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Chapter 862

Chapter 862 Wrath

The minute Alex stepped into the basement, he could sense something was different about the place.When he heard about the horrific activity which took place there, his suspicions were confirmed.

He then activated The Mind’s Eye and saw the souls of children filling the entirety of the room to thebrim.novelbin

He couldn’t imagine how many lives those people had taken for him to witness such a scene.

The cause of the incident was related to the religious statue placed at the entrance to the basement.

The children’s souls were not vengeful ghosts. They didn’t have the ability to materialize nor seekvengeance against their killers.

The religious statue not only hindered them from leaving the basement but also weakened theirpowers.

It was pitiful enough for the kids to be tricked from their parents’ side and suffer a painful death undeforceful hands which reaped their organs. It would be despicable if their souls wandered in anguishforever.

Hans was doubtful of Alex’s words. Souls and whatnots were stuff from medieval times. He didn’t beliesuch things existed in the world.

However, he couldn’t voice his doubts since the pain he bore was close to tipping him over to a mentalbreakdown.

Alex’s gaze swung to the knife Hans dropped not far away. Relieving the pressure of his foot fromHans’ head, he picked up the knife without a second thought and severed all four of Hans’ limbs.

An ear-splitting scream echoed across the walls of the dark room. Alex’s hand didn’t stop from theblood- curdling howl. There was no mercy in his strokes. Soon, only Hans’ torso was left.

Blood splattered everywhere, including Alex’s clothes. To avoid making Maggie and Stanley worry withblood-soaked clothing, he searched for someone of a similar size among the dead bodies and changedhis clothes.

Hans had lost consciousness from the excruciating pain of having his limbs amputated. However, hislife or death wasn’t Alex’s concern.

Stepping out of the basement, Alex glanced at the religious statue taller than him. He knew he had tomove the sculpture away to allow the children’s souls to leave the basement.

Drawing Mortal Force from within him, he inhaled a deep breath before lifting the five hundred.kilograms statue and moving it outside.

Around ten minutes later, Alex finally moved the statue outside. He watched as white-greyish wisps ofchildren’s souls drifted from the basement.

His dark expression finally relaxed slightly at the sight. He sighed and lamented the kids’ fates.

Alex didn’t leave the monastery as the children’s souls slowly disappeared across the horizon. Instead,he climbed to the roof and waited for members of the Wallace family to arrive.

He decided he would avenge the kids.

Before long, he sensed a powerful aura slowly approaching him. Sitting straight, he focused his gazeon the incoming figure.

At the same time, the doors to Green Mountain Monastery were pushed open. A sixty-something-year-old monk, clad in a golden-thread robe, walked in. A faint golden glow encompassed him despite thepitch.


Shortly after, his dark gaze lifted, noticing Alex sitting on the roof.

It was Fonzo, who Alex had met earlier that day at the other Green Mountain Monastery.

Fonzo pointed at Alex and interrogated, “Are you the one who destroyed the underground base, youngman? Are you also the one who threatened the head of the Wallace family? You must have a deathwish!”

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