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Chapter 986

Chapter 986 Confrontation

Alex rushed to Four Seas Corporation after Jack’s frantic call.

He stared at his computer screen somberly, scrutinizing the security footage of the parking lot fromaround nine thirty the previous night.

As Jessica approached her car after wrapping up work that night, two masked figures emerged from adark corner of the lot and knocked her out cold.

They dragged her into a car and sped out of the parking lot.

A murderous aura erupted from Alex. He glared at James and barked, “The security cameras capturedthe entire incident! Why didn’t the security guards on duty last night notice it at all?”

James flinched-at Alex’s menacing aura. Cold sweat beaded across his back. Alex rarely lost histemper, but when he did, it was too overbearing for a nobody like James to bear.

Still, he tried his best to calm down and sputtered. “The security guards on duty last night weren’t in thesurveillance room, Mr. Jefferson. They, uhm, they.

Something appeared to have caught in James’ throat. He struggled to continue his sentence, knowingthe truth would surely infuriate Alex. The alternative of lying to his boss would land him in worsetrouble.

James’ dithering tested Alex’s patience. He grabbed a nearby stool and hurled it at the security guard,roaring, “What were the guards doing?”

The impact broke James’ bones, and he writhed in pain on the ground. Weakly, he replied, “They wentout for a barbecue…”

Alex took in his words woodenly and left after sparing James one last deadly glare.

James remained on the ground, scared senseless from his exchange with his boss earlier. If theincident were not resolved smoothly, he would lose his job and face Alex’s wrath at the same time.

“Summon the security guards on last night’s shift here! Right away!” James shouted his orders at hisassistant, who was quaking in the corner of the office.

If only the guards had been doing their jobs instead of slacking off, someone might have noticed thatJessica was in danger and rescued her in time.

Those security guards were paid much better at Four Seas Corporation compared to their peers atother companies, yet they lacked the most basic work ethics, James would never let them off the hookfor their behavior, regardless of Alex’s anger or Jessica’s kidnapping.

By then. Alex had arrived at the Regenerateur Enterprises’ entrance. He ignored the security guards atthe door and barged into the office.

A whole night had passed, and still, there was no word on Jessica’s condition. Alex lost his usual calm.His emotions were a mess and on the verge of erupting into fury.

Jessica had let go of her past grievances and helped him as his company navigated through a pastcrisis. She never muttered a single word of complaint.

He was certain that her kidnapping stemmed from Aiden’s desire to seek revenge If anything happensto Jessica, F’ll live with this guilt forever. I’ll never be able to forgive myself You have to be safe,Jessica!

The security team leader of Regenerateur Enterprises recognized Alex from a past visit to Four SeasCorporation. He accosted Alex and seethed, “It’s you! How dare you show yourself at Regenerateur

Enterprises! Get lost!” As he spoke, he raised his stun baton and brought it down upon Alex’s head.

Alex seized the stun baton from the security guard and swiftly struck the man’s leg.novelbin

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Before the security team leader could react, he felt a sharpsting in his leg and slumped before Alex, grimacing in pain.

Alex choked the man, silencing any protests the latter might have had. He almost squeezed the life outof the security team leader but snapped out of his rage at the last minute.

Instead, Alex flung the security team leader aside and swept his menacing gaze over the crowd ofsecurity guards who had gathered. The men were scared out of their wits and dared not step forward toengage Alex.

This man is a true killer!

Their team leader would have been a corpse had Alex not shown him mercy at the last second.

No one stopped Alex as he sauntered into Regenerateur Enterprises and beelined for the chairman’soffice.

“Are we just going to let him go?” one of the security guards asked his colleague.

“You’re welcome to approach him if you have a death wish! My life’s too precious for that. I almost peedmy pants when the Four Seas Corporation chairman looked over.”

Another colleague piped up, “Right! My legs almost failed me. I’ve never seen anything so scary in mylife. It almost looks as if he’s here for a confrontatio

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