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Chapter 2972

“He’s right, Tania. Why didn’t you take me with you? We’re husband and wife. We shouldn’t be apart

from each other. Have you ever thought how I’d feel when you left me at home?

“You could’ve told me that you missed Zachary and Serenity. I would’ve come here with you.”

Looking at Sonny sitting on Tania’s lap, he added, “I missed Sonny too.”

Sonny looked toward Tania and Liam, then Austin and Serenity. He did not know how he got involved innovelbin

the conversation.

He just wanted Tania to watch cartoons with him.

Grandpa Liam came after and he held Grandma Tania’s hand to say many things. Grandma Tania’s

face turned red. In the end, she told little Sonny to watch the TV himself and went upstairs with

Grandpa Liam.

A few minutes after Grandma Tania and Grandpa Liam returned downstairs, Aunt Ser and Uncle Austin

came inside.

“I missed Grandma Tania too,” said Sonny.

Everyone laughed.

Sonny was confused but laughed along as well.

Serenity told him, “You should go upstairs for a shower now and sleep, Sonny. You have to go to

school tomorrow.”

“Just ten more minutes, Aunt Ser.”

When Sonny heard Serenity urging him to wash up and sleep, he could not resist bargaining for more

TV time.

“It’s Friday tomorrow.”

Serenity reminded Sonny, “Duncan will pick you up from school tomorrow evening and take the plane

to Jensburg together. Your mom is waiting for you there.”

She had wanted to fly to Jensburg as well.

However, no one supported her idea.

Liberty even warned that if she did not listen to Zachary, she would give her a scolding once she got


Liberty had warned Serenity in case Zachary could not dissuade Serenity from flying to Jensburg.

Jensburg was a dangerous place for the Hunt sisters at the moment.

Liberty would not back off easily since she had taken up the responsibility.

On the other hand, Serenity was pregnant. Liberty would never allow her to set foot in Jensburg.

It was better for Sonny and Serenity to stay in Wiltspoon. If things went badly, there would still be

someone to collect her corpse.

Sonny was going to Jensburg with Duncan on Friday. Liberty only agreed to that trip because Duncan

was tagging along.

They would be visiting for two days.

Once the situation between Liberty and the Fishers strained, she would no longer allow Sonny to visit.

Luckily, nothing had happened so far. The Fishers dared not make a move out of fear for the York


However, there was no knowing what they would do once they got desperate.

After speaking, Sonny slid down from Tania’s lap and bade everyone good night before heading

upstairs happily.

Tania asked Serenity, “Are you letting him bathe alone, Seren?” Content belongs to Draмa?ovеls.cом

Serenity replied, “He knows how to take care of himself now.

Everyone broke into laughter again.

The child was starting to build his boundaries.

Nevertheless, Serenity still went upstairs.

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