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Chapter 2808

Kevin chuckled. “You definitely won’t get used to it because you’re such a serious person. You should

really practice with me, Hay. If you’re embarrassed, you can do it in your room. No one can hear or

make fun of you.”

Seeing that he was still speaking, Hayden cut the bacon and shoved it into his mouth.

Not even food could shut him up.

At that moment, Kevin’s phone rang.

It was Liberty.

Kevin answered, “What’s up, Liberty?”

Liberty said, “Nothing in particular. Just wanted to tell you that many entertainment reporters are at the

hotel’s entrance. I asked around. Did Hayden publicly admit that she was a woman? The reporters

must be here to get an answer from you.”

“I knew they’d be waiting at Fortress Hotel. There are probably some of them at Jensburg Hotel too.”

“Jim went to check the situation over there. There are reporters at both hotels and more than usual

visitors today. What did you and Hayden do last night, Kevin? I sensed some gossip brewing right after

I came down for breakfast.”

Kevin was a little embarrassed. “You sound as if Hayden and I were caught making out last night. We

didn’t do anything. I accompanied Hay to a banquet last night, and she wore a dress. It’s that simple.”

Liberty smiled. “I see. Congratulations, Kevin. Hayden has truly fallen in love with you. She’s being

thoughtful and putting you above everything else. I’ll be waiting for your wedding.”

Hayden’s feelings for Kevin developed slowly. She only fell in love with him after he pursued her for a

year. She started to care for him and did not want others to misunderstand him.

Therefore, she chose to wear a dress to reveal her true gender and that Kevin was straight.

Kevin beamed and thanked Liberty.

“I won’t disturb you two further. I’m going to eat.”

Liberty guessed that Kevin was at Hayden’s house.

Ever since she came to Jensburg, the most frequent gossip she heard was how Kevin clung to Hayden

shamelessly. That was how she knew he would visit Hayden’s villa every other day.

Even if Hayden did not welcome him, he would go over anyway. If she did not let him in, he would wait

at the door until she came out.

A persistent pursuer could soften even the toughest lady’s heart. That was how Kevin managed to

become Hayden’s boyfriend.

After the call with Kevin ended, Liberty just arrived at the breakfast buffet on the first floor when

Serenity called.

They had a casual conversation about their everyday lives. After that, Liberty told Serenity, “Hayden

revealed she’s a woman. It’s all over Jensburg’s entertainment news now.”

Serenity smiled. “Kevin finally got his wish granted. He doesn’t have to be scared of being chased out

of the family anymore.”

Wildridge Manor would become livelier.

“That’s for sure. Your family will be expanding.”

“It’ll get more crowded after a few years when more children pop up. It’s quiet when there are no kids

around. I find the house too quiet when Sonny’s in school.”novelbin

“The weather’s getting colder. I bet Sonny has been sleeping in.”

Liberty knew her son well.

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