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Chapter 107

Chapter 107 Mysterious Identity

Eyeing them, Alex scoffed and said, “It’s fine. I’m not a petty person…”

The four of them breathed a sigh of relief at his words and raised their heads to cry out, “ThankJefferson! Thank you so much! Bless you, for the rest of your life!”

you, Mr.

“I’m not finished yet,” he cut them off with a smirk, “Indeed, I’m not a petty person. However, I’m a manof my word. Didn’t one of you say that you would lick my shoes if I could afford this car? Well? I’mwaiting. Lick them clean, and I’ll let this incident go.”

Shannon’s mind went blank as she snuck a glance at his dusty and dirty shoes. Her face twisted into agrimace.

The other three also had frightened looks on their faces.

And you dare say you’re not a petty person! You rich people are always like that!

“Mr. Jefferson, I–I…” Shannon sounded close to tears.

She was a bit of a clean freak. Wanting her to lick Alex’s shoes clean was like asking her to kill herself.

“What are you waiting for? Do it!” Luke shoved Shannon and threatened, “Mr. Jefferson is a verypowerful man. If you dare go back on your words, it would be easy for him to make your entire familydisappear!”

Just the thought of how Alex had humiliated him last time had Luke feeling gleeful at Shannon’s currentsituation.

Noticing how Shannon’s face had drained of all color at Luke’s words, Alex could not help but clarifying,“Hey, don’t randomly accuse me of things. I’ve always been a morally outstanding and upstandingcitizen. I’ll never do anything illegal.”


Without a second thought, Shannon fell to her knees before Alex. Her voice quavered as she spoke,“Mr. Jefferson, I’m really sorry. I’ll lick your shoes clean right away!”

With that, she bent her head to lick Alex’s shoes. Unfortunately, he was unable to react fast enough.She managed to get a lick in before he moved his feet away.

“That’s fine. Remember to be more humble next time. Stop judging a book by its cover. Just becausesomeone is dressed simply doesn’t mean that they have no money.”

Upon noticing the tears shining in Shannon’s eyes, Alex did not push her further. “Also, don’t go aroundmaking bets with people. No good ever comes from gambling.”

After accepting the keys and documents that Luke handed him, Alex got in his new car and zoomed off.

-The sales assistants stared at the taillights of the R8, regret rising in them.

They had literally handed tens of thousands of commission over to Luke.

How ironic!

Despite their regrets, they were still curious as to who Alex was.

One of the saleswomen asked, “Mr. Stanton, who is Mr. Jefferson? He’s so low–profile!”

“He’s someone that even the richest man in the country, Jack Sawyer, doesn’t dare offend.” Lukeglanced at the crying Shannon and continued in a cold tone, “Shannon, don’t think I was joking aboutwhat I said earlier. You know the Wallace family, don’t you? Walt Wallace somehow managed to piss offMr. Jefferson, and the Wallace family disappeared overnight. The patriarch and Walt are still in prisonright now. Oh, I also heard rumors that the patriarch died in his cell a few days ago. I’m sure Walt is notlong for the living. either. That’s why if you ever see this low–profile man again, put away yourdespicable arrogant attitudes. and be more humble and respectful! All of you are lucky that he’s notwilling to push this matter further. Otherwise, you can kiss your jobs goodbye!”

When he was done speaking, he stalked back to his office, where his documents were waiting for him.

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