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Chapter 985

Chapter 985 Revenge

At The Moh’s stronghold in Ferropene, a woman with dreadlocks and a nose ring dammed her palmson the table and jumped to her feet, demanding, “What The dozens of men we sent to Eurasis are alldead?”

Then, the swiped a wine bottle off the table and smashed it on the head of the man who had themisfortune of reporting the losses to her


The bottle shattered. Blood streamed down the poor man’s head, yet he remained painfully silent.While his boss was still enraged and looking for ways to vent her anger, he could not afford to protesther actions and invite more trouble upon himself.

The mention of The Mob struck fear in every resident of Ferropene, yet little did they know that themassive organization was headed by a woman, and a beautiful one, at that.

She was as striking as the A-list celebrities in Ferropene, but her fierce personality instantly scared offany potential suitors.

Her members’ continued silence prompted her to shout. “What are you waiting around for? Whichnobility is this Vinson from! We’re wiping his whole clan out!”

She stomped on the table and broke it in half. Then, she rallied her lackeys and immediately set offtoward Vinson’s family’s territory

Finson caused The Mob to lose so many men. I can’t sit idly by as the leader of this group!

While the decision to put her men in a risky situation had come from someone she could not afford tooffend, she felt she was justified in going after Vinson’s family to avenge her men’s deaths.

She would spare some other time to size up the person who was powerful enough to scoff at The Mob,

Meanwhile, at the Jefferson family villa, Kate dutifully answered Alex’s many questions regardingVinson 7


The next day, instead of his alarm, the persistent ringtone of his phone woke Alex up. He unlocked hisphone and noticed it was a call from Elsa

Once the line connected, Eha demanded, “Was last night’s incident at the mall related to you, Alex?”

Frankly, she already knew it was Alex’s doing. She had been called to the police station to check themall’s security footage last night.

Elsa only waited till the next day to call him because she did not want to disturb him at night.

Her question struck Alex silent. He mulled over her motives for reaching out to him, wondering if shewas about to arrest him for murder.

Alex could not care less about killing people, not when they deserved to die. He was aware of thepotential consequences of his actions

Last night’s incident had caused a great stir. Members of The Mob had injured countless innocentcitizens, and Alex shuddered to imagine the number of casualties from the incident.

That was why he suspected Elsa was planning to interrogate him. He only hesitated for a momentbefore

He phone got ringing on

confessing his involvement in the incident.

Elsa’s concern was palpable as she exclaimed, “Are you okay? Are you hurt? I was so worried aboutyou the whole night. I didn’t want to call you in case you were recuperating from some injuries.”

Alex was surprised after having prepared for the worst. He never expected the disciplinarianpolicewoman to prioritize his well-being instead of apprehending the criminal of her case.

He reassured her of his safety, and she promptly hung up after leaving him with some words ofconcern. She did not utter a single word about her case.

Alex checked the time after her call and decided it was about time he got up.

His phone began ringing again once he set it down. This time, it was a call from Jack.novelbin

“Mr. Jefferson, someone kidnapped Ms. Saffin at the parking lot last night!”

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