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Chapter 371

Chapter 371 We Believe You


The exclamation came from Stefan. Warner and he were impressed with Alex’s abilities. Even Maggiewas brimming with respect for the master,

Alex was truly the Master Geomancer. He could pinpoint the exact location of the water pipe bydeducing the Eight Trigrams and Five Elements.

Even Mr. Carter, who was still lying on the ground, widened his eyes in awe. He never knew thatGeomancy and Metaphysics could be so amazing. Although he used his skill to con other people out oftheir fortunes, he had never believed in it.

At this very moment, he became a true believer.

“What should we do next, Master?” Warner asked with enthusiasm.

“Break the pipe and let the water flow out. Once the water gushes into the array, it will breach itsborders. When that happens, the Dragon’s Lock will be overwhelmed and disappear as well.”

Upon hearing Alex’s words, Maggie could not contain her excitement. “Quickly, Mr. Green! Break thepipe!”

Warner nodded. “Of course, Ms. Grant.”

He stabbed the tip of the bronze rod into the pipe forcefully, splitting the plastic open. Water gushedfrom the crack, dousing both Stefan and Warner, but neither of them minded.

In that instant, however, Maggie shuddered violently. She felt lighter now, as if something long lost hadreturned to her.

“What do we do next?” Warner asked emotionally, looking at Alex.


Alex smiled. “Next, we turn off the water supply. I’m sure Ms. Grant doesn’t want a flooded room.”

Maggie thought of the sudden liberating feeling that ran through her and asked, “Master, is my luckrestored?”

“Yes.” Alex nodded. “From now on, your luck will return to what it should have been. Ill fortune will nolonger cling to you.”

Maggie was ecstatic. She inclined her head in full courtesy to Alex. “I owe you all my thanks, Master. Ifit weren’t for you, I would probably be dead thanks to that conman!”

Her sharp gaze landed on Noah, who was pretending to be dead. A hint of viciousness from her eyescaused shook him.

Alex smiled mildly. “You’re too kind, Ms. Grant. It was nothing complicated. Since your luck has beensuppressed for so many days, you should experience a boom now that we have restored it. If I’m notwrong, Ms. Grant, you’re about to have a very lucky two days coming up.”

Maggie was more delighted than she thought she could ever be. “Oh, really?”

Before she could say another word, her phone rang. It was Fabian. “Hello?”

“Ms. Grant, the problem’s been resolved,” he said as soon as she picked up, unable to contain hisexcitement.

Maggie found herself roused to excitement as well. “How did that happen?”

“The buyer picked up the wrong samples,” Fabian reported. “It’s all settled now though, so don’t worry.”

“Ah, that’s good. That’s good. Thank you, Fabian.”

She hung up the call and looked at Alex. Her respect for him grew larger in her chest. It had barelybeen five minutes since he broke the spell, but she could already see the effects of her restored luck.Mr. Jefferson is truly amazing.

She was about to thank him when her phone rang again. This time, it was the eldest son of theLockhams of Ruthorham.

“Mr. Lockham?” Maggie answered.novelbin

“Ms. Grant, please accept our apologies,” Mr. Lockham said smoothly. “Yesterday, our familygeomancer mentioned that your luck has been temporarily suppressed and it would be unwise for us tobe business partners. Therefore, we had to cancel our agreement with the Grant family. But now, ourgeomancer just informed us that you are at the peak of your fortunes, meaning that this is the best timefor a joint venture between our families. This agreement will be a win-win situation for both theLockhams and the Grants. I hope we can quickly resume our partnership and sign the agreement assoon as possible.”

Maggie could no longer contain the excitement in her heart.

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