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Chapter 2867

“Sure. I-I won’t rush you or force you. Think carefully about it. Even if you can’t accept my feelings right

now, I can wait. It just means that I haven’t done enough to move your heart and satisfy you.

“I’ll keep striving my best to make you fall for me and make you happy.”

Quinn smiled and said, “It’s not that you haven’t done enough. It’s just—I saw you as a friend but you

saw me as a wife. It’s too sudden. I need some time to digest this since this is a major life decision and

does concern my happily ever after. I have to think carefully about this.

“Julian, this is between the two of us. Don’t tell my parents about this before I’ve given you an answer.

If they knew I didn’t immediately say yes, they’d probably yell my head off. Unfortunately, I am that

person who’s been stood up countless times by my blind dates.

“My dad doesn’t really care. It’s not like I’m that old either—I’m only in my twenties. But my mom’s

anxious and keeps thinking that I might be able to defend myself because my dad trained me in martial

arts, but it’s given people the wrong impression that I’m unladylike and that’s why I don’t have a


“That’s why my mom is so worried I won’t be able to get married. Every time I get stood up on a blind

date, she’ll nag my dad and blame him for harming me.

“You’re probably my mom’s last and biggest hope.”

Julian nodded in acquiescence. “I won’t tell your parents before you’ve come to a decision and given

me your reply.”

“Oh, yeah. Julian, you have nothing to do with me continuing to get stood up on blind dates after

getting to know you, right?”

“No, our network in Summervale isn’t that big. We only started expanding it after I came here on

business and started investing and establishing our own company, so I have never had a hand in you

getting stood up by your blind dates.”

Besides, she had rarely gone on blind dates after he came to Summervale.

None of the professional matchmakers in Summervale even wanted to introduce anyone to her


Quinn thought about the fact that she had not known him for long and believed he was telling the truth.

“Alright, then. You should head downstairs first. Give me a few minutes to calm down and gathernovelbin

myself, and then I’ll head down too. My brothers should be back soon too. My dad’s gone out to eat

and won’t be joining us.”

Julian replied warmly, “Alright.”

He gazed deeply at Quinn for a moment before getting up and walking out of Quinn’s room and closing

the door for her.

He stood at the door for a long moment before turning to go downstairs.

When he reached the stairwell, he spotted Zoey hurrying down the stairs and guessed that she must

have been eavesdropping nearby. He had not closed the door earlier, so she must have stood a little

further away for fear of getting caught.

Julian chuckled, understanding why she did that.

If it were his parents, they would probably have been glued to the door to eavesdrop.

For the sake of not embarrassing Zoey, Julian even paused for a few minutes and waited for her to

reach downstairs and enter the kitchen before he descended.

Right then, the Crawford brothers entered the house one after the other.

“The snow is getting heavier. It was getting hard to drive, so I walked back.”

After Will entered the house, he immediately began to take off his thick coat. The indoor heater was on

so it was extremely warm inside compared to the temperature outdoors.

“Hello, Will,” Julian greeted.

“Zoey’s prepped the veggies and the fondue. We were just waiting for you guys to get back to start


Julian smiled and when he saw Mark enter after Will, he smiled at him too. “Mark, you’re back too.

Hurry up and get in. It’s too cold outside.”

Julian only closed the door after Mark came in.

“Is Dad not back yet?” Mark asked.

Like Will, he started taking off his coat after getting in.

Julian took Mark’s coat from him and answered, “Dave won’t be back for dinner tonight.”

“Oh. Hey, Julian, how come you’re back earlier than us today? Where’s Quinn? Why don’t I see her?

Doesn’t she normally come back with you?”

Mark still did not know that Julian had professed to Quinn.

Will had not told him. It just so happened that he had not been at the gym earlier.

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