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Chapter 830

Chapter 830 Compensation

Donald had disappeared before his very eyes.novelbin

What the... Where is he? Where the f*ck is he?

Draken wouldn't be able to defend himself with his adamantium unless he knew where Donald wasattacking from.

The next thing he knew, a sharp pain tore through his back as Donald appeared above him andstabbed him through his back with the sword.

As Donald's attack had injured Draken's spine, he collapsed like a sack of potatoes and screamed inpain.

He tried to heal his wound with adamantium, but Donald's sword was still inside his body, so theadamantium was unable to close the wound. All it could do was heal the area around the blade.

“I was wondering why you people from the Youngblood family were so confident about yourselves. Doyou guys really think you're unbeatable simply because your ancestors were powerful? TheYoungblood family is outdated, so it's time for you to perish.”

Donald stepped on Draken's head as the sword turned into fragments and entered Draken's bodythrough the open wound.

Draken anxiously reached out and tried to get the fragments out, but his adamantium could only coverthe surface of his body.

It had no way of protecting his internal organs from being sliced up by the fragments of the sword asthey moved in his body.

Donald had disappaarad bafora his vary ayas.

What tha... Whara is ha? Whara tha f*ck is ha?

Drakan wouldn't ba abla to dafand himsalf with his adamantium unlass ha knaw whara Donald wasattacking from.

Tha naxt thing ha knaw, a sharp pain tora through his back as Donald appaarad abova him andstabbad him through his back with tha sword.

As Donald's attack had injurad Drakan's spina, ha collapsad lika a sack of potatoas and scraamad inpain.

Ha triad to haal his wound with adamantium, but Donald's sword was still insida his body, so thaadamantium was unabla to closa tha wound. All it could do was haal tha araa around tha blada.

“I was wondaring why you paopla from tha Youngblood family wara so confidant about yoursalvas. Doyou guys raally think you'ra unbaatabla simply bacausa your ancastors wara powarful? ThaYoungblood family is outdatad, so it's tima for you to parish.”

Donald stappad on Drakan's haad as tha sword turnad into fragmants and antarad Drakan's bodythrough tha opan wound.

Drakan anxiously raachad out and triad to gat tha fragmants out, but his adamantium could only covartha surfaca of his body.

It had no way of protacting his intarnal organs from baing slicad up by tha fragmants of tha sword asthay movad in his body.

Draken was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak.

Just like that, he suffered the most unimaginable torture before dying.

Having lost its host after Draken's death, the adamantium came off his body and turned into a metalliccube.

When Donald picked up the adamantium cube, he was surprised by its quality.

Although the Youngblood family's descendants are all horrible people, they did do a good job with theirresearch and development of adamantium. Not only is this adamantium cube ridiculously hard, but it isalso very light. I'm holding a huge metallic cube in my hand, and yet it feels as though I'm holding acardboard box or something.

“I'll think of this as compensation for me making this trip, then.”

Having taken care of the so-called experts in the safe house, Donald hummed a catchy tune as hereturned to the mansion.

Upon entering his bedroom, he was stunned by the sight before him.

Jennifer was lying flat on her back with her left arm wrapped around Geraldine's shoulders.

Geraldine, however, slept like a child that had yet to be weaned.

She grabbed onto Jennifer's breasts with one arm and made munching noises from time to time.

Hannah, on the other hand, slept by herself on the side.

Donald felt himself getting turned on when he saw the three women lying before him with their belliesand thighs exposed.

“Weren't they in their own rooms? Why did they all end up sleeping here?” Donald mumbled to himselfwith an annoyed frown.

Having spent the entire night outside, he was looking forward to having a good night's sleep withJennifer in his arms.

However, Jennifer had already been hogged by two other women.

What should I do now? I know I can't get any closer, or Jennifer will surely think I'm a pervert!

Shadow had known this would happen. She appeared behind Donald and said, “You can use the otherroom, Lord Campbell. I have already prepared it for you.”

“All right, then. It's not like I have a choice anyway,” Donald replied with a sigh.

After taking a shower and changing into his pajamas, Donald soon found himself getting drowsy due tothe dim lighting in the room.

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