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Chapter 2129

Lin Mu focused on the Spark Leaf Herb when the Omnicore Ascendancy broke it down into Purple Wisps of pure lightningelemental energy.

This time he was a lot more careful as Lightning element was something that was possibly the most destructive among the basaland heavenly elements. It was the strongest force of nature and was also how the Heavens showed their displeasure throughTribulations.

As such, it was best to be careful with it especially when the location of the Lightning core was in the most important organ of LinMu's body... His brain.


Though Lin Mu found the actual process to be a bit underwhelming as all he felt during it was a tingly sensation in his head andspine when the Purple Lightning Elemental wisps entered his brain. ‘Rather mild...’ Lin Mu thought before repeating the processwith more Spark Leaf Herb. ‘Maybe it's because this is such a low rank herb.’ He thought of using a higher quantity of it.

~SHUA~SHUA~SHUA~This time Lin Mu used a whole bunch of them with hundreds of leaves and let them breakdown into Purple Wisps~ZING~

"Ooo!" The sensation this time was a lot more stronger and even made Lin Mu's entire body shiver when it was absorbed into hisbrain. ‘Oh yeah, it's definitely a matter of quantity.’ Lin Mu now knew. ‘Though | should still check up on the condition of my brainjust in case,’ He thought and used his Immortal sense to scan it.

He saw no problem with his brain and the Purple wisps had clumped together in the center of his brain, right above the brainstem. It was on the location of a small bulb like structure that was behind the center of his forehead.

This was none other than the location of the Pituitary gland.Lin Mu was soon done with the Spark Leaf Herbs and moved onto the second herb called as the Shackling Nut Shell.

It was actually a poisonous spirit herb which, when consumed, could paralyze someone's legs as if they had been shackled tothe ground. Its properties were sourced from the numbing properties of the lightning element and as such, it could be used forOmnicore Ascendancy too, despite being a bit too unstable for normal consumption.


Lin Mu saw about ten times as many purple energy wisps when compared to the Spark Leaf Herb and decided to be a bitcareful. He didn't absorb all of them at once and only let a quarter of them be absorbed into his brain first.


His body shivered for a moment before the purple wisps were added to the Lightning Core. ~ZING~ZING~ZING~

Lin Mu absorbed the rest of the wisps and let the lightning core grow while he shivered, as if he was standing in a frozen tundra.Thankfully, no one was looking at him, or they would certainly be confused as to why Lin Mu was shivering here.

The third herb Lin Mu used was the first proper Lightning Elemental Spirit herb that was directly used by cultivators. It was aStreak Petal Lotus Flower that had lightning streak like patterns on its petals. These were special flowers that were transformedfrom normal Lotuses when a Core Condensation realm cultivator underwent a Heavenly Tribulation near them.

The Lotus flowers would absorb the trace amounts of lightning from the air causing them to transform. Of course, not all of themwould transform, with most turning into ashes from the overwhelming energy. But those that did survive would become quitevaluable.

As such, it was customary for there to be lotus ponds around a Tribulation Attenuation Platform, since it would serve as a sourceof Streak Petal Lotus flowers in cultivation sects. Still, with how rare Nascent soul realm cultivators were in the Mortal realm, itwas not often that one could obtain these flowers.

There were even a few cultivators that always carried large pots of lotus flowers in their spatial storage tools and would takethem out whenever they sensed a Heavenly Tribulation happening in the wild. It didn't matter whether it was a beast or a humanundergoing the Heavenly Tribulation, after all.

It also didn't matter if one succeeded with the Heavenly Tribulation or not, the flowers would still be created if there were asufficient number of them.

And due to how these Streak Petal Lotus flowers were created, they had a strong Lightning Elemental energy inside them. Theywere potent herbs that were used by cultivators who had an affinity for the lightning element and were prized by them.

Lin Mu had obtained these flowers back in the Xiaofan world when he had raided the vaults of the sects.

‘They're finally coming in handy now,’ Lin Mu thought to himself.

He had not used them, since he didn't have the lightning element, but they ultimately came in handy after more than five years.~SHUA~The pretty flower turned into nothingness, leaving behind purple wisps that flowed into Lin Mu's body steadily.

These flowers had an even greateramount of lightning eleme ts energyas CO red tecttiels ckling NutShell'and Lin Mu estimated it to be atleast three times as higher. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!



Lin Mu used all the eight flowers thathe had before nee n@he 11Hens Core Gat Lereached half the size of a sand grain.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

‘That was a bit faster than | thought... But | suppose it is due to the higher ranked lightning elemental herbs,’ He reckoned.He was soon finished with the flowers and moved onto the fourth herb, that was also another poisonous herb.

A Meridian Rending Zap Grass. It wasviolent grass that could destroy one'smeridians with the power oflightning. But somet ig thatoduleofbele Byan alDao Treading realmcultivator was easily absorbed by LinMu, and soon became the foundationof his future powers. Lin Mucontinued using the herbs, as hisLightning Core grew bigger andbigger until it finally reached the sizeof a sand grain, too. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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