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Chapter 2315

Darren took large strides into the hotel and looked around, finding Caroline in no time and hurrying to

her side.

“Mr. Fletcher.”

Caroline put away her phone and stood up once she spotted him.

“Why didn’t you call me if you have problems with your car? I could’ve gotten you another one,” Darren

quietly told Caroline off for omitting her car troubles.

Caroline whispered, “We’ll talk in the car.”

He looked around warily before rushing out of the hotel with Caroline.novelbin

Minutes later, they drove out of the Jensburg Hotel.

“Was your car tampered with?”

The car was a private space, as Darren only used it to drive Caroline around. He would inspect the car

for tampering or listening devices before driving it.

The car was also bulletproof. It was a safe vehicle.


Caroline answered, “I ran into Mr. Queen. His chauffeur, who knows a thing or two about cars,

examined my car and told me that it had been tampered with, which was why it broke down in the

middle of the road.

“Mr. Fletcher, help me find out who’s behind this.

“One more thing, find out who else knows about the tampering. If they knew about it and didn't tell me,

they're just as much a threat as the perpetrator.”

Behind the wheel, Darren said, “Don’t worry, Ms. Fisher. I’ll get to the bottom of it.

“You say you ran into Mr. Queen?”

Darren was wary of Hayden.

“Yes, Mr. Queen just got off work. He helped me out when he saw me stranded by the roadside and

gave me a ride to the hotel. Otherwise, I would have been late for my meeting with the client. They

would have thought I had bad time management, and it would have ruined my chances of closing the

deal. Mom would have been furious with me tomorrow.

“Someone tampered with my car in an attempt to sabotage my meeting with the client. They must hope

I get into a car crash too. I can only think of a few people who would want to do something like that."

Caroline stayed in the family home.

Only a handful had access to the place whereas many other family members had to apply for

permission to go in and out of the Fishers’ residence.

Caroline’s car was either parked in the family home or at the company.

There were too many eyes at the office building to pull a move. The perpetrator likely tampered with

Caroline's car at the Fishers' residence because it was easier to do so there since Caroline was not

getting much attention at home.

Even the domestic helpers were nicer to Celine.

Everybody believed Madam Fisher did not favor Caroline, the true heiress of the Fisher family. To them,

it was unclear whether Caroline or Celine would be the successor.

People suspected that Madam Fisher favored Celine and that she would be the successor. There was

also a possibility that Celine had a hand in tampering with Caroline's car.

Apart from Celine, other suspects could be Adrian, Emma, Madam Fisher, and her husband.

“I’ll drop you and fetch you from work from now on. I’ll drive you wherever you want to go. Don’t forget

that I’m your aide.”

Caroline fell silent before saying, “You have more important things to do. You have not provided me

with a satisfactory answer for the assignment I had given you.”

Darren was tasked to investigate whether Madam Fisher had murdered her sisters decades ago to

secure her position as the head of the household.

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