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Chapter 919

Chapter 919 In Deep Trouble

Dmitri’s men burst out laughing when they heard that

“Do you even know who Dmitri is? You may be the chairman of this company, but you are nothing.compared to our boss!”

“Yeah! You think you’re so great just because you’re rich? Dmitri is infamous in the criminalunderworld!”

“You’d better drop the f*cking act and pay up before we demolish your office building!”

Dmitri’s lips curled into a satisfied grin when he heard his subordinates complimenting him. “I’ll let youoff the hook if you pay me one hundred million. In fact, we could even be friends after this. If you insiston doing this the hard way, then don’t blame me for showing you no mercy.”

During that brief exchange, Alex had sent Flynn a text asking him to bring some men over.

He then put his phone back into his pocket and said with a nonchalant smile, “Be patient, you guys! Ican’t just pull one hundred million out of my wallet, can I? I’ve texted my men to bring the money over,so just give them some time.”

Dmitri got even more smug as he thought Alex had complied out of fear. “It’s good to see that you knowwhat’s good for you, young man! However, I must remind you that three days have passed since Lucasborrowed one hundred million from my casino. If we include the compound interest, he now owes meone hundred and fifty million! Tell your men to make sure they bring enough money, or else…”

Alex simply smiled and nodded at Dmitri without saying anything.

Wow… This guy sure is a greedy one! I haven’t heard of a loan shark with an interest rate of fifty millionin just three days! It’s obvious that he’s just trying to rip me off!novelbin

Thinking that the chairman of Four Seas Corporation was just a cowardly young man, Dmitri grewincreasingly pleased.

One of Dmitri’s men with blond hair then kicked one of the security guards and shouted, “Are you guys.dense or what? Can’t you see our boss is still standing there? Hurry and get a chair for him!”

At a loss, the security guard looked at Alex and waited until he got a nod of approval before running offto fetch Dmitri a chair.

About fifteen minutes later, dozens of BMW’s pulled up outside of Four Seas Corporation. About fortyto fifty men then hopped out of the car shortly after. The one leading the group was none other thanFlynn


The look on Dmitri’s face changed the moment he turned around and saw Flynn approaching.

Although they were both feared gang leaders in the criminal underworld, Flynn was far superior interms of power and influence when compared to Dmitri.

Dmitri no longer dared to put on airs upon seeing Flynn approach. He was so scared that he quicklyran up to Flynn and said with an ingratiating smile, “Hi, Flynn! It’s an honor to see you here today! Howabout I treat you to a meal?”

To his surprise, Flynn ignored him completely and continued making his way toward Alex.

“Hey, Alex! Why did you ask me to bring my men over? Is it to teach these b*stards a lesson?” heasked

In Deep Trouble

with a chuckle while patting Alex on the shoulder.

“These men threatened to smash up my office building. They have us outnumbered, so I had to callyou. for help,” Alex replied with a shrug.

Dmitri’s jaw dropped in shock when he heard that. What? What’s going on here? Am I seeing thisright? Is this guy a friend of Flynn, the king of the criminal underworld? I can’t believe I threatened him!I’ve practically doomed myself!

Realizing that he was in deep trouble, Dmitri quickly explained, “I didn’t know he was your friend, Flynn!I’m terribly sorry I offended you! Please forgive me! I’ll leave right away!”

Of course, Flynn wasn’t about to just let Dmitri walk away like that. He snapped his fingers, promptinghis men to block Dmitri’s path.

“Where do you think you’re going? You came here and threatened to smash my office building for onehundred and fifty million, didn’t you? Well? Why are you leaving before you even receive the money?”

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