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Liam immediately said, “I'm going to take Tania shopping later. She can buy whatever she likes, as long as she’s happy.”Grandma May said as she sat down, “You're about to be a grandfather soon. You need to set a good example for yourgrandchild.”“Mom, I've always been a role model for Zack and Austin.”“You two men should go to the kitchen to help Austin out.”“Mom, dinner’s ready,” Liam said, as if asking for credit. “Austin’s already prepared all the food.”Grandma May gave her eldest son a side-eye.Liam smiled sheepishly and gave Zachary a look. The father and son then headed for the kitchen.Grandma May immediately smiled after successfully diverting the men away and said to Tania and Serenity, “Later, we should goout shopping. | haven't been on a shopping spree for a while now and | want to buy a few dresses for my precious great-granddaughter.”Tania immediately agreed. “That's right, we should buy a few more dresses for her.”Serenity was speechless for a moment. “Nana, Mom, the baby hasn't been born yet. And they might not be a girl.”The old woman and her daughter-in-law looked at Serenity in unison.After a beat of silence, Serenity gave in. “Okay, okay.”Let them dream on.Once the baby was born and their dreams were shattered, they could not blame her, alright?She was already mentally prepared to have a son.After all, the Yorks had not had a girl for so many generations now. How could she be so lucky to give birth to one on the first try?Sonny had even already predicted that the child in her belly was a boy.“Oh, right. Where's Sonny?"Grandma May belatedly realized that the little man was missing.“I kept thinking something was missing but only just realized that Sonny's the one missing.”“Did Lewis pick him up?“If Sonny knew that Nana had only just thought of him, he'd cry. You always say that you love him the most, but it took you solong to think of him after getting back home,” Serenity replied.“Sonny's gone to Jensburg with Duncan for the weekend. They should be reaching soon.”Serenity saw that it was dark outside.Well, it was winter. It tended to get dark earlier.“Duncan should have told me. | miss Liberty and want to visit Jensburg too.”Tania hurriedly said, “Mom, it takes a few hours to get to Jensburg by plane. Don't go, you're getting on in years now.”“I won't take the plane. I'll have a road trip and have fun pit stops.”Tania was at a loss for words.Sometimes, she wanted to do as her mother-in-law did and go wherever she wanted to go carefreely, but she had neither theability nor the connections her mother-in-law had.The main issue was that her husband would want to follow her.“Tania, help me pick out a few pieces of jewelry to give to Hayden when | go to Jensburg.”Hayden had already publicly admitted she was a woman, which meant that her relationship with Kevin was going strong.“Sure,” Tania readily agreed.“When I go, I'll get Kevin's parents to come with me and make the Jensburg trip a lively one.”

Tania said, “Then, Liam and | willcome too. It's time for Kevin andHayden to set a date Hpceldeié)\ 1!shopid mest ahi Rave a mealtogether to acquaint ourselves andthen sit down to discuss theirwedding arrangements.” Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.novelbin

Grandma May thought for a momentand said, “Everyone should Coie)along then. Sinag ye Hhediselssinghe wedding, Sasha should bringalong the gifts she prepared a longtime ago for the formal engagementparty. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.“But we can't just suddenly appear, just in case the Queens are unprepared and caught off guard. We need to make somearrangements.”Tania nodded repeatedly.

Grandma May was right. They couldnot just suddenly appear to dithe VE Thephe@ run it byMP Bred Mrs. Queen first before theelders of the York could make amove. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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