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Chapter 370

Chapter 370 Mister Jefferson Has A Unique Perspective

Alex glanced at Stefan before turning to look at Maggie. “I can help you, Ms. Grant, but I must warnyou. The Dragon’s Lock has already formed. To break it, I may have to destroy the earlier arrangementof your


Maggie heaved a sigh of relief. “That’s no problem. In fact, you can even destroy the entire mansion tobreak the spell.”

Alex laughed. “Very well, then. Mr. Green, if you could find me some bronze rods, I’d be very grateful.”

Warner nodded but did not leave immediately. He cocked his hand back and punched Mr. Carter oncemore for good measure, eliciting a pained groan and a gush of blood from the latter’s split lip. Only thendid Warner leave the room.

Noah swallowed any thoughts of escaping and remained on the floor limply.

A few minutes later, Warner returned with a bronze rod with a sharp tip.

“Mr. Jefferson, will this do?” Warner asked, holding out the rod.

Alex nodded and pointed at the wall to his left. “There’s a water pipe running through that wall, which isthe main lifeline of the Dragon Lock Spell. If the pipe is broken, the lock will release.”

“There’s a pipe buried in the wall?” Both Maggie and Warner sounded surprised and a littledisbelieving.

Alex smiled and said nothing.

Stefan immediately said without doubting Alex, “Just do as Mr. Jefferson says, Mr. Green. If he saysthere’s a pipe in the wall, then there’ll be one. Mr. Jefferson won’t be wrong.”

“Alright, I’ll open the wall up.” Warner was unconvinced. He pried proceeded nonetheless.

Maggie looked at Alex once, then back again at the wall he had pointed out. This was her bedroom. Ifeven she did not know that there was a pipe embedded in the wall somewhere, then she definitely didnot

believe that Alex could have predicted that.

As Warner was a martial artist as well, he completed the task in no time, exposing the grey concreteunderneath it. Seeing the unbroken surface of the concrete, Maggie was convinced that there was nopipe buried in there.

“Mr. Jefferson, there aren’t any pipes here,” Warner said. Faced with untouched concrete both in thewall and on the floor, he found it hard to believe that there were pipes underneath it.

For one long moment, even Stefan wondered if Alex had miscalculated. It seemed so unlikely,novelbin

Alex smiled calmly at their suspicious looks. “The Dragon’s Lock requires a central axis to take shape.According to my deductions, the central axis has to be a water pipe. When the water in the pipe flowsthrough the eye of the array, it completes the grip of the lock. So, trust me when I say there’s a pipeburied in the wall. Break it open and you’ll see.”

Warner was still unconvinced. “Do you have X-ray vision, Mr. Jefferson? How can you be so sure?”

Maggie was trying to gauge if Alex was exaggerating. He was neither the architect of this mansion nora construction worker who had worked on building the mansion. How could he be so confident aboutthe pipe in the wall?

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t even have that superpower. It’s a deduction based on my understanding of theEight Trigrams and Five Elements.”

Alex was not just blowing his own horn either. The practice of Geomancy relied heavily on thedeductions of the Eight Trigrams and Five Elements. If one could make an accurate deduction, onecould see the essence of any forms.

Seeing their confusion, Alex sighed and pointed to the lamp hanging above him. “Look at the lamp.Can any of you see the power cables?”

“Well, of course not,” Maggie said. “The cables are wired in the ceiling.”

Alex broke into a smile. “That’s all there is. When you see the lamp light up, even though you can’t seethe cables, you still believe that the wires are buried in the ceiling out of sight. It’s the same for me.When I see the Dragon Lock Spell in motion, I know the eye of the array must lie along the path of anaxis.”

“Very well said, Mr. Jefferson. I think we all understand now.” Warner nodded. He immediately pried theexposed concrete from the floor.

A few minutes later, a PVC pipe about the width of a thumb was exposed, just as Alex had predicted.

Everyone in the room stared at the plastic pipe in shock.

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