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Chapter 2284

When the children heard there were presents for them, they first looked at Quinn. Only when Quinn did

not object that they followed Julian excitedly.

Julian opened the car door and reached into the car to bring out the gifts. He told them, “Your names

are written on the gift box.”

Quinn heard him as she walked over. Surprised, she asked, “How do you know their names, Mr.


She only told him that she had brought twelve children to Wiltspoon for the competition and that there

were six boys and girls, respectively. She never mentioned their names.

Julian said, “You said you all came for a competition. I had someone look into it and found the

children’s names. Everyone has a gift, and each is unique. They can hold onto the gifts and unbox

them after the meal.”

The children were delighted to receive presents that were luxuriously wrapped.

Julian had left his assistants in charge of the gifts. The attentive assistants looked into the children’s

preferences and prepared their gifts accordingly. The kids would definitely be in for a surprise when

they unwrapped the gifts.

Since their boss had finally fallen in love with a woman, as his employees, they would naturally assist

him as best as they could.

“Thank you, Julian.”

The children thanked him happily after receiving the presents.

Julian smiled, “I’m glad you all like it.”

Quinn found Julian warm and friendly. He did not have the distant, arrogant attitude other CEOs had.

She had a great impression of Julian because he treated the children well.

Lastly, Julian took out an exquisite gift box. He walked toward Quinn with it as the children stared on.

“I got you a gift too, Ms. Crawford. Thank you for rescuing me.”

Quinn declined the present. She said, “It was no trouble at all, Mr. Bucham. Don’t worry about it. You

treating us to a meal today is enough to repay me.”

“Please accept my gratitude, Ms. Crawford. It’s nothing expensive. It’s just a small present like what the

children got. If you don’t accept it, I’ll think the gift is too insignificant for you. In that case, I’ll give you a

luxury car and a villa instead to thank you for saving my life.”

Quinn was speechless.

She did not believe that the gift Julian had prepared for her was something small like the children’s.

However, if she did not accept it, he would constantly think he had yet to repay her and might even go

to Summervale to do so.

After giving it some thought, Quinn accepted the gift. She said, “Since you’ve said so, I shall not refuse.

You’re treating all of us to a meal and even have gifts prepared. These are enough to repay me for

helping you out last night. Please don’t worry about it anymore.”

Julian smiled and said, “Sure. Let’s be friends then.”

Quinn did not refuse. They could be friends.

The children’s competition had come to an end. They would be returning to Summervale after touring

Wiltspoon for a few days.

Given the considerable distance between Summervale and Wiltspoon, the likelihood of Quinn meeting

Julian again was low. Although they could occasionally stay in touch through phone calls, it was

doubtful that their friendship would last for long. Therefore, she had no objections to becoming friends

with Julian.

“Let’s head inside to eat. I booked a private room.”

Julian was happy that Quinn accepted the gift. He ushered everyone into the hotel.

The afternoon sun was scorching hot.

Quinn and the children followed Julian inside.

While walking, she asked, “Why did you change your car today? Well, I do think it’s safer to drive a carnovelbin

that’s not as flashy.”

Julian explained, “The car I usually drive can’t fit much stuff. I switched cars because I had to bring the

children’s gifts. This is the least flashy car I have in my garage.”

It was a newly bought car, all for the sake of transporting the children’s presents.

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