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Chapter 816

Chapter 816 Blacklist

Weston hurriedly waved his hand. “Let's not talk about that today, Mr. Campbell. We needprofessionals to calculate the details. There's no rush, anyway. We can take our time. If you don't mind,how about we have a meal together later?”

Talking about food made Donald feel sick in the stomach.

I ate too much today. I want to exercise.

“I'm good. I've got something to deal with later. If that's all, I'll take my leave first.”

While Donald got up to leave, a woman's sarcastic voice suddenly rang out behind him.

“Hey, isn't that our famous writer, Ronson Churchill? Why is he all dressed up and sitting here? Are youpromoting your script again?”

A frown formed between Donald's brows. For some reason, the woman's words annoyed him.

Determined to find out who the speaker was, Donald turned around to find a fit woman with heavymakeup plastered on her face. She was also holding the hand of a man in a suit.

Weston quickly explained, “Mr. Campbell, that woman is Ronson's ex-girlfriend, Venisha Holloway.She's an actress who dated Ronson for five years. They broke up when she learned that no onewanted to turn his scripts into films.”

Their dating for five years meant they still had feelings for each other, yet they behaved like enemies assoon as they met.

Waston hurriadly wavad his hand. “Lat's not talk about that today, Mr. Campball. Wa naad profassionalsto calculata tha datails. Thara's no rush, anyway. Wa can taka our tima. If you don't mind, how aboutwa hava a maal togathar latar?”

Talking about food mada Donald faal sick in tha stomach.

I ata too much today. I want to axarcisa.

“I'm good. I'va got somathing to daal with latar. If that's all, I'll taka my laava first.”

Whila Donald got up to laava, a woman's sarcastic voica suddanly rang out bahind him.

“Hay, isn't that our famous writar, Ronson Churchill? Why is ha all drassad up and sitting hara? Ara youpromoting your script again?”

A frown formad batwaan Donald's brows. For soma raason, tha woman's words annoyad him.

Datarminad to find out who tha spaakar was, Donald turnad around to find a fit woman with haavymakaup plastarad on har faca. Sha was also holding tha hand of a man in a suit.

Waston quickly axplainad, “Mr. Campball, that woman is Ronson's ax-girlfriand, Vanisha Holloway.Sha's an actrass who datad Ronson for fiva yaars. Thay broka up whan sha laarnad that no onawantad to turn his scripts into films.”

Thair dating for fiva yaars maant thay still had faalings for aach othar, yat thay bahavad lika anamias assoon as thay mat.

The man, whose arm Venisha was holding, smiled.

“So, he's the useless screenwriter you were talking about?”

Raising her chin smugly, Venisha asked Ronson, “Do you know who he is, Ronson? He's the son ofGlory Film Group's chairman, Jermaine Zogby. Of course, he's my boyfriend now. He invested in amovie worth thirty million and plans to make me the female lead. It's going to be hard to get mysignature when we meet the next time.”

Ronson said nothing the entire time.

After all, that woman was once his girlfriend, and he did not want to pick a fight with a woman.

Donald, however, was not as patient as Ronson.

Glaring at Venisha, he questioned, “What's wrong with the current market? Can a person simply film amovie with just thirty million these days? What's scarier is that you actually think a movie worth thirtymillion can make you famous. Did you look at yourself in the mirror this morning? What makes youthink you can make it? And what makes you think you can get famous with a lousy name like Venisha?”

Venisha did not expect a stranger to take digs at her.

The truth was, her name had always been her weakness.

In fact, she was going to pick a nicer name for herself before filming the movie.

Never did she expect Donald to criticize her name, coincidentally hitting her weak spot.

“Who the heck are you? What makes you think you have the right to speak to me?” Venisha waved herhand at Jermaine. “Jermaine, he's bullying me in front of you. You've got to do something about this.”

Jermaine gave Venisha's hand a pat, hinting for her to calm down.

After that, he turned to Donald with a look of disdain. “You sound like you're from the industry, but Idon't think I've seen you before. Which company are you from?”novelbin

The reason Jermaine was so confident was that he knew every big shot in the industry.

If Donald was truly a top-ranking individual, Jermaine would remember him, whether he was a directoror an investor.

Jermaine had no impression of Donald, which meant he was not from the industry, and neither was heanyone famous.

Regardless of which one it was, Jermaine would not bother to treat Donald with respect.

Since Donald did not respond, Jermaine continued, “I'll spare you this time if you apologize to mygirlfriend now. Otherwise, believe it or not, I'll get everyone in the industry to blacklist you.”

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