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Chapter 886

Chapter 886 Relationship Saboteur

Maggie could not help but draw a comparison between Stannis and the manipulative characters shehad seen in the drama series on her phone. His remarks echoed the deceptive tactics employed bythose characters to seduce individuals who were already in relationships. I bet this dude also has asimilar ulterior motive in mind.

Maggie smirked and spoke with indifference. “You know. I’ve watched countless drama series on myphone, and I’ve seen characters who go out of their way to ruin relationships. I used to believe theywere purely fictional, but you’ve shown me otherwise. It seems manipulating and sabotagingrelationships is not as uncommon in real life as I thought, both among men and women.”

Maggie continued with a tut, clapped nonchalantly, and said, “Stannis, you have the potential ofbecoming a relationship saboteur.”

Stannis’ face darkened when he heard that. He had not expected her to embarrass him so bluntly.

With a firm grip, he squeezed the bottle of mineral water in his hand until it became deformed. Theremaining water inside the bottle spilled onto the floor.

Stannis exerted great effort to suppress his emotions. As a man with a strong ego, he found it d acceptthe humiliation inflicted upon him by Maggie.

Nevertheless, he pulled himself together, regaining control over his emotions. The grim expressio facevanished as if nothing had happened.

Plastering a grin to his face, he responded, “That’s funny, Ms. Grant. You could have just told me youdidn’t like mineral water. I would have bought you something else instead.”

Maggie was struck dumb by his sudden change of demeanor. How on earth did he manage to changehis attitude so quickly?

She had just made her stance clear, yet he was still trying to make advances at her. Can’t he just leaveme alone?

To completely extinguish his infatuation, Maggie contemplated resorting to more manipulative tactics.

“There’s no free lunch in this world, and there’s no way we can achieve success without putting in theeffort. A person without capabilities, even if they were to reach a high position, will not stay in thatposition for long.” After speaking. Maggie turned around and left.

By then, Alex and Stanley had already descended from the pirate ship. Maggie approached them.engaging in conversation and sharing laughter.

Stannis stood still and threw the water bottle to the ground. Despite Maggie’s subtlety in her words, hefelt that she had trampled upon his dignity.

Unable to bear the humiliation any longer, Stannis decided to turn around and leave, realizing that hehad -squandered his opportunity. Even if I were to make her sleep with me, she’d still disregard mecompletely. A

woman like her might even seek revenge against me.

With one final glance at Maggie, Alex, and Stanley, Stannis turned around and left, not bothering tocheck if they had a ride home.

After seeing Stannis walking toward the exit instead of coming toward them, Stanley looked at Maggiewith a puzzled look and asked, “Ms. Grant, why isn’t Mr. Zita coming over here?”

“Oh. Mr. Zita had to leave due to an urgent matter, but he wanted us to continue enjoying ourselveshere. What other games would you like to play? I’ll go with you!” Maggie replied with a smile, stealing aglance at the man who had just departed.

Feeling dejected, Stannis drove quickly and soon arrived at the hotel where they were staying.

His attention was drawn to a black Bentley parked right in the center of the hotel entrance. He rubbedhis eyes and glanced at the license plate.

“A Bentley with a Lumenopolis car plate? Could it be a high-profile person visiting the city?” Stannismuttered to himself in the car.

At that moment, he felt his opportunity had arrived.novelbin

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