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Chapter 2763

Sonny was utterly disappointed.

He could not let his friend get punished just so he wanted to keep him around, right?

Upon hearing Laurence’s words, Serenity curiously asked, “Can you understand medical books? Can

you copy them?”

Laurence was about the same age as Sonny. At this age, Sonny could only write basic numbers and


The sisters believed that during the early childhood stage, the main focus should be on ensuring that

the child eats well, drinks well, and enjoys a carefree childhood. They did not want to impose too much

learning pressure on the child.

Hence, Sonny’s time in preschool was relaxed and happy.

Even so, there was a period when he did not want to go to preschool, waking up every day with a flat

mouth saying he did not want to go.

The novelty had worn off.

“I can’t understand it. My mentor will teach me to memorize medical books, and I can memorize them,

but I don’t know what they mean. I can’t copy them, but I have to, otherwise, when he makes delicious

food, he won’t give it to me. When I’m punished by copying a page of medical books, it takes me a long


Although Laurence was very clever, knew more words than Sonny, and could write, he was still but a

little kid. A page of medical books had so many words that it was a huge task for him.

After being punished once, the little guy was afraid. As long as the mentor said he made a mistake and

needed to copy medical books, he would not dare to make mistakes and would be honest.

Serenity affectionately touched Laurence’s head and said sympathetically, “You’ve worked hard.”

While Sonny continued to lead a carefree life, Laurence had to undergo hell-like training.

Fortunately, the legendary doctor understood the importance of balance and did not push Laurence too

hard. After some time, they would give him a few days off, take him to stay at FC Manor in Annenburg

for a few days, and let him relax properly. They did not want to push him overboard and risk

counterproductive results.

It was the first time Corey met Laurence. After hearing what he said, she asked Serenity, “Does Mrs.

Johnson plan to train Laurence as a doctor? Even so, there’s no need to force him to copy medical

books at the age of three or four, right?”

Serenity brought Sonny and Laurence to Westwood Manor, only introducing Laurence as a child

fostered by Jane and did not clarify that he was also Dr. Carden’s apprentice.

When she heard Corey, Serenity explained, “Laurence is Dr. Carden’s disciple, the one who helpednovelbin

treat Camryn’s eyes.”

Corey suddenly realized. No wonder the little guy was being punished to copy medical books at such a

young age. It turned out he was Dr. Carden’s apprentice, the renowned physician.

While letting the two kids play for a while, she quietly advised Corey not to disclose Laurence’s visit or

anything related to him to outsiders.

Perplexed, Corey nodded in agreement, promising, “I’ll keep it a secret, not even mentioning it to


Her husband, Derek, was not home.

“Thank you, Mrs. Lewis.”

Checking the time, Serenity said, “Mrs. Lewis, I’ll bring the kids back. Jane must be waiting. They have

to return to Annenburg in the afternoon.”

It was Sonny showing off how good Dunc was that prompted Laurence to come with him to Westwood

Manor. With Jane’s consent, then only Serenity dared to bring Laurence, accompanied by four

bodyguards from the York family to the Lewises’ residence.

The guards’ primary task was to protect Laurence and limit the spread of information about him.

This child had to live discreetly to ensure his safety. Even going out for a brief period warranted utmost


Corey was reluctant, expressing, “They’re leaving so soon after arriving. Jane came by a private jet,

couldn’t she stay a little longer?”

Corey was reluctant to let Sonny leave now that she had Sonny as her grandson.

There might not be a blood relation, but Sonny was sensible, surrounded by morally upright adults. He

would surely grow up well.

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