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Chapter 2021

Lin Mu could not believe what laid in front of his eyes. Utter shock filled Lin Mu's mind while his heart beat uncontrollably.The object inside the box was a ring that glowed in a faint white light. But that was not why Lin Mu was so shocked.

It was due to the shape and design of the ring. It was a unique shape he was greatly familiar with and had it on his hand at thisvery moment.

"There's... A... Third Ring!" Lin Mu muttered in shock.

Similar to the two other rings Lin Mu had, this too had metal spurs coming from it. But they were extending from only one side.The ring itself was silver grey in color, but had a faint orange line in the center that went around the entire thing.


Lin Mu felt his hand tremble, and a pulse coming from the rings on his hand.

He looked at them and found them being attracted to the ring in the box. His hand automatically moved and reached out to thering.


But it was stooped by the glass case, unable to obtain it.

He knew exactly why he was here and what his purpose was.

"Find... Me..." A voice echoed in Lin Mu's mind.

"Unite... Us..." another voice appeared, this time from Lin Mu's hand.

An urge rose in Lin Mu's heart and made him slam his fists onto the glass case.~DENG~DENG~DENG~

No matter how much Lin Mu slammed his fists though, the glass case did not budge. There was not even a single crack on it andit was undamaged.


Then in the next moment, he found his surroundings dissipating into the colored clouds while the entire vault disappeared alongwith the ring inside.

Alost expression now appeared on Lin Mu's face and lingered for a minute while the clouds surrounded him."Hahaha..." Lin Mu suddenly laughed.

“Of course... of course there would be more... And this doesn't stop at just three, does it?" Lin Mu questioned while looking atthe rings on his hand.

But he received no answer, for the rings had gone silent.


As if to tell him that this was all he was here for, the clouds started to disappear as well, and darkness filled the area.~Sigh~

Lin Mu let out a sigh and closed his eyes, knowing his time had come to an end.


He felt his body become weightless as his consciousness faded away. Lin Mu had no idea how long he was in this dissociatedstated, but when he came to, he opened his eyes in the real world.

"HAH!" Lin Mu jolted awake, his eyes bloodshot.

He looked around frantically, trying to figure out where he was.

He saw the unfamiliar ceiling above him and the bedroom decorations that he had never seen before.

‘I'm on a bed?’ Lin Mu saw the large and comfortable bed that was enough to accommodate at least five people at once."You're awake." A voice pulled his attention, making him look to his right where the sight of a wide open garden greeted him.There waited his companions, whose mere sight made him feel incredibly relieved.

"Saintess... Little Shrubby... Ashy." Lin Mu muttered with comfort.

“Hey, I'm here too!" The Ever Spring Mistress spoke up.

She was sitting there next to the Saintess, while a hand floated next to her, holding a teapot. The hand was in the middle ofpouring and the teacup below it was now overflowing.


"MASTER" Little Shrubby and Ashy called out to Lin Mu, rushed to him.

The two soon jumped into his embrace and curled up. Lin Mu petted them, which soon comforted both.“How long have I been asleep?" Lin Mu asked, unable to tell right away.

"You've been sleeping for more than a day now." The Saintess answered.

Lin Mu felt relieved that it wasn't that long. He had a slight fear that the Well of Slumber might just have been triggered and hewas merely unable to sense it. But now that doubt had been wiped away.

“How did | fall asleep, though?" Lin Mu questioned, still unable to recall.

"It's my fault." The Ever Spring Mistress answered instead. "The wine | gave you was too strong and got you drunk.""Drunk?" Lin Mu raised his brows. "Did | do anything?" He wondered.

He hadn't been drunk ever before,thus didn't know what kind of effect itwould have had.on Kir THoudh hedid uhd stand that if it was a winethat could get him drunk, it wascertainly powerful. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"You sure did... Quite a bit thing." The Saintess answered, making Lin Mu more confused. "You should check your cultivationbase." She advised.

“Hmmm...” Lin Mu did as told and his immortal sense quickly entered his body.There, he easily saw what was different. Or rather, he sensed it the moment his Immortal sense observed his Nascent Soul.

"Three Halos?!" Lin Mu was stunned. "A Red Halo... Fire Elemental Immortal Tribulation? | broke through?" He hadn't expectedthis at all.

"You sure did... that too, while drunk." The Ever Spring Mistress said in an impressed and surprised tone.novelbin

“How did that exactly happen?" Lin Mu still didn't know how he triggered an Immortal Tribulation.

Thankfully, the Saintess had a good way of explaining that.


She merely created a curtain of mist which worked as a formation screen and displayed all that Lin Mu had done while drunk.

It showed him jumping around, tryingto catch something. And then finallyclapping to catch sdtfeunknownobject; Bich then tore open a spatialtear through which the ImmortalTribulation arrived. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Lin Mu had his hand on his mouth, feeling quite shocked.

While he knew Immortal Tribulationscould be triggered whenever anCOM

Immortal wanted. \ibwvasn'tas easyab just dpping a finger or clapping.One had to willfully summon it and ittook a bit of an effort. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

There was no mistakingly triggering it.

"How did | do it?" Lin Mu was baffled.

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