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Chapter 2270

Olivia and Chelsea were still trying to make things happen between Liberty and Hank.

Hank was not even divorced. Even if he was, there was no turning back for them anymore. Hank knew

that, so he never talked about getting back together with Liberty.

The mother and daughter were trying to interfere in Hank and Liberty’s lives as always, which was

indeed a major factor in their divorce.

Olivia embarrassedly smiled. “We will call to order the food. Liberty, business is looking good for you.

Are you hiring?”

“Not at the moment. I told Chelsea the same thing.”

Chelsea forced an awkward smile, remembering how Liberty had turned down her request for a job.

They did not know how to carry on the conversation, so they picked up their glasses, taking their time

to sip on their drink.

After staying for a few minutes, Olivia could not stand the awkwardness and said, “I don’t want to keep

you from working, Liberty. I should go back and take care of Hank. It’s the weekend in another two

days. Take Sonny to see his dad. Hank can’t wait for the weekend.”

Liberty answered, “I’ll take Sonny to see his dad when it’s the term break.’

She would send Jim to take Sonny to the hospital as she had no plans to go with her son. She did not

want to give her ex-husband’s family any hope.

“I guess we should get going then.”

Olivia put down the unfinished glass of water and got up to leave.

“Hold on, Mrs. Brown.”

Liberty stopped her ex-mother-in-law. With Olivia turning around to look at her, she pulled out an

envelope from the drawer.

“Mrs. Brown, Chelsea gave me the card and the cash gift yesterday. She said it’s a gift from you and

Mr. Brown for my restaurant’s opening. I appreciate the kind gesture, but I think you need the money

more than I do. Please take the money and use it for Sonny’s dad and yourselves too.”

Since Hank’s accident, Mr. and Mrs. Brown had aged a lot and become grizzled.

The two elderly watched over their son day and night, from Hank pulling through the critical stage to

being transferred to the non-critical ward. It was hard enough for young people to undergo such

pressure, much less for Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who were at an advanced age.

Liberty would not accept the five thousand dollars.

She did not refuse the cash gift yesterday in case Chelsea would take the money for herself; no doubt

it was something Chelsea would do.

Not wanting the money back, Olivia said, “Liberty, it’s a gift from me and my husband. It’s just a little

something. You can’t return a gift. Is it because we gave too little?”

Chelsea informed her parents that the grand opening was well-attended by many important people, so

Olivia assumed that Liberty must have received many expensive gifts.

The five thousand dollars was probably nothing to Liberty.

“Mrs. Brown, the situation must be hard on you now. I appreciate your gift, but please take the money


Liberty handed the envelope to Olivia.

Alas, the old lady pushed the money back into Liberty’s hands.

The envelope shifted back and forth.

Unable to take it anymore, Chelsea took the envelope from her mother and uttered, “Mom, Liberty

doesn’t need the money. Hank is still in the hospital. It’s going to be another expense when he’s

discharged. Liberty is trying to be understanding. Take the money. You can use it to get Hank and Dad

some health supplements.”

Olivia helplessly said to Liberty, “We got to go, Liberty. Don’t forget to take Sonny to visit his dad on thenovelbin


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