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Chapter 164

Chapter 164

The next day, Alex sent his son to school and then headed off for work as usual.

Once he reached his company, he went straight for his office as he always did.

“Here’s your tea, Mr. Jefferson.” Jessica had come in for work today and proceeded to make Alex a cupof hot


Gazing at her, Alex nodded his head and took a sip.

“Jessica,” he suddenly asked, “Do you think that there is any woman in this world who would treat achild from her husband’s previous marriage like her own?”


Stunned, Jessica couldn’t quite understand what Alex was trying to say.

“Mr. Jefferson, I–I’m not sure.”

Pausing slightly, she continued, “I think that there should be women like that in the world. If a womanreally loves her husband, she would definitely treat a child from his previous marriage like her own.“..

“Alright, I understand. Oh yes, where’s Ginny? Is she not back yet?” Alex changed the topic.

Now that he had two secretaries, he felt that it was time to separate their workload so that they wouldn’tget confused as to who should do what.

His plan was for one of them to take care of internal affairs while the other took care of external affairs.

Ginny was relatively more outgoing and sociable. Thus, he planned to let Ginny take care of externalaffairs.

Jessica, on the other hand, was more of an introvert. Thus, he planned on communicating with thevarious higher–ups and managers in the company through her and putting her in charge of assigningwork to the different departments.

“She’s handing some files over to President Sawyer. She should be back soon,” Jessica replied.

Alex nodded his head and continued, “How’s your mother?”

“My mother’s been getting much better over the past two days. It’s all thanks to you,” Jessica saidgratefully, “And she looks much healthier now as well. She should be fine after resting for a couplemore days”

Alex nodded his head and fell silent after that.

Ginny came back to the office within the next two minutes.

After asking her to come into the office, Alex assigned both of them their tasks and proceeded to letthem continue with their work.

A few minutes later, Jessica came knocking at the door again.

“Mr. Jefferson, your wife’s here again. She said that she’s here to give you a report on her work,”Jessica informed. Deep down, however, she badly wanted to laugh.

They’re such a hilarious couple! I’m at a loss for what to say.

Alex’s brows furrowed. What’s Heather doing here?

After giving it some thought, he eventually decided to meet her.

“Let her come in,” Alex said as he pulled out the clown mask and put it on.

Chapter 164

He didn’t want Heather to learn of his true identity for the time being.novelbin

Upon seeing this, Jessica nearly burst out laughing. “Alright,” she replied and subsequently walked outof the office.

Soon, the doors swung open as Heather came walking in.

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