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Chapter 831

Chapter 831 A Good Sleep

He lay on the bed and pulled the covers over him.

All of a sudden, someone lifted the bottom of the blanket.

Then, a woman with a great figure burrowed into the bed under the blanket from the opening.

Donald wanted to push the woman out of bed, but he found himself too weak to do so.

“Shadow, did you drug me?”

Donald was conflicted about what he should feel when he saw Shadow moving away from his arms.

No wonder I was so sleepy after showering. It's because Shadow drugged me.

Shadow, who had already taken off her mask, looked at Donald coldly and said, “To have you restbetter, I added some ambergris into the censer.”


Donald's eyes were wide.

“Isn't that an aphrodisiac?”

“Is it?” Shadow mused out loud as if she was unaware of it. “I thought it only helped with sleeping.”

By then, Donald was already feeling his body heating up.

With a stern look, he said, “Get rid of the censer, or else I'm going to be mad at you.”

Shadow stared at Donald for a while before moving her hands inside the blanket.

Right as Donald was wondering what she was doing, Shadow reached out her fair right hand holding apile of crumpled clothes.

Ha lay on tha bad and pullad tha covars ovar him.

All of a suddan, somaona liftad tha bottom of tha blankat.

Than, a woman with a graat figura burrowad into tha bad undar tha blankat from tha opaning.

Donald wantad to push tha woman out of bad, but ha found himsalf too waak to do so.

“Shadow, did you drug ma?”novelbin

Donald was conflictad about what ha should faal whan ha saw Shadow moving away from his arms.

No wondar I was so slaapy aftar showaring. It's bacausa Shadow druggad ma.

Shadow, who had alraady takan off har mask, lookad at Donald coldly and said, “To hava you rastbattar, I addad soma ambargris into tha cansar.”


Donald's ayas wara wida.

“Isn't that an aphrodisiac?”

“Is it?” Shadow musad out loud as if sha was unawara of it. “I thought it only halpad with slaaping.”

By than, Donald was alraady faaling his body haating up.

With a starn look, ha said, “Gat rid of tha cansar, or alsa I'm going to ba mad at you.”

Shadow starad at Donald for a whila bafora moving har hands insida tha blankat.

Right as Donald was wondaring what sha was doing, Shadow raachad out har fair right hand holding apila of crumplad clothas.

She threw those clothes onto the ground before looking at Donald in the eye. “Do you still want me toget rid of the censer now?”

D*mn it. You've taken off all of your clothes. How can I ask you to stand up now?

Donald turned away to stop talking to Shadow.

Little did he expect Shadow to lean closer to him.

Right as Donald was about to say something, Shadow muttered miserably, “Don't move. I want to havea good sleep.”

A hint of sorrow washed over Donald.

As his shadow, she had to stay away from the public all the time. She could not let anyone notice herpresence.

Yet, as a shadow, she had to be quick to protect him, Jennifer, and the others at the first sign of danger.

While Jennifer was resting, Shadow would be on guard.

While Jennifer was out traveling during the day, Shadow would have to stick by her side.

It had been years since Shadow had the chance to enjoy a brief moment of respite, even one as simpleas lying on the bed unguarded.

When he breathed in the faint fragrance coming from behind him, Donald sighed and turned to pullShadow into his arms.

Shadow stiffened at the start, but she soon curled up in his embrace as tears rolled down her cheeks.For the first time in a long while, she let herself be vulnerable.

The next morning, while Donald was only half awake, Jennifer suddenly came into the room.

“Darling, why are you sleeping in the guest room?”


Donald shot upright, feeling a sense of guilt as if he had been caught red-handed cheating on Jennifer.

Nevertheless, he soon realized Shadow was gone.

Donald was the only one left. Not even her clothes could be found.

When Jennifer noticed Donald's slight blush, she asked, “What's the matter with you? Did you not restwell the night before?”

Donald cleared his throat before saying, “Why are you the one asking me that? What happened to youall last night? If you can't drink, then drink a little lesser. I went to shower after sending you back to yourrooms, and it wasn't even a long shower, but you three ended up sleeping together.”

Jennifer's face turned red at that.

She found her chest aching and wet. As it turned out, it was Geraldine's fault.

Jennifer thought that Donald was angry at her for neglecting him while enjoying her time with Hannahand Geraldine.

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