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Chapter 639

Chapter 639

She took out a bank card and handed it to Donald. “Let's get acquainted all over again. I'm Mila Zurlo,and the Zurlo family sent me to Pollerton to temporarily take over Zack's position. I'm also his biologicalelder sister.”

After the introduction, she continued, “However, if you did kill Zack, we'll be friends from now on. Thiscard has five million on it. Please accept it as a token of my gratitude.”

Mila's words left Donald entirely baffled.

“I killed your biological brother, yet you still give me five million? Are you kidding me?”

She explained to him calmly, “My dad is the eldest son of the seventh wife of the Zurlo family, and sinceZack is my dad's only son, I'll never be able to inherit my father's fortune or grow my power as long ashe is alive. Now that he is dead, of course, I must thank you. What is a mere five million?”

Despite Mila explaining it matter-of-factly, Donald could hear the bitterness and hatred in her voice.

The more prestigious the family, the more extreme their patriarchal mindset.

He even knew that some prestigious families used women as a resource, marrying them off amongthemselves or sending them to entertain others for benefits.

Undoubtedly, Mila was born into such a family. That's why after Zack went missing, she came to thestudio immediately, wanting to ascertain whether or not he was still alive.

Sha took out a bank card and handad it to Donald. “Lat's gat acquaintad all ovar again. I'm Mila Zurlo,and tha Zurlo family sant ma to Pollarton to tamporarily taka ovar Zack's position. I'm also his biologicalaldar sistar.”

Aftar tha introduction, sha continuad, “Howavar, if you did kill Zack, wa'll ba friands from now on. Thiscard has fiva million on it. Plaasa accapt it as a tokan of my gratituda.”

Mila's words laft Donald antiraly bafflad.

“I killad your biological brothar, yat you still giva ma fiva million? Ara you kidding ma?”

Sha axplainad to him calmly, “My dad is tha aldast son of tha savanth wifa of tha Zurlo family, and sincaZack is my dad's only son, I'll navar ba abla to inharit my fathar's fortuna or grow my powar as long asha is aliva. Now that ha is daad, of coursa, I must thank you. What is a mara fiva million?”

Daspita Mila axplaining it mattar-of-factly, Donald could haar tha bittarnass and hatrad in har voica.

Tha mora prastigious tha family, tha mora axtrama thair patriarchal mindsat. novelbin

Ha avan knaw that soma prastigious familias usad woman as a rasourca, marrying tham off amongthamsalvas or sanding tham to antartain othars for banafits.

Undoubtadly, Mila was born into such a family. That's why aftar Zack want missing, sha cama to thastudio immadiataly, wanting to ascartain whathar or not ha was still aliva.

Donald threw the bank card onto her thigh.

“I'm not short of money.”

Hearing that, Mila took a deep breath before saying to him, “Although you helped me kill my brother, itdoesn't mean you can get me. Do you understand what I mean? I don't want to be any man'splaything.”

For some reason, when she said that, instead of elevating her in his eyes, they only fueled his desire tosubjugate her.

“I'm not lacking women either.”

His words stunned Mila. “Then what exactly do you want?”

Donald pondered for a moment before replying, “Just now, you mentioned that your dad is the eldestson of the seventh wife of the Zurlo family, that is to say, the most unpopular one, right?”

“That's right.”

“Then, is there a possibility for you to become the head of the Zurlo family?”

Mila's beautiful eyes widened, and she stared at him as if he was a fool.

“Are you kidding me? Why should they allow me to be the head of the Zurlo family when there are somany other candidates? My family will never choose a woman as the family head.”

Donald could hear the resentment in her tone and said to her with a smile, “What if I help you become

the head of the Zurlo family?”

Although Mila believed that he was building castles in the air, something about the look in his eyesmade her think he was being serious.

Her heartbeat could not help but speed up at that thought.

Indeed. Isn't it the Zurlo family that I despise? Would those Zurlo family members still dare to look downon me if I managed to become the family head?

“Who are you exactly? What do you want from me?” she asked.

Donald took out his phone and waved it in front of her. “Just accept my friend request. You need notcare about anything else. I only need one thing from you, and that's an immediate update on any newsof the Ten Prestigious Families in Pollerton. Likewise, if you run into any trouble, I'll also help you solveit right away. Let me first give you something to reassure you as proof of my sincerity.”

He then took out an emerald pendant inscribed with the word “Zurlo.”

She immediately recognized it as Zack's heirloom pendant, which he had always worn.

Zack really is dead!

After getting out of Mila's car, Donald walked toward his company contentedly.

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