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Chapter 507

Chapter 507

The employees at the reception would normally stand up to greet her respectfully when they saw her.However, they did not seem to notice her today and merely continued to chat among themselves.

It did not take long for Heather to understand what was going on. Now that she was no longer thegeneral manager, these people would no longer accord her respect.

She felt rather unhappy and was tempted to teach them a lesson on proper work decorum. However,she decided to hold her tongue.novelbin

Along the way, she saw dozens of employees gathering in small groups happily chatting away. Somewere even playing games on their mobile phones.

These people were all so lazy despite it being working hours. What made her angrier was how theyhad completely ignored her existence. It was as if she was merely an air particle.

Lazy employees who do not even bother to acknowledge their deputy general manager. So these arethe employees that Jacob has trained up? This is completely unacceptable!

Heather walked up to them and reprimanded them coldly, “Put your phones away, every single one ofyou! Since when were you allowed to play games during office hours?”

The employees merely shot her a glance, with no hint of panic in their eyes at all. They exchangedcalm looks with one another before chuckling and continuing to play their games.

Throughout the whole process, they completely disregarded Heather, the deputy general manager.

Heather was infuriated. When she was still the general manager, everyone would greet andacknowledge her presence. They have become completely incorrigible!

Meanwhile, giggles could be heard from those who were chatting away.

How dare they behave this way?How could they disregard me completely?

Are they acting upon Jacob’s orders?

Heather frowned. Even if Jacob had ordered them to behave this way, she had to re-establish herauthority. in this company.

“You, you, and you. Pack up and leave immediately. Jennings Corporation does not require employeeslike you!” Heather was so angry that she was practically shaking.

At this moment, her assistant walked up to her. Looking worried and contemplative, she whispered,“Ms. Jennings, something big has happened. Nobody here will listen to you anymore!”

“Something happened?” Heather stared at her assistant in shock.

“Yes.” The assistant nodded decidedly. Apart from sympathy, she also felt aggrieved on Heather’sbehalf.

“What happened?” Heather asked with a frown.



“Let me tell you.” Right then, Jacob’s voice could be heard.

Heather turned to see Jacob and Harper walking toward her together with Demi.

The sight of their arrival prompted all the employees to put their mobile phones away and rush back totheir respective cubicles to feign diligence.

“Granny, what are you doing here?” Heather asked in bewilderment.

I remember Granny mentioned that she does not want to be involved with the company affairsanymore. Is she here today because of me?

Suddenly, an ominous feeling rose within Heather.

“If I don’t make an appearance, you and your brother will empty out the entire company’s financialreserves!” Demi said unfeelingly.

“Granny, what are you talking about? Why don’t I understand you at all?” Heather was taken aback.

“Let me tell you what happened, Heather,” Jacob said mockingly, looking at Heather. “Just becauseGranny didn’t give you the ten percent share, you and Lucas have been very angry and you did notagree with Granny’s decision. After that, you two siphoned away two million in cash. Come on, tell uswhere the company’s money is right now. If you transfer it back, Granny might just give you anotherchance.”

“What? That’s nonsense!”

Heather flew into a fury when she heard him. She did not expect Jacob to slander her like that.

“Granny, how could you believe Jacob’s lies about me?” Heather said to her grandmother.

“Stop acting, Heather. You transferred the two million to your mother’s account. We have all theevidence, so what else can you say for yourself?” Jacob sniggered.

At this very moment, Carmen was brought into the room by a few people.

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