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Chapter 340

Chapter 340 Stanley Is Safe

+5 Bonus

The news report mentioned that a lot of people had been swept away by floodwater in thatneighborhood.

Blood rushed to Alex’s head; he felt like fainting.

“I have to go!” He tossed Ginny’s phone back at her before striding toward the front door.

“This neighborhood is flooded as well. Even the cars are almost completely submerged!” shementioned.

Alex’s mind went blank. He dashed over to the windows and looked down. As far as the eye could see,it was all water. Some of the lighter cars had even floated up and were being taken away by thecurrents.

“Here, take my wallet. You can return it to me when you head in for work.” With that said, he flung hiswallet at the woman. His ID and driver’s license were in there. If he took them along with him, theywere bound to get wet.


He was not worried about his phone at all as it was supposed to be waterproof.

Accepting the wallet, Ginny asked in confusion, “How are you going to leave when the water is sodeep?“:

“I don’t care; I have to save my son! I’ll swim there if I have to!” Opening the door, he left without abackward glance.

Watching his retreating back, Ginny prayed fervently that Stanley would be fine.

Heading downstairs, the first thing Alex did was turn on his phone.

He had turned off his phone earlier because he did not want to be disturbed during his treatment. Thescreen flickered to life and he was instantly bombarded with more than a dozen missed callnotifications. There were some from Ms. Haden, Jack, Jessica, and Flynn. Naturally, most of themissed calls were from Heather.

Without hesitation, he called Ms. Haden first. The phone rang for close to half a minute before shefinally picked up.

“Hello, Ms. Haden. I’m Stanley’s father, Alex. How are you guys doing now?” He waited anxiously forher reply. If she was able to answer the call, that meant the kindergarten was probably still fine.

“We’re in one of the major flood areas! However, we were able to bring all the students to the secondfloor the moment we realized something was wrong. I called the police but it’s been more than an hourand nobody’s come to rescue us yet. Mr. Jefferson, you have to think of a way to come save us!” Ms.Haden’s panicked voice came through the phone. The kitchen was on the first floor so everything wasnow submerged underwater. She and the children had not even had a chance to eat lunch before thefloodwaters had come. Now, they were cold and hungry, with many crying from hunger.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Alex said, “Don’t worry, Ms. Haden. I’ll head over right away. Could youplease pass the phone to my son?”

“Daddy, I’m so hungry!” Stanley started to bawl the moment he got on the phone.

He had breakfast at seven–thirty in the morning, and it was already past five in the afternoon now. He’sa growing child, so of course he must be famished!

“Stanley, be a good boy and listen to Ms. Haden. Stay with her and be strong, okay? Daddy will bringfood over to you right away,” Alex comforted his son.



Chapter 340 Stanley Is Safe

‘Alright.” The little boy nodded obediently.

Alex soon hung up after giving Stanley some more reassurance.

Knowing his son was fine, he could relax a little. Next, he called Gavin.

+5 Bonus

Once the call went through, Alex rushed to say, “Mr. Wells, it’s Alex Jefferson. My son’s kindergarten,Sunshine Kindergarten, is in one of the hardest–hit areas. The kids are all trapped on the second floorof he building. Please find a way to send rafts over to transport them someplace safer.”

‘Don’t worry, Mr. Jefferson. I’ll get to it right away. We’ve already received instructions to save thechildren from the various schools first. We also arranged some teams to rescue the kindergarteners butthere are ust too many of them and we don’t have enough people,” Gavin clarified. He was one of thefew men who knew Alex’s true identity as the chairman of Four Seas Corporation and the People’sHero. That was why hat was incredibly respectful toward Alex.

“Thank you, Mr. Wells.”


He hung up before finally dialing Heather’s number.


“Why the hell is your phone turned off when something so serious has happened? Where the hell haveyou been!”

Heather’s furious and anxious voice blared through the phone.

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