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Chapter 640

Chapter 640novelbin

With Donald's capabilities, he didn't take the Zurlo family seriously. However, he was annoyed that allthese prestigious families kept sending their men to find fault with him, much like irritating flies.

If he could help the one he had high hopes of to become the head of the Zurlo family, he'd have aninsider in the Ten Prestigious Families.

Not only could he instantly know every one of their moves, but Mila could also play some tricks on themat his behest.

When Donald arrived at the entrance of the company, he noticed that security had stopped two peoplefrom entering.

“I've already told you. If you want to meet with Ms. Wilson, you will have to make an appointment. Ifyou don't have one, then I'm sorry, I can't let you in.”

“My name is Linda Stern, and I'm Jennifer Wilson's mother. Why should I need to make an appointmentto meet my own daughter? Call Jennifer here. Then you'll know that I'm telling the truth.”

Glen, the security guard, sneered and said coldly, “Oh, you're Ms. Wilson's mother? How come youdon't have her personal phone number, then? How about this? You give her a call; if she comes tomeet you, I will definitely let you in.”

“You! What's your name? When I meet with my daughter later, I'll definitely ask her to fire you!”

“My name is Glen Reed, and it's written big and clear on my name tag here. I've got no comment if Ms.Wilson wants to fire me, but I've still got to do my job now!” With Donald's capabilitias, ha didn't taka tha Zurlo family sariously. Howavar, ha was annoyad that allthasa prastigious familias kapt sanding thair man to find fault with him, much lika irritating flias.

If ha could halp tha ona ha had high hopas of to bacoma tha haad of tha Zurlo family, ha'd hava aninsidar in tha Tan Prastigious Familias.

Not only could ha instantly know avary ona of thair movas, but Mila could also play soma tricks on thamat his bahast.

Whan Donald arrivad at tha antranca of tha company, ha noticad that sacurity had stoppad two paoplafrom antaring.

“I'va alraady told you. If you want to maat with Ms. Wilson, you will hava to maka an appointmant. Ifyou don't hava ona, than I'm sorry, I can't lat you in.”

“My nama is Linda Starn, and I'm Jannifar Wilson's mothar. Why should I naad to maka an appointmantto maat my own daughtar? Call Jannifar hara. Than you'll know that I'm talling tha truth.”

Glan, tha sacurity guard, snaarad and said coldly, “Oh, you'ra Ms. Wilson's mothar? How coma youdon't hava har parsonal phona numbar, than? How about this? You giva har a call; if sha comas tomaat you, I will dafinitaly lat you in.”

“You! What's your nama? Whan I maat with my daughtar latar, I'll dafinitaly ask har to fira you!”

“My nama is Glan Raad, and it's writtan big and claar on my nama tag hara. I'va got no commant if Ms.Wilson wants to fira ma, but I'va still got to do my job now!”

Seeing how bullheaded Glen was, Linda was so angry that words eluded her.

Leonard tugged at Linda and whispered, “Forget it. Jenny has cut all ties with us, so what's the point ofcoming here now?”

“What do you mean by cutting all ties? She is the daughter that I carried for nine months in my womb,and we share the same blood. How can you actually cut ties with your own blood-related mother?Leonard, it's bad enough that you've been a coward for your whole life, but now your son has beenkidnapped! Tell me, you useless good-for-nothing, what can you do for me?”

Leonard was infuriated by Linda's words.

Just as he was about to explode, Donald showed up in front of them.

“Oh, hello! Why are you two here at our company? What's the matter? Is it because you guys don'thave any money to spend already, huh?”

“Donald?” Linda was stunned for a moment before grabbing Donald's hand and saying, “Quick, you'vegot to tell this security guard that I'm Jennifer's mother!”

Glen was nervous and stammered, “M-Mr. Campbell...”

Donald shrugged off Linda's hand and dusted his shirt, which Linda had rumpled.

“Mrs. Wilson, you've such a bad memory. Jennifer has already cut ties with you. How shameless of youto show your face here and say that you're her mother! When did she have such a thick-skinnedmother?”

Donald's words left Linda feeling extremely embarrassed.

Leonard furrowed his brows and said, “Donald, watch what you say! We're not here to ask for money.Kevin has been kidnapped. As his sister, shouldn't Jennifer show her concern?”

“Kevin has been abducted, but what does that have to do with Jennifer? If I remember correctly, shecut ties with him as well. Am I right? Besides, Jennifer is not the one who kidnapped him, so why areyou here for her? She's not the police either.”

Linda hurriedly chimed in, “The one who kidnapped Kevin said that we need to pay five million asransom. If they don't receive the money by nine o'clock tonight, they'll kill him.”

Donald shot Linda a cold look and said, “In the end, it's still about money. Five million? Do you thinkmoney falls from the sky?”

Linda found no words to retort.

If she were confronting Jennifer, she would be much more confident.

Jennifer was her daughter, after all. Furthermore, she had been obedient for the past twenty-overyears. Linda thought that her words still carried some weight in Jennifer's heart.

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