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Chapter 2022

Lin Mu tried to rack his mind for answers, but still couldn't figure out what method he had used."| never expected your first time getting drunk would be this intense." A voice said in a surprised tone.

"Senior!" Lin Mu did intend to ask Xukong later, but was happy that he had awakened on his own. "To have a breakthrough whiledrunk... | can safely say you've done one of the most insane things an immortal can do... It's not even an Immortal specializingin the Dao of Wine... You're not an Immortal of the drunken path either." Xukong spoke, confusing Lin Mu a bit. "Still, you'vedone an astounding thing." He said, this time in a praising tone.

Lin Mu felt happy due to Senior Xukong's praise but also wished to know just how he had done this. Since he had no memory ofhimself, he would have to rely on Xukong to show him.

"Do you know how | did it though, Senior Xukong?" Lin Mu asked.

"| do." Just as Lin Mu had thought, Xukong did have an answer. "It seems like you've managed to progress in your ability tomanipulate space." He said.

"Manipulate space... Hmm..." Hearing that was enough to give Lin Mu a hint of what he might have done. "Is it related to theSpatial Dimension that the Tribulations come from?" he asked.

"Indeed. Your ring grants you the ability to open Spatial Rifts, this you already know and have done. But the same principle canbe applied to the dimensions that the Tribulations come from. You also know that an Immortal can voluntarily trigger an ImmortalTribulation if they wish for it.

But that does not happen immediately. There are many signs and changes along with phenomena that present themselvesbefore the Tribulation takes place. And unless one is at the end of their longevity and is going to trigger the tribulation naturally, arift to these dimensions does not open up.

However, in your case... When you have the ability to open the rifts, you manage to do that, but with the Tribulation Dimension."Xukong explained.

Hearing that, Lin Mu furrowed his brows as he thought about it further."So while | was drunk... | managed to see those spatial nodes?" Lin Mu hadn't expected that.

"Indeed. Your practice all this time has improved your spatial perception to the next level." Xukong replied. "In addition to that,the wine that you drank was certainly a catalyst for it." He added.

"Yeah, the Ichor Essence Wine." Lin Mu replied.

“Exactly. That is not a wine that just anyone can drink. Even for Celestials it is not a cheap thing to get. And while the amount youdrank was low, it was just enough to trigger the changes in you." Xukong explained. "And while its effect was originally supposedto expel the impurities from your body, it was instead consumed to improve your Spatial Perception. Or perhaps it is moreaccurate to say that it gave your Spatial Perception the last bit of nudge that it needed to progress to the next level." Herevealed.

Lin Mu had a lot to think about after hearing all that and felt quite lucky that the Ever Spring Mistress had given the IchorEssence Wine to him. "If it improved that, doesn't that mean my Spatial Perception should allow me to see the spatial nodes tothe Immortal Tribulation Dimension even now?" Lin Mu asked.

"Why don't you try it?" Xukong suggested instead."| will..." Lin Mu said and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again.~SHUA~

When he did, the world around him changed. Hundreds of floating dots could be seen by him, along with the very fabric of Spacethat was everywhere around him. It was simultaneously right next to him, as well as tens of meters away.

It was hard to describe it, as it felt rather contradicting.Anormal person would never be able to see or touch it. But Lin Mu very well could.If he wanted to touch it right in front of him, he could and if he wanted to touch it hundreds of meters away he could as well.

Such were the properties of the Fabric of Space, and unless one had an affinity to the Space, it was hard to understand orcomprehend.

But now that Lin Mu was looking at itall, he saw the various spatial nodesthat looked HES Gs ReelPrevioudlyaitres patial nodes thatLin Mu saw were black in color andappeared like small dots that kept onmoving with a few being stable. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Their position changed from time to time, and it was hard to track them.

But now, among the small black dots, there were other colored dots mixed in too. Though they were mainly of four colors now:Purple, Azure, Blue and Yellow.


‘So these are the spatial nodes thatcan open a rift into the TribulationDimension...’ Lin M hoyghet apon

S ing them. But hy are there onlyfour colors? If each of these belongto an element, then where are theWood, Fire and Earth Elementalones?" He wondered. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“You won't see those." Xukong replied. "They have forever closed themselves to you since you've already overcome theImmortal Tribulation of those elements." He revealed.

"| see... But even if | overcame them, should they still be there?" Lin Mu was doubtful. "| mean, the Dimension exists and soshould their spatial nodes. If not for me, for other people at least." He expressed his confusion.

"You are correct. They indeed stillexist." Xukong agreed. "But theysimply are not visible to you manymore, If youswisk tobe themagain, you'lrhave to improve yourSpatial Perception further. After all,the tribulation is sentient and has itsown will. It can choose whether toappear to someone or not." Heexplained. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"| see... Guess that'll be another achievement for the future." Lin Mu said thinking this was it for now.

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