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Chapter 2464

Fortunately, Alice did not keep her husband waiting for too long as the nurse soon pushed her out of

the delivery room.


Clive ran to Alice.

Alice’s hair was messy, and her lips were cracked.

Even so, Alice was in good spirits when she saw that everyone was waiting for her. She said to her

husband, “Clive, we have a son! They said the baby looks like me.”novelbin

Felicity said, “Yeah, your son resembles you. The baby is very healthy.”

Clive leaned down and kissed his beloved wife on the forehead. He said in distress, “Thanks for your

hard work, babe. Let’s not have any more children. One is enough.”

Alice’s family hoped that she would give birth to a boy.

The Stones had a big business empire, and Clive said that they would only have one child. Alice’s

family felt that their daughter’s position in the Stone family was secure because she had given birth to

an heir.

After giving birth, Alice was also glad that she had a son. That way, her son would not have to endure

the pain of childbirth like she did when he grew up.

Alice said, “Okay, let’s not do this again.”

She did not want to have a second child because childbirth was too painful.

No one could imagine the pain without going through it.

When they went back to the postpartum recovery ward, Alice lay on the bed to rest and watched

everyone surrounding the baby. She said to her husband, “Bring the baby over here, and let me take a


She had suffered through ten months of pregnancy and excruciating pain to give birth to this little guy.

She wanted to take a look at him carefully.

After the baby was born in the delivery room, the nurse cleaned him up and carried him over to Alice so

that she could hold and kiss him before they brought him out again.

Clive immediately bent down and picked up the baby from the crib. The newborn baby was tiny and

soft. He felt weightless in his arms, so Clive held him carefully.

He did not dare to walk after carrying his son, fearing that the baby would slip out of his hands if he

took a step.

“Here, let me.”

Seeing her son-in-law’s nervous face, Felicity stepped forward and took the baby from Clive. She

smiled and said, “Look at the way you’re holding the baby. You don’t even dare to walk! I’m afraid Ally

will have to wait for an hour to see the baby before you get to her bedside.

“The way you’re holding the baby is also not right. It’s not safe if you walk with the baby.”

Audrey smiled and said, “New fathers are like that. Clive will get used to it with time. By then, he’ll be

more skilled at carrying babies than most women. Darrell was like this back then too.”

Zachary saw this scene and heard what Audrey and Felicity said.

He thought he should shamelessly visit the Stones more often so he could practice carrying a newborn.

That way, he would not be as lost as Clive by the time Serenity gives birth.

Zachary felt like holding the baby, but when he recalled how awkward Clive looked, he did not want to

embarrass himself.

He was not familiar with newborns because he had only spent time with toddlers like Sonny, who could

already walk and talk.

This newborn was so tiny and soft, so Zachary did not dare to hold him.

When Alice wanted to sit up, Clive quickly stepped forward to help her.

“You can lie down to see the baby. You don’t have to sit up.”

Clive knew that women should be lying flat on their backs after giving birth to prevent them from

developing back pain in the future. He also heard that there were many tortuous side effects to

childbirth, which could impact a woman’s livelihood.

Thus, he did not want his beloved wife to suffer from those side effects.

“It’s okay. I feel a lot better now.”

Alice sat up and stretched out her arms to hold her newborn son.

Felicity handed her grandson to her daughter and said, “He just drank half an ounce of formula. This

little guy has quite an appetite! Look at how soundly he sleeps. Ally, the baby really looks like you,

except for his mouth.”

Alice had small, heart-shaped lips.

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