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Chapter 428

Chapter 428 Maggie Confesses

+15 Bonus

Maggie agreed with a nod, “Yes, we do need to work with the other families in order to exchangeresources. But a bond is needed for us to trust each other, and that bond is the children of the families.We, the children, have been brought up with no freedom in life or marriage. From the day we’re born,we are forever bound to our families. We live and die together.”

Agreeing with Maggie’s words, Alex nodded his head too as he thought of Heather.novelbin

Even though the Jennings family was‘ only a small family, Heather resolutely chose to sacrifice whatshe had to save her family from the crisis. To get the thirty million to keep her family alive, she waswilling to bear the infamy of being with Walt for three days.

Back then, Alex could not understand why Heather made that choice as he thought she was thestupidest woman on earth.

But now, he finally understood her reason for doing so, even though he still thought the main reasonwas that her family was too weak.

If a family is strong enough, there’s no need to rely on marriages to form allies.

Other families would take the initiative to approach the stronger ones.

After all, the only reason Maggie and the other Grants didn’t have freedom of life was that their familywas not strong enough.

“I always thought that you were a very powerful woman. I never imagined you to be a bird trapped in acage who lives at the mercy of your family,” sighed Alex.

Smiling bitterly, Maggie responded, “It can’t be helped. After all, I have the blood of the Grant family.”

She then lifted her glass, “A toast to you, Mr. Jefferson.”

Shaking his head, Alex lifted his to clink the glasses before finishing his drink in one go, “Let’s toast toyour freedom instead.”

However, Maggie was in a daze as she got distracted by his words.

“If you want freedom, you have to be stronger. The day that you lead your family to the top will be theday that you finally get your freedom,” encouraged Alex after putting his glass down.

“Will you be the man who helps me break free of my cage?”

As if she had made a great decision, Maggie’s eyes lit up with determination as she looked at Alex.

She had decided to take the initiative to show Alex her feelings for him.

But Alex pretended not to understand her and chose not to respond to her confession.

Even though Maggie was disappointed at his silence, she was not going to give up her mission thateasily because she had never been this happy or determined to fulfill a mission.

Alex could see that Maggie had one too many drinks so he stopped drinking with her.

The two chatted for a while before Alex suggested that it was time for them to go home. Feeling a littlesleepy, Maggie agreed to the suggestion after a few more drinks.


Chapter 428 Maggie Confesses

+15 Bonus

When the two were on their way downstairs, a fat man suddenly bumped into Maggie but Alex quicklyreached out to break her fall.

“Watch where you’re going,” scowled Maggie at the four hundred pounds fat man with a huge belly.

Next to the fat man was a slutty woman holding his arm.

“I’m sorry, miss. Let me buy you a drink or two as an apology,” offered the fat man whose eyes lit upwhen he saw how beautiful Maggie was compared to his companion.

With a smirk on his face, the fat man reached out to hold Maggie’s hand.

Maggie could not react in time as she was a little drunk but Alex quickly grabbed the fat man’s handbefore he could reach her.

Shocked, the fat man looked at Alex and thought he was just some sort of bodyguard because of hisoutfit.

“Let go of my hand, boy, or I’ll kill you!” threatened the fat man.

“Wow, you have quite a temper. How’s a meatball like you going to kill me?” mocked Alex in disdain.

“Do you know who our boss is, you little rascal? You’ll get out of our way if you know what’s good foryou. Otherwise, you won’t be leaving this bar alive!” The slutty woman beside the fat man continuedwith the threats.

“So who is he then?” asked Alex with interest.

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