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Chapter 2601

Will grinned and said, “If I lose, I lose, no excuses. Don’t be sore losers alright? In the past, you guys

have always won the bets, so have a taste of defeat for once. Gambling always involves winning and

losing. If you can’t handle losing, then maybe you should quit.”

Mark did not utter a word.

Quinn went to the side, sat down, and started counting the money. When she was done, she handed

half of the money to the boy, saying, “Kai, this is your share.”

Kai took the money but quickly returned half of it. He said, “Quinn, I only contributed a hundred bucks. I

can’t take half. This is more than enough to cover my late-night snacks for half a year.”

“It’s for you. Just keep it. Save it for yourself and don’t let your stepmother find out.”

Kai had a tough childhood. His parents divorced when he was very young and he ended up with his

father, who was a quiet and reserved man. The divorce made his father even more distant, and Kainovelbin

was largely left to be raised by his grandparents.

Later, his father married an older woman who was getting married for the first time. Since it was time

for Kai to go to school, his father brought him back to live with them. However, his stepmother was

harsh, and Kai’s days were far from pleasant, often subjected to physical abuse.

The young boy tried to resist but considering he was just a child, he could not hold out against it and

his attempts only intensified the abuse.

Busy with work and frequent business trips, Kai’s father was often unaware of the abuse.

Kai’s aunt filed complaints out of concern for her nephew and even paid for his martial arts classes to

help him build strength and learn self-defense.

This continued for six years. His stepmother eventually stopped physically abusing him, but she began

mistreating him financially. His allowance was less than his younger half-brother’s, so Kai resorted to

collecting and selling recyclables to make some pocket money.

Earlier, the hundred bucks Kai betted with was his allowance, given to him by his father when he

returned from his business trip. He planned to keep them for supper.

At this age, he was growing and had a big appetite.

There was a saying that teenagers can eat their family into poverty.

He had to have supper every night. Otherwise, he could not sleep.

“I’ll indulge myself then, Quinn.”

Quinn smiled and said, “It’s for you, keep it. You’ll need money when you start schooling, and you don’t

have to ask your stepmother.”

“Whenever I need money, I always ask my dad. Even if my stepmother knows about it, she can’t do

anything about it. The most she can do is quarrel with my dad.”

Kai had trained in the gym for six years and was capable enough to resist his stepmother. Even though

he became stronger, he could not use martial arts to hurt her because Power Fitness emphasized

martial ethics.

Anyway, she did not dare to harm him anymore all thanks to the coach bringing a group of seniors to

his home and warning his stepmother.

“Just endure for a few more years, until you’re of age. Once you’re capable, you can move out.”

Julian was most impressed by Kai. The boy had even jokingly said that he would call him brother-in-


Listening to their conversation, Julian had a good understanding of Kai’s situation. Julian promised,

“Kai, right? If you study hard and train diligently, and eventually graduate but can’t find a job, feel free to

come to me. I’ll assign you a job.”

“Thank you, Mr. Julian. You’re my idol.”

Kai thanked him with a smile and happily joined his seniors, eager to show off his winnings.

“This kid has potential,” Julian commented to Quinn.

Quinn asked him, “How much did you bet in total earlier? Let me give you the money back.”

“No need, I placed the bet, and I lost. A loss is a loss. If you give me the money back, would you also

return the money to others who bet? It wouldn’t be fair otherwise.

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