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Chapter 339

Chapter 339 Stanley Is In Danger

Ginny finished washing up the dishes before she headed back into the living room to look for Alex.When she saw that he was lounging against the couch playing with his phone, she daringly sat downbeside him. Using this opportunity, she leaned her upper body against his shoulder and breathedagainst his neck sultrily.

“Mr. Jefferson, you like to watch videos, too?” she cooed with a smile.

Alex turned his head to look at her. The sly woman was taking every chance she could get to seducehim.

“Mr. Jefferson, am I pretty?” She purposely pressed her buxom chest against his arm.

Alex was really beginning to regret keeping Ginny as his secretary. That was one of the biggestmistakes he had ever made in his life. She really is a seductress who will not stop until she gets whatshe wants.

? ? ??

Locking gazes with her, he wondered, “Aren’t you afraid I’ll just do the deed and leave immediatelyafter?”

“I’m your secretary. Wherever you go, I’ll follow,” she purred.

“Please. Enough,” he practically begged.

She let out a throaty laugh, amused at how he was not the cold and aloof man he usually presented atthe office.

However, she was not a complete idiot. She knew there were certain lines that could not be crossed.Straightening her body, she stopped trying to seduce him.

Alex changed the subject when he saw that she was sitting properly on the couch. “Have yourecovered from your illness yet?”

“Yeah. I was going to head to work when Harry suddenly came knocking…

“Don’t worry, I’ll fire him the moment I get back to the office later in the afternoon,” Alex promised.

Having someone morally reprehensible like Harry as one of his company’s executives was a surerecipe. for disaster. He had to get rid of Harry as soon as possible.

A kind woman at heart, Ginny begged for mercy on her ex’s behalf, “He’s actually quite pitiful, too… Mr.Jefferson, maybe you should give him another chance?”

“I thought you don’t like him anymore? Why are you still thinking about him?“,

She hurriedly explained, “I really don’t like him anymore! It’s just…he’s always treated me very well. I–I’m worried he might bother me again if he loses that job.”

He mulled over the idea for several moments before finally replying, “Fine. I’ll observe him for a while.longer. If he does anything similar to today, I’m definitely going to fire him. No ifs or buts.”

“Thank you! I hope he’ll learn his lesson this time.”


He stood up and checked the weather outside. The storm still did not look like it was going to endanytime soon, so he said, “May I borrow your room for a while? Also, please don’t disturb me duringthis time.”



Chapter 339 Stanley Is In Dangernovelbin

Thinking that he was going to take a nap on her bed, she was quick to agree, “Hmm? Sure.”

He headed for the bedroom and had only just pushed open the door when she suddenly called out,‘Wait!”

+5 Bonus

Spotting the pink underwear and purple bra laid out on her bed, he smirked mentally and turned hishead

way. He pretended he had not seen anything.

Ginny rushed into her room and hid her personal garments before leaving with a blush on her cheeks.

Smiling slightly, he entered the room and shut it.

Since he could not leave the house yet, he might as well use this time to heal his wounds further.

Right now, he was only half–recovered. Without the Pill of Vitality which would give him a massiveboost, he had to resort to the traditional and slower method of regulating his internal energies.

He estimated that it would take around a week to fully recover using this method.

It was not until four in the afternoon that Alex emerged from the room.

It was time for him to pick up Stanley from kindergarten.

He did not know when the storm subsided but it was only raining lightly now.

Ginny, who had been sprawled on the couch playing with her phone, sat up when she spotted Alex.“Mr. Jefferson, this is terrible! The news reported that the dam just broke an hour ago and half of thecity is now suffering from major floods. A lot of people have lost their homes to the waters.”

“What! Which parts of the city are flooded?” he asked urgently.

“Have a look.” She handed her phone over to him.

Accepting it, he quickly scrolled down the list before his heart raced in his chest.

The neighborhood in which Stanley’s kindergarten was located was one of the areas suffering majorfloods!

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