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Chapter 2861

“If I’m dating Julian, we can still move out after marriage and maintain some distance from the in-laws,


After a moment of silence, Zoey said, “Even if you don’t live together, it will be easy for Mrs. Bucham tonovelbin

find faults with you and try to ruin your marital relationship if she doesn’t accept you. She’s his mother,

and he can’t just cut ties with her for you, right?”

Quinn remained silent.

After a while, Quinn sighed and said, “Mom, are you suggesting that I shouldn’t accept Julian? I had

just made up my mind, and now I’m confused again. I don’t know what to do. I feel it might be better to

live alone and not deal with these complicated interpersonal relationships.

“My temperament is not suitable for dealing with people who are scheming. They say it’s difficult to get

along with mothers-in-law in wealthy families. Not many can be as reasonable as Serenity, Jasmine,

and their mothers-in-law. I heard from Serenity that when she first got together with Zachary, his mother

couldn’t accept her wholeheartedly.

“But she has never done anything to harm Serenity or damage their relationship. When people gossip

about Serenity, she publicly defends her and scolds those who spread rumors about her. Serenity says

Zachary’s mom has always been elegant and well-mannered and even curses people to protect her.

“Although she hasn’t spent much time with Mrs. York, she respects her immensely. Such a mother-in-

law, I think, is relatively rare.”

Zoey replied, “You haven’t even met Julian’s parents. How do you know they don’t like you? You should

at least meet them first.”

“But I’m afraid that if I fall in love with him, and then his parents don’t like me, they might try to break us

up. Wouldn’t that be extremely painful? In that case, it’s better to not develop anything from the

beginning and maintain the current status, just like now—being buddies, being friends.”

Zoey did not know what to say.

“Mrs. Crawford, are you home?”

During Zoey’s speechlessness, both mother and daughter heard someone downstairs calling for Zoey.

From the sound of his voice, it seemed to be Julian.

Quinn, initially composed, became unsettled again because of what her mother said. Now, hearing

Julian’s calls, she did not know how to face him. She said, “Mom, it sounds like Julian is back. Can you

go and check? Don’t tell him I’m upstairs. I still don’t know how to face him.”

“Don’t overthink. Go with the flow. Maybe Julian’s parents will really like you.”

Zoey comforted her daughter and got up to go downstairs. Julian was still calling out downstairs. He

entered the kitchen and saw the washed vegetables and the stew base, but there was no sign of Zoey.

“Julian, I was upstairs collecting the laundry. You’re early today. Usually, you would only come back

around seven or eight.”

Zoey responded to Julian while coming downstairs. She continued, “It’s snowing outside, and it’s

getting quite late. I wonder why haven’t Quinn and her siblings come back? Julian, don’t you have any

socializing to do?”

“I finished my work during the day. I’ll leave the socializing to others. Will and the others should be back

soon. Hasn’t Quinn come back?”

Julian really wanted to find Quinn, but Will advised him not to go look for her and let Quinn calm down.

He resisted the urge to chase after Quinn and returned to the Crawfords’ home, intending to help Zoey

prepare dinner. However, after seeing the state of the kitchen, it seemed he was not needed.

Where did Quinn go in the snow?

She did not have many close friends, and neither did she have many female friends. The most she had

were a few fellow martial arts practitioners.

Julian’s heart was tied to Quinn.

“I don’t know if she’s back. Don’t you usually go to the gym after work? Didn’t you see her there?”

Zoey lied as naturally as she breathed. The answer she gave Julian was vague. After all, she just went

upstairs to collect laundry. It would not be strange for her to not be aware whether her daughter was

back or not.

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