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Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088 Missed The Opportunity

In the tranquil Jones residence, the night enveloped the surroundings, with only the gentle chirping ofinsects in the garden breaking the silence.

All the room doors were shut except Autumn’s. The light from her room escaped from the ajar door.

In that instant, Wesley gently laid Autumn on the bed, his eyes roaming over her body. The tantalizingsight ignited a growing sense of excitement and restlessness within him.

As it was now late into the summer season, Autumn was only wearing a white silk nightgown, whichaccentuated her exquisite figure. She was like a masterpiece, captivating his every sense.

With trembling hands, Wesley was ready to remove her dress. He could not wait to become intimatewith the woman before him..

However, just as he was about to touch Autumn, an abrupt sound shattered the serene atmosphere.

“Autumn, “why aren’t you asleep at this hour? What are you doing now?” Desmond asked whileknocking on the door.

Wesley, who had never experienced such a situation before, was startled. He kept mum and quicklyfound a cabinet to hide in, trembling with fear. How could someone appear at this late hour?

Desmond heard no sound from inside the room, even though the door remained open. Driven bycuriosity and bolstered by his courage, he walked inside, proclaiming, “Autumn, I’m coming in!”

Still met with silence, Desmond could not help but ponder why his sister remained oblivious to his loudvoice, wondering what could be keeping her from stirring from her slumber.

As Desmond entered the room, his gaze immediately fixated on Autumn lying on the bed. Clad in hernightgown and devoid of any covers, she appeared more unconscious than asleep.

A suspicion crept into Desmond’s mind, suggesting the presence of another person in the room. Heproceeded to meticulously scan his surroundings, carefully examining every nook and cranny in searchof any hidden individuals.

As Desmond’s gaze fell upon the wardrobe, his eyes narrowed. It was the only possible hiding place forsomeone, especially considering the faint trembling of the piece of furniture. Someone must be hidingin there.


Unsure of who might be hiding inside, Desmond decided to be more cautious instead of simplythrowing open the doors. Hence, he delivered a forceful kick to the wardrobe.

As a result of the powerful kick, Wesley, who was inside the wardrobe, was sent sprawling, almostlosing consciousness. The force was so strong that it also knocked down the wardrobe door.

“Wesley? What are you doing in there?” Desmond exclaimed in surprise, his face full of astonishmentas he looked at Wesley clutching his stomach and making distressed sounds.

“I-L… Wesley stammered, avoiding Desmond’s gaze, unsure of what to say. In the end, he pushed pastDesmond and hurriedly ran out of the room while covering his face.

Not only had he missed the opportunity, but he was also caught in the act. Filled with panic, Wesleyhad

no choice but to dash toward Horace’s room in search of help.

“Dad, we need to leave now!” Wesley shouted while barging into Horace’s room, where the latter wassound asleep. He kept looking back to see if anyone was coming after him.

Horace opened his eyes. Why is he back so soon? I only just fell asleep not long ago.

“Have you completed the task? Why are you so frantic Did someone catch you in the act?” Horaceasked with concern.

Wesley nodded heavily and recounted the events that had occurred in Autumn’s room.

“This is bad. If the Jones family finds out about it, they’ll definitely kick us out!” Horace exclaimed, hisfrustration evident as he forcefully knocked Wesley on the head.

“You’re utterly useless! I entrusted you with this task, but you couldn’t even handle a simple job. Forgetit!” Horace sighed in disappointment. His eyes scanned the room and landed on the precious antiquevases and valuable items. He swiftly commanded Wesley, “Hurry up! Grab them all, especially theexpensive ones! Take as much as you can before we leave!”

Wesley nodded in response. The father and son then began stuffing the precious items into theirluggage. When they could no longer fit anything else, they reluctantly gave up and were ready to makea hasty escape.

At that moment, their room door was kicked open.

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