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Chapter 509

Chapter 509 Plead With Alex

+15 Bonus

When Demi first heard it from Jacob and Harper, she was so blinded by fury that she did not noticetheir evil scheme. It was only when Heather spoke so hopelessly and questioned them so desolatelythat she was forced to come back to her senses.

She knew very well every single thing that Heather had done in order to save the clan. There was noway Heather would do something silly like this. Moreover, Heather’s capability far surpassed Jacob’s.

Alas, she was the conservative type who knew that the Jennings family had to be taken over by theeldest grandson.

That was why she was forced to assign Jacob the position of general manager despite knowing that helacked the capability.

She had thought that Jacob would do well if Heather assisted him. Hence, she had made Heather thedeputy general manager.

Who would have thought that Jacob and Harper would frame Heather like this?novelbin

However, she was too late. By the time she realized what was going on, there was no turning back.

“Granny, don’t listen to Heather’s nonsense. She’s framing me!” Jacob looked rather defensive.

“I’m warning you now. If the company’s performance decline under your leadership, I will remove youfrom the position of general manager. Watch out for yourself!” Demi snorted and left.

Jacob looked rather grim in response. Heather had brought Jennings Corporation to its peak in the lastfew months. Now that Jacob had driven her away, it was unknown if he could still collaborate withHeather’s clients.

If he could not make those clients stay, even the support from the Hale family would not help himsurpass Heather’s accomplishments when she was general manager.

Jacob looked at Harper and said solemnly, “If the Hale family doesn’t give us a few sizable projects andGranny removes me as general manager, you can forget about maintaining your position as deputygeneral manager!”

“Don’t worry, Jacob. I’ll intensify the pillow talk and continue to convince Henry a little more. I’m sure hewill give us a few more projects,” Harper said nonchalantly.

“I sure hope so.” Jacob snorted, then walked toward his office.

Heather ran out of the company and into Lucas who was on his way to work.

“Who bullied you, Heather?” Lucas asked angrily when he saw her tear-stained face.

She glanced at him and said, “Go back. Granny has kicked us out of the family!”

“What?” Lucas was so shaken. He stared at Heather in utter disbelief. “Why?”

“Why?” Heather sniggered. “Because we are not her biological grandchildren!”

She was filled with anger. She had sacrificed so much for the family but was still thrown out so cruelly.The only logical explanation was that they were not Demi’s biological grandchildren. How else couldthey explain her cruelty?



Chapter 509 Plead With Alex


+15 Bonus

Lucas was at a loss. When Carmen appeared, he asked, “Mom, is it true that we are not Granny’sbiological grandchildren?”

“Don’t listen to her nonsense. Jacob framed your sister, claiming that she embezzled the money, andyour granny threw us out of the family in her fit of anger, Carmen said.


“Jacob has really crossed the line. Heather has done so much for the company and even helped thembuy back their shares. How can they forget about her contribution just like that?” Lucas said resentfully.

“You should have listened to Alex and not beg the chairman to sell the shares back to them!” Carmenshouted bitterly.

“It’s all your fault, Heather. If you had listened to Alex, this would not have happened to us,” Lucascomplained.

“My fault? Did I not agree to do that only because I wanted to save you? All I did was hesitate for amoment before you and mom got on my case and claimed that I didn’t care for you. Now you areblaming me for agreeing to their requests? Are you two even human?” Heather glared at Lucas.

Lucas trembled and retreated slightly, not daring to meet Heather’s eyes. He had let slip those wordstoo quickly and did not expect it to trigger Heather so much.

Carmen smacked Lucas’ head and reprimanded him, “What nonsense are you talking about?Apologize to your sister now!”

Lucas flinched and said apologetically. “I’m sorry, Sis. I didn’t think before I spoke just now. Pleaseforgive me. You know I don’t mean what I said.”

Heather snorted and ignored him.

Carmen said, “Heather, the only thing you can do now is to beg Alex to help us. Otherwise, we arereally going to become a family of unemployed bums

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