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Chapter 2130

With the Lightning Core reaching the baseline size that Lin Mu found to be stable, he decided to give it a rest. ‘At least it reachedthis size before | ran out of materials.’ Lin Mu thought to himself. 'Once we're out, | should stock up on as many elemental herbsand other materials | can. The low quality ones will be dirt cheap here anyways.’ He reckoned.

There was still a long way before the Wind and Lightning cores would reach the Immortal level, thus Lin Mu still had a lot ofleeway in using Spirit herbs and other lower quality mortal materials. 'Even for the Five Basal elemental cores, finding immortalmaterials for them at a decent cost won't be a problem.’ If there was one thing Lin Mu had, it was money.

Plus, he had companions who could easily supply and source him whatever he needed. ‘Perhaps | can make a list to bebought... Herbs and materials of all kinds as long as I've never used them.’ Lin Mu thought and started making a list. Using aJade Slip, Lin Mu noted down every herb, fruit and other materials he had used so far and sorted them down into the sevensections as per the elements. Since Crown Prince Feng Shun and Qiao De hadn't arrived yet, there was a lot of time for him topass anyways.

He had also no way to practice the Omnicore Ascendancy anymore and needed to move onto the other matters. As such,making a list like this was no issue. Plus, it would help Lin Mu later, as he would only need to update it with any new material thathe might use for the Omnicore Ascendancy.

It didn't take that long for Lin Mu to finish this and a day later he had finished it. He even noted down the other common herbsand materials he hadn't used in the Rust Sky world and added them to a separate list to be added.


"What do | do now?" Lin Mu wondered as he looked around at the others. Since everyone was an immortal here, they were notunfamiliar with long periods of isolation, since all of them had cultivated in seclusion before. This time for wait was even easiersince they had others to interact with and learn from too.

As such, a sense of relaxation was spread in the middle of this trial.

After a minute of looking, Lin Mu decided to join Ziran and Daoist Chu in their discussions. They were talking about a lot of variedmatters and Lin Mu had been listening in from time to time, and reckoned he could now join in properly.

There was a lot to learn from an explorer like Ziran and an expert who had been trained in the Immortal court like Daoist Chu.

He also talked to them in detail about what had happened in the first trial with them and also what reward they had obtained afterit.

It was here that Lin Mu learned the rewards were somewhat randomized for everyone. Though the area they went to obtain therewards was the same.

It was the same barren and gloomy place that Lin Mu and Lady Kang had arrived in and eventually found the Pure PetrichorCave Milk. It turned out that the area was the same, but the location one arrived in was randomized. Lin Mu even wondered ifthey could have met up if they had waited around long enough. But then Daoist Chu stated that there was a time limit to howlong one could be there. He had tested this out unknowingly since they had only found something at the end of the time andbarely took it before being teleported to the next trial.

Daoist Chu and Min Ju had only managed to find a single Yan Flame Crystal before they ended up being sent out.

In the case of Ziran and Elder Ho, they had managed to find a reward right at the start. In fact, they didn't even need to walk farand only took ten steps before ending up in front of a withered tree.

Lin Mu was surprised that there were actually trees in that barren place, but it was indeed possible. The only thing was thatthings were so far spread out, one might not be able to find it as easily. Ziran quickly recognized this withered tree to be a ScarabAsh Tree. It was something that had basically become extinct in most worlds due to being used extensively in the past. It was atough tree that was excellent for making wooden weapons, as it had a natural toughness.

There was said to be a Scarab Deity in ancient times that had blessed a tree to have its toughness, and that is how the ScarabAsh Tree was born. Finding an entire tree was quite a fortune, and Ziran and Elder Ho took it. After all, even a small branch ofthe Scarab Ash Tree could be sold for tens of thousands of Immortal stones at an auction house, and here was an entire tree.

Thus, they didn't hesitate at all and took it, causing them to be teleported to the next trial soon after.

After learning of this, Lin Mu wondered how the others experienced the reward grounds. Upon asking them, Lin Mu learned thatCrown Princess Shang and Monk Hushu had also taken a decent amount of time before finding a reward. Though in their rewardground, they had found an Immortal Fruit instead.

It was a small fruit called Feather Puff Fruit, and was something that was actually formed in the sky. The plant it was created onwas called the Sky Puff plant that floats in the skies. It is a rather unique plant that didn't need the earth to sink its root into.

It directly abosrbs water from the clouds and and wanders around in the winds. The fruits born on it are covered with puffyfeathers that allow them to float around for long periods of time.

Winds and storms would carry them for long distances before they finally landed on some tall peak and began the first phase oftheir live.

It would grow its small body that was attached to a thin stalk. And when it was large enough, strong winds would blow it away,allowing it to reach its second stage of life in the skies. There it would grow its proper roots and drink from the skies and absorbthe sunlight before beginning its third stage of the life and creating more fruits.

These fruits were used by cultivators who specialized in the Sky Dao, as well as the Wind Dao techniques, as they allowed themto sense the Dao Traces of those specific Daos better. There were even some techniques that absolutely needed these fruitsand as such could sell for a lot.

Thus, even though Crown princess Shang and Monk Hushu couldn't use the Feather Puff fruit, it was still a good enough rewardfor them.

Having learned all this, Lin Mu wondered if they would end in the reward grounds again or if it would be a different place thistime.

Ziran and Daoist Chu both had theories about it, with Daoist Chu thinking that they would probably end up in previous the rewardgrounds again, but Ziran thought that they area might not be the same and there could be a different reward grounds.

Ziran had the idea that the rewards in the previous reward grounds weren't sufficient enough to justify for the second trial'sdifficulty. As such, he didn't think the creator of the inheritance ground would use it again.

But Daoist Chu thought that the creator of the inheritance ground was more focused on the natural luck of the trial takers andthere might be better rewards present in the previous trial grounds too.

Lin Mu found both of their points good, but knew that there was no way to confirm it until they actually ended up there.

Their conversations continued as the others joined in from time to time too, letting the minutes turn into hours and hours intodays.

The days passed quickly as the deadline soon approached. Even though Lin Mu and the others had decided that they won'tmind waiting more than 2 months for Crown Prince and Qiao De, it was still getting a bit concerning for them.

"Sixty days..." Lin Mu muttered, as theGelrin had leached ienesign of Rreyrretee d ‘Qiao De.Daolst hu said, looking at theteleportation circles. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"| suppose waiting more is not an issue with anyone." Ziran replied. "Plus, these conversations have been quite delightful." Headded.

"Indeed... | don't think it feels like we're inside a dangerous inheritance trial at this point." Lin Mu stated."True." Monk Hushu chimed in.

With the sixty day deadline officiallyover, Lin Mu and the others becameeven more relaxed gs theyaeaizetthey hathunbonsciously placed extrastress on themselves by setting thedeadline when there was no need todo so. ~HONG~ The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

And much to their surprise, the very next day after the deadline was over, a teleportation circle started to glow!"They're coming!" Lin Mu stood up, exclaiming.


His spatial perception was active ashe peered into the fabric of space,tracking down the Seesieion!channelihat wb rrying to blurryindividuals within. A few secondslater, they became clear and werenone other than the Crown Princeand Qiao De. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


"Crown Prince Feng Shun!"

"Qiao De!"

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