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Chapter 108

Chapter 108 Buying A Porcelain Vase

“Oh my, so he’s the one behind what happened to the Wallace family? That’s so scary!”

“Yeah! We’re so lucky he was willing to have mercy on us. I can’t imagine what would have happenedto us otherwise.”

They breathed sighs of relief, thankful that nothing worse had happened.

One of them helped Shannon to her feet while comforting. “Come on, Shannon. I can tell he didn’treally want you to lick his shoes. He even moved his feet away. Unfortunately, you were too fast. Hedidn’t

manage to react in time.”

“Yeah! If he had really been angry with us, I don’t think anything would have been able to cool histemper,” another one added.

“I’m not blaming him. I’m blaming myself for being such an arrogant fool. That’s tens of thousands ofcommission down the drain! I’m so upset!” Shannon bawled in regret.

The other three were equally upset, but what could they do now?

The only ones at fault were themselves.

After Alex left the store, he wondered what he should buy for Dylan as a gift.

Just then, his phone rang. It was Flynn.

“Do you

know anybody who wants to buy an antique?” the other man’s voice sounded the moment he pickedup.

“What sort of antique?”

“A porcelain vase, probably from the Calthean Era.”

“Hmm. I’ll head over to have a look now.”

A porcelain vase sounded like a wonderful present for his friend.

In no time at all, he had arrived at the Sakura Club. Flynn and Bob were already waiting for him at the


“Holy shit, you changed cars again! This R8 probably costs at least 2 million!” Flynn exclaimed in envy.

He knew Alex was not just a live–in son–in–law, but he had–never asked what the man did or what hisidentity was.

He had not thought that the other man would be this extravagant though!

“Mr. Jefferson,” Bob greeted courteously.

Alex nodded. “Yeah, it was a little more than 2 million actually. I just bought it. Let me see that porcelainvase. Quick, I’m in a hurry.”

“Alright, come with me.” Flynn led the way inside with Bob and Alex following close behind.novelbin

They headed inside a room and the porcelain vase on the table instantly captured Alex’s attention. Ithad


clearly only been recently unearthed as the colors were a little dull and unpolished.

He picked it up and flicked it gently with his fingers. Nodding, he said, “It’s from the Calthean Era, allright. How much?”

“It’s from one of the underlings. One of his family members is a grave robber. If you like it, you can payhowever much you want. The reason he had passed it over to us to sell was because he wondered ifyou might want it, Mr. Jefferson,” Bob explained.

“The one who sold me the old painting last time?” Alex queried.

“Yep, that’s him.”


pretty honest. I’ll be frank, this vase is only worth around 1.5 to 2 million. The market value won’t getany higher than that. I’ll pay him 2.5 million for it.”

“No, no, no!” Flynn hurriedly waved his hand and added, “He’s already extremely grateful to you forpaying him several hundred thousand extra previously. He said he would only accept 500 thousand forthis vase. He refuses to accept more than that.”

Alex chuckled. He knew the most important things to people in the underworld were loyalty andgratitude.

“Fine, then I’m paying him 2 million. I can’t let him suffer any losses. Don’t worry, 2 million is nothing tome.” He pulled out his phone to make a direct transfer.

Faced by the other man’s insistence, there was nothing more Flynn could do but accept the


With the vase in hand, Alex did not waste any more time as he drove toward Dylan’s restaurant.

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