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Serenity doused their enthusiasm. She said, “Zachary told me Kevin and Hayden are going on a trip. They'll only be back half amonth later.“You can still go to Jensburg for fun. However, it might not be appropriate to discuss Kevin and Hayden's marriage without themaround.”Grandma May and the others were speechless.“I guess we'll go over after they return then. When that time comes, we can also get to know Mr. and Mrs. Queen better.”Serenity smiled. “Aren’t you close enough to them, Nana?”“We've talked often over the phone, but rarely in person.”Serenity understood.The two families’ elders did keep in contact through phone calls and only met each other a few times.The main reason was the distance between their cities.“Food is ready.”Zachary came out of the kitchen and called everyone.When Grandma May was home, the guys would cook, whereas the ladies would sit and chat while waiting for the food.Grandma May, who never had a daughter of her own, treated her daughters-in-law like her precious daughters.After failing to have a granddaughter, she continued showering love on her granddaughters-in-law.Zachary had wished that the baby in Serenity’s womb was a girl.That way, his beloved daughter would be able to have all the love in the world.Nevertheless, he and Serenity had been waiting for the pregnancy for a long time. The child would be precious regardless of thegender. He could accept whatever outcome.Even if Serenity gave birth to a baby boy, he would be the York family’s first great-grandchild. He would still be well-loved by thefamily.Grandma May and her girls walked to the dining area.“Nana.”Austin still had his apron on.He greeted Grandma May with a smile.She smiled back and said, “I guess I'm in for a treat today.”“You always have been.”Serenity helped Grandma May to settle down in her chair. “Be careful, Nana.”The old lady grinned. “You're one to talk.”Her smile widened when her gaze went to Serenity's stomach.She felt the days were passing by too slowly. She could not wait to hold her great-granddaughter.After observing the changes in Serenity’s cravings, she felt there was still hope that the baby was a daughter.Austin had prepared a feast.He loved cooking and creating new recipes. Of course the food he made looked amazing.Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the dinner and was extremely satisfied.During their stroll after dinner, Serenity asked Zachary, “Do you think the O’Connors will hire Austin?”novelbin

“As long as he puts his heart intosomething, he'll never fa; Helofinitely Re tik get a step closerto-Ms. O'Connor's world.” Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Serenity laughed. “You're right. Austinis outstanding in ey ape O11!fefeva flEbeltie best and mosthandsome chef.” Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.At that moment, Serenity’s phone rang. It was a WhatsApp call.“I think Sonny touched down.”She guessed it was Sonny's call before seeing the caller ID.When she took her phone out, it was indeed from Liberty. She heard Sonny's crisp voice the moment she answered.“Have you eaten, Aunt Ser?”“I have. I'm taking a walk with Uncle Zak. You and Duncan must've arrived.”

Sonny replied, “We just reached.Mom fetched us from t e aipanti 1)ARIE ICS HepNbhe when | said |nted to tell you we had reached.”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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