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Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087 He Is My Brother

“Flynn?” Tears of excitement welled up in Tigris’ eyes when he recognized the person standing beforehim as Flynn. His reaction resembled that of a fangirl meeting her idol, unable to contain theoverwhelming emotions within. Oh, my God. It’s Flynn Dunn!

Flynn, Nebula City’s king of the underworld, was an idol in the hearts of those hooligans. They allaspired to become someone like Flynn.

“What are you doing here, Flynn? Did you come to look for me? I’ll be more than willing to follow you ifyou want me to become your lackey!” Tigris speculated that Flynn must have arrived here to enlist himas his subordinate.


Flynn’s palm struck Tigris’ cheek with immense force, causing it to quiver uncontrollably and dislodgingtwo of his teeth.

Tigris was utterly perplexed, unable to comprehend why Flynn would strike him. As a mere streethooligan, he could not fathom how he could have possibly offended someone of such high stature.

Tigris’ henchmen, who were on the verge of attacking Alex, witnessed the sudden twist of events. Oncethey recognized it was Flynn who had delivered the blow to Tigris, not a single one of them dared tostep forward and defend their boss.

“Who did you say you wanted to cripple, huh? Say it again. I’m all ears!” Flynn’s expression turnedserious as he confronted Tigris, leaning in close to the latter’s ear.

Tigris, despite his lack of intelligence, grasped the seriousness of the situation. He realized that Flynnha slapped him in response to his plan to harm Alex.

Nervously, Tigris swallowed the saliva that had gathered in his mouth before speaking up. “Flynn, areyou mistaking him for someone else? The person I want to beat up is just a pathetic loser who lives offof a woman. How is it possible that you’re connected to him?”

Before Tigris could finish his sentence, another powerful slap landed on his face, even stronger thanbefore. The impact caused his chubby cheek to swell up immediately.

“D”mn it! The man you’re trying to harm is my brother, and now you think you can escape unscathed?You’ve got some nerve!” Flynn exclaimed, delivering a forceful kick to Tigris’ belly, sending him flyingmore than a meter away.

Spitting contemptuously at Tigris, Flynn addressed the other hooligans. “Let’s see who else dares to laya hand on my brother. You’ll have to deal with me first if you want to hurt him!”

The hooligans exchanged fearful glances, not daring to utter a word, their hearts filled with dread. Thesmarter ones immediately knelt before Flynn, apologizing, and the rest followed suit.

“We’re sorry, Flynn! We were just following Tigris’ orders. Please don’t be mad at us!” one of thempleaded.

“Yes, Flynn. We had no idea he was your brother. If I had known, I would have shown him the utmostrespect!” another one begged.

“Please spare us, Flynn! It really has nothing to do with us. We were only following Tigris orders,” thethird person chimed in.

All the hooligans remained on their knees, their pleas and cries for mercy filling the air. Offendingsomeone of Flynn’s stature meant more than facing physical harm or being crippled. It could potentiallycost them their lives.

Tigris, who had been kicked away, crawled back on his knees, joining the rest of the hooligans in theirdesperate pleas for forgiveness. As the instigator of the incident, he understood that his very existencewould be at Flynn’s mercy if the latter were angered.

“It’s not me that you’ve offended. It’s my brother!” Flynn pointed at Alex.

In Alex’s presence. Flynn would often adopt a casual demeanor, engaging in banter, sharing jokes, andoccasionally revealing a mischievous side.

However, under serious circumstances, Flynn’s demeanor underwent a dramatic transformation. Hisaura shifted, embodying the identity of the king of the underworld. The intensity of his presence alonewas enough to instill fear in the hearts of ordinary individuals.

Tigris and the other hooligans swiftly approached Alex, kneeling before him. Tigris took the initiative toplea for mercy. “I’m so sorry for what I did earlier. Please don’t be mad at me. I had nothing to do withthis. It was all Horace’s d’mn idea! Otherwise, I would never have dared to offend you!”

Alex’s hands were still tucked in his pockets. So, it was indeed Horace’s idea. Just as I suspected.

A playful smile tugged at the corner of Alex’s mouth as he addressed Tigris. “I did warn you before,didn’t I? It’s your own fault for not listening. Get down on your knees and lick my shoes, and I’ll let youoff!”

Indeed, Alex had warned them earlier, but at the time. Tigris and the others had dismissed him withouta second thought. Now, they were filled with regret.

However, to their surprise, Alex did not intend to hold them accountable. Instead, he merely demandedthem to drop to their knees to lick his shoes. That request felt like a complete amnesty to them.

Tigris and the group of hooligans instantly kneeled before Alex and started licking his shoes,

Alex waved his hand, signaling for them to leave. They stood up, expressing their heartfelt gratitude toboth Flynn and Alex before finally departing.

As soon as Tigris turned around, his expression darkened. He pulled out his phone and dialed Horace’snumber. However, much to his frustration, there was no response on the other end of the line.


Tigris angrily threw his phone to the ground, smashing it into pieces. He cussed, “D”mn it, Horace, thatson of a b*tch! How dare he mess with me? He better pray I don’t get my hands on him, or I’ll chop himup!”

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