbe there. But that’s not a job fortoday. | can help derethat is YY warit) Or aybe Ryannwould be a better person to assistwith that. | don’t know.” He offers. |can tell he is trying to makeeverything better for me and |appreciate the effort. If only it was aseasy as hiding everything away. Still,at least for now | think that’s what |have to do. Push everything to theback of my mind and just carry on.Right now. | think chocolate is a goodidea. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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